Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 583: The formation is in chaos, the powerful Beiwei Army!

Changyan City.

The iron cavalry of Mobei stretched for dozens of miles, and the sound of horses neighing was endless. Looking around, it was endless, with camps covering fields and hills, and the wind blowing on the face, mixed with the smell of horse manure.

"General Yue, it's time to start."


Yue Fei's face was somewhat calm, and he asked in a deep voice: "Is there any news about General Lan Yu and others?"

"General, the people in Beifeng City have been rescued now."

"General Pang Rong set an ambush on the road to Beifeng City and annihilated more than 7,000 cavalry from Mobei. Now he is making a detour from the flank."


"Pass my order to set up crossbows and catapults. It won't be long before Mobei will attack the city."


With an order, the soldiers pushed the crossbows that had been prepared long ago onto the tower, and the catapults also deployed behind the city wall.

The sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. A group of cavalrymen rushed in from the flank of Mobei and attacked the Mobei camp. Yue Fei's eyes fixed and he whispered, "Lan Yu and his men are back."

"General Lan is a bit reckless. Now Mobei is watching them outside the city. If they are entangled by Mobei..."

"No problem!"

Yue Fei's face was also filled with confidence. He smiled and said, "Send an order to the Beiwei Army to charge from the front and help Lan Yu and his men return to the city."

"Yes, sir!"

At the command, the gate of Changyan City was opened, and a team of armored cavalrymen rushed out from under the gate. Now Mobei's camp is not stable, and the entire camp is preparing for war and sorting out supplies. No one expected that Dayu would dare to send cavalrymen out of the city to harass!

Inside the general's tent.

Tie Xuanzhen sat in the general's seat, looking at the generals below, giving a speech.

"At all costs, take down Changyan within two days!"

"Even if it costs lives, you must break the gate of Changyan for me!"



"Marshal, a cavalry of Dayu attacked our camp from the left wing."


Tie Xuanzhen stood up suddenly, walked out of the tent, and listened to the shouting and killing sounds from afar. There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and he said lightly: "Pass my order, the front army will attack the city, and the central army will encircle and suppress this cavalry!"

"Since you are out, there is no need to go back."

"I want to see if Dayu's cavalry is really invulnerable!"


Tie Xuanzhen At the command, more than ten generals in the general's tent immediately walked out of the tent and headed towards their respective troops. A moment later, another figure ran over quickly: "General, another cavalry has emerged from Changyan City and is attacking our camp from the front."

"Report, General, the cavalry on the left wing is attacking our rear army in a roundabout way."

"Report, General, the cavalry on the front suddenly split up and rushed towards the two wings of our camp!"

Scouts came to report quickly, and Tie Xuanzhen's face instantly became extremely ugly. He had a large number of soldiers and horses, several times that of Dayu, but at the same time, the camp was more than ten miles long, and it would take some time for the general's orders to be conveyed.

If Dayu's cavalry continued to harass like this, it would be difficult for him to form an effective defense in a short period of time!

"Pass my order, the whole army will attack the city!"

"It's just right that they came out. Now Changyan City must be empty."

"As long as we take down the tower in one fell swoop and let them make a mess, it's worth it for me to risk the lives of 100,000 soldiers and horses in exchange for a Changyan City."


The dull sound of war drums sounded in front of the camp, and teams of Mobei cavalry rushed out of the camp and rushed directly towards the tower.

Yue Fei's face also showed a touch of surprise, with a slight smile on his lips. He looked at the flag officer beside him and said lightly: "Pass the order, Lan Yufang will go around from the right wing."

"Beiwei Army, attack Mobei's tent directly!"


The flag officer immediately raised the three-color battle flag, first the yellow battle flag swayed to the right, and then the blue battle flag pointed directly to the center. The cavalry below began to change their formation again. It was only 30,000 cavalry, but it caused chaos among hundreds of thousands of Mobei cavalry.

"General, Mobei has started to attack the city."

"No problem!"

Yue Fei looked at the cloud ladders coming forward, and he was relieved. Mobei has never been good at attacking, and the siege equipment is also very simple.

Now, it is wishful thinking to want to capture Changyan City with only cloud ladders.

"Crossbows, fire!"

"Let them gain some experience first."


The adjutant immediately gave the order, and a row of crossbows were pushed forward on the tower. The crossbow arrows as thick as forearms were placed on the grooves of the crossbows. After the tendons were pulled apart, the rollers slowly turned.


Accompanied by a loud bang, hundreds of giant crossbows flew across the sky, making a sound of breaking through the air, and swept towards the dark crowd below.


"Be careful of the crossbows!"

"Raise your shields!"

The Mobei generals below all changed their expressions slightly, and quickly ordered their soldiers to raise their shields to resist.

But the power of Dayu's crossbow can penetrate even the wall, so how can a small shield resist it? The giant crossbow hit the wooden shield violently, smashing it directly, and even the bodies of the Mobei soldiers behind him were directly torn into pieces, with blood and flesh flying everywhere!

"Giant crossbow!"

"It's not an ordinary crossbow arrow. Quick, rush forward and set up the ladder!"

"As long as we rush to the tower, the two-legged sheep in the city will be left to us to slaughter. Men, charge!"

A general raised his spear, raised his feet to speed up, and charged to the front of the battlefield. Three giant crossbows were aimed at the general. With a bang, an arm flew out suddenly, and the body was nailed to death under the tower.

"Catapult, fire!"

Watching the army of Mobei step into the range of the catapults, the catapults under the city wall immediately began to output full firepower, and the huge stones formed a perfect parabola, passed over the city tower, and fell on the dark crowd!

Before everyone could react, hundreds of Mobei soldiers were directly smashed into a bloody mess by this wave of huge stones.

"Damn it!"

"This is Dayu's catapult!"

"Brothers, rush to the city tower, these crossbows and catapults are ours, charge!"

"Archers, aim at the city tower, counterattack!"

The Mobei general in charge of commanding the front line gave another order, and a team of Mobei crossbowmen holding strong bows squatted under the city tower, aimed at the figure on the city tower, and began to throw arrows.

Yue Fei's face was calm, and he let the shouts and arrows fly in the sky. His eyes were calm, and he said calmly: "Zhuge Crossbow, fire!"




Instantly, a team of crossbow soldiers stood up from under the city wall, raised their crossbows, aimed at the crossbow team below and started shooting.

The strength of Zhuge Crossbow lies in its fast shooting speed, but its shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, poor accuracy and short range. Even after Ning Fan's improvements, it cannot compare with the sharpshooter in terms of accuracy.

However, facing the overwhelming wave of siege, it is undoubtedly a first-class killer.

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