Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 584 The commander of the Tianyu Army, Emperor Yu, was defeated again!


"The soldiers can't attack!"

"Dayu's giant crossbow can shoot 1,200 steps, and the catapults have crushed the soldiers' morale. There is also the terrifying crossbow machine. Now, before they attack the tower, the soldiers have been killed and wounded for more than 10,000."

"General, Dayu's cavalry is killing my tent."

Tie Xuanzhen's face is gloomy. Since they marched, they have swept all the way. Under the precise plan, even Dayu's national defense army failed to stop them outside the border.

After entering Dayu's northern border, they were unstoppable and conquered seven cities in a row.

Now, they didn't expect to be repeatedly blocked!


Tie Xuanzhen looked at the battle situation in front of him and exhaled deeply. Changyan City is a hard bone to chew, and we can't rush it.

If we don't wipe out all the cavalry outside the city, Changyan City may be difficult to take.


A deafening shout of killing rang out, and before he could see a group of cavalry brazenly rushing into the general's tent, between the flashes of swords and sabers, Tie Xuan could really feel as if he was being stared at, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Come here!"


"Lower the flag."


After the flag was lowered, the offensive of the Beiwei army seemed to be even more fierce, but Tie Xuanzhen stood there, his face was not panicked at all, his eyes fell on the armor of the knights, and he sighed: "If my Mobei has such excellent iron smelting technology, why worry about the difficulty of conquering the Central Plains?"


The sound of horses neighing sounded, and suddenly cavalry rushed out from all directions. A team of knights in golden armor rushed towards the Beiwei army from all directions. Tie Xuanzhen's face was shocked and he shouted: "Pass the order, soldiers from all directions, do your best to snipe this cavalry!"

"If you let a soldier go, you will be dealt with by military tactics!"


Several black-armored generals suddenly walked out of the general's tent, releasing a touch of cold breath.


"Trample, tramp, tramp!"

Teams of cavalry rushed out from behind the general's tent. In a short moment, the situation seemed to have reversed. The Beiwei Army was surrounded by Mobei cavalry.

"Attack the left wing!"

"You dare to stop my Yue Army with just a few barbarians!"

"Cone formation, set up lances!"

The Mobei cavalry's encirclement formation has not yet been formed, and the Beiwei Army has already set up a charging formation. The knights have set up their lances and charged.

Heavy cavalry is undoubtedly the most terrifying war machine in this era of cold weapons.

Especially the charging heavy cavalry, the terrible impact alone can crush people into meat paste.

The swords of the Mobei cavalry chopped on their armor, leaving only a trace of iron. The arrows shot on the armor and were directly bounced to the side, or even stuck in the gap between the armor pieces.



Dayu, the palace.

Three figures stood straight in front of Emperor Yu, with a cold murderous aura on their bodies, which made people afraid.

"Ning Rulai, the commander of the Tianyu Army, pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Ji Wuyi, the deputy commander of the Tianyu Army, pays homage to His Majesty!"

"Xie Yan, the deputy commander of the Tianyu Army, pays homage to His Majesty!"

Looking at the three heroic figures in front of him, Emperor Yu was stunned for a long time. That bastard Lao San actually handed over the foundation of Dayu to three young boys?

Ning Rulai, the prince of Qin, no wonder he has not appeared in public for a while.

Ji Wuyi, the son of Ji Sui, the minister of war, and Xie Yan, the son of Xie Xingxian, the minister of industry!

Haha, they are all close to Lao San!

If I remember correctly, when we went south, these guys all served under Lao San, right?

Lao San, Lao San, what exactly are you thinking?

No wonder you handed over the Tianyu Army so happily, it turns out that you had a plan long ago.

Emperor Yu cursed in his heart, but his face was full of smiles: "I didn't expect that you three young generals can now stand on your own, you are so good at hiding!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. His Royal Highness King Qin has ordered that the Tianyu Army is related to the life and death of my Dayu, and it must not be dispatched unless there is a major event!"

"Therefore, we are guilty of deceiving the king, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"Okay, okay..." Emperor Yu's face was as if he had eaten a fly. He was tricked by the King Qin, the rebellious brother. He didn't know who would benefit from the Tianyu Army in the end: "Now you all know that the 150,000 iron cavalry in Mobei are heading straight for my Dayu King City. Do you have the confidence to annihilate all the invading enemies in the future?"

"Your Majesty!"

Ning Rulai bowed slightly and said confidently: "The 150,000 cavalry in Mobei, even if my Tianyu Army is extraordinary in combat power, we cannot confront them head-on. Everyone in the Tianyu Army is my Dayu 's foundation. "

"Why not hold the city and wait for the second... His Highness's reinforcements to arrive, and then counterattack in one fell swoop?"


Emperor Yu was immediately furious and said coldly: "The enemy is about to attack my imperial city. Are you afraid of fighting?"

"Your Majesty, this is also what His Highness Prince Yong meant."

"Second brother?"

Emperor Yu's face showed a deep surprise: "The Tianyu Army is my Dayu's top secret. Even if the second brother controls the Jinyiwei, he will never be able to investigate. How did he know?"

"Your Majesty, my father has told His Highness Prince Yong all the secrets of the Tianyu Army a few days ago."

"Your Highness means that we should defend the capital first. The Mobei Iron Cavalry is eager to travel, so it will not cause too many casualties to the people along the way. And His Highness Prince Yong has hidden weapons in the city. In a short time, the Mobei army will definitely not be able to attack. "

"How outrageous!"

Emperor Yu was immediately furious. He looked at Ning Rulai and said coldly, "Why, don't you listen to my orders?"

"Are you going to disobey my order?"

"Your Majesty!"

Ning Rulai's face was fearless. He said calmly, "My father has ordered that Dayu is facing a strong enemy, so he is temporarily under your command. My Great Ancestor Dayu has left a legacy that the Tianyu Army's marching and military decisions are not subject to the constraints of the monarch, and the Emperor's sword cannot cut the Tianyu Army!"


Emperor Yu was immediately furious. So, what the third brother said about handing over the Tianyu Army to me was to give these three little bastards a golden medal of immunity from death, and then give me a piece of broken copper and iron as a chicken feather?


Rebellious ministers and traitors, and the second brother, this dog, closed the city and waited for help?

Where is the face of his emperor?

"Get out!"

"Announce the Minister of War Ji Sui and the Minister of Works Xie Xingxian to see you!"

"As ordered!"

Wei Ying bowed silently and left the hall. The old emperor was angry now. He was angry with his son, so he obviously wanted to vent his anger on me. I won't touch this brow.

However, according to the time, His Royal Highness Prince Yong's army should be arriving soon, right?

We have to stay here for the next two days. His Majesty is emotionally unstable. If I force him to the point of being anxious, it will be a big loss if he cuts off my head.

Alas, it seems that as His Royal Highness Prince Qin said, His Majesty is not suitable to be the emperor. Why don't I persuade His Royal Highness Prince Yong to...

Wei Ying couldn't help but think of this idea, and then he was frightened by his own terrible idea. He quickly slapped himself in the face: "Wei Ying, you are a loyal minister! Loyal minister!"

"How about being a loyal minister of His Royal Highness Prince Yong?"


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