Changyan City.

The situation became increasingly stalemate. The cavalry of the Beiwei Army rushed into the camp of Mobei as if they were in an empty space. Tie Xuanzhen was extremely depressed in the face of this black-armored heavy cavalry that could not be defeated or injured.

"Damn it, prepare the chariots and horses, and trap this heavy cavalry for me!"

"Order the armies on the left and right wings to first eliminate the light cavalry on the periphery, and withdraw the soldiers attacking the city to cut off their retreat!"

Tie Xuanzhen issued orders one after another, and the cavalry in the camp continued to change. Lan Yu's pressure increased suddenly, and more and more Mobei cavalry surrounded them. Most of the cavalry under his command were old soldiers under Zhao Changying.

Now, the military system has been reformed, and the original organization has been disbanded, so there are also generals from all directions in this cavalry, but the military system reform has not been completed, and Dayu's military system is still in a state of chaos.

Except for Yue Fei's Beiwei Army and Ning Fan's special troops, the combat effectiveness of all the troops was reduced.

"General, if we continue to charge, we may be surrounded by the Mobei cavalry!"

"What should we do?"

Lan Yu also frowned and looked back. The soldiers were exhausted, and many of them were even injured. He immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

"Move towards the Beiwei Army and prepare to return to the city!"


Niu Gao and other generals all led a team of soldiers and horses, constantly moving towards the direction of the Beiwei Army. The Mobei cavalry seemed to have discovered their intentions at the first time and came out to stop them at the first time.

On the tower, Yue Fei's brows gradually frowned. Now the Mobei army has been organized, and the Beiwei Army has also been pushed around with grain carts and spears to resist the charge. If the battle continues, the situation may be reversed!


"Send out 50,000 troops, advance three miles outside the city, set up a formation, and prepare to meet the cavalry back to the camp!"


This time, Yue Fei personally went out of the city to form a battle array. The 50,000 troops set up long spears under the city tower, and the bed crossbow was also pushed out of the city for the first time.

In the telescope, Lan Yu was covered in blood and kept fighting outside, but the cavalry he led had been stuck by the iron cavalry of Mobei. It must be said that the cavalry tactics of Mobei were also quite superb.

In the head-on confrontation, facing the charge of the Beiwei Army, they were helpless, but facing ordinary cavalry, the superb riding skills were fully utilized. A short scimitar was played like a flower in their hands, sometimes jumping off the horse, sometimes rolling, avoiding the offensive of the Yu army, and sometimes standing on the horse.

These peoples who grew up on horseback seemed to be born with the ability to "combine man and horse", and with their precise archery skills, after they set up their formation, the cavalry under Lan Yu could not get any good at their hands.

"Damn, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Brothers, turn your horses around and fight to the death with me!"

"I want to see if these guys are afraid of death."

Lan Yu was an out-and-out madman. Seeing that he was being chased by the iron cavalry of Mobei and it was difficult to get rid of them, he immediately ordered a detour back to the city.

Because he knew that if he didn't get rid of the cavalry of Mobei, it would be difficult to retreat back to the city even with the support of Yue Fei's infantry.

It was even possible to disrupt the infantry's formation and give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The 20,000 cavalry immediately circled around, turned a big circle from both wings, and killed the cavalry of Mobei in the opposite direction.

"Beiwei Army, charge!"


The Beiwei Army's heavily armored knights seized the opportunity. As Lan Yu's cavalry detoured from the two wings, they rushed forward and aimed at the buttocks of the Mobei cavalry and launched an attack.

"General, General Lan turned around and attacked the enemy camp again."


Yue Fei's eyes shone with a gleam of light, and he said calmly: "Support the Beiwei Army and prepare to withdraw to the city."

"Where is General Lan?"

"He is a smart man, and it seems that he has other plans."


Northern Border.

Nameless barren mountain.

Wu Zhou held a long spear in his hand, and his eyes were full of coldness. The soldiers of the Zhenguo Army behind him were covered in blood, but there was no fear on their faces. The high fighting spirit rose, like a tiger waiting to be hunted, ferocious and evil.

"Soldiers, the Changning Army has already supported us behind the enemy, charge out!"

"Shield soldiers in front, spear soldiers in the back, archers cover on the spot."

"Follow me!"

Wu Zhou led several generals of the Zhenguo Army to charge into the enemy. At the pass of the barren mountain, teams of infantrymen in iron armor lined up in formation, and behind them were rows of archers, and a solemn atmosphere filled the air.

Behind this line of soldiers stood a tall man with a straight upper body and a square face.

"What's the situation?"

"General, the offensive of the Zhenguo Army is extremely swift, and a Yu Army has also appeared behind us. The scouts reported that it is the Changning Army that has never appeared."

"Haha, it's just as you expected. Li Jin, the old fox, really has a trick up his sleeve."

"Pass the order, let Division Xiong surround them and annihilate this Changning Army first."

"Yes, sir!"

At the command, a team of black-armored guards suddenly rushed out from behind a hill beside the pass. This team of armored soldiers was completely different from the armor and weapons of ordinary Mobei soldiers. Each of them exuded a cold aura.

The sword lights intersected, filled with screams breaking through the air and muffled sounds of falling to the ground.


The leading black-armored general waved his long sword and led his army to meet the charge of the Changning Army. The black-armored soldiers behind him seemed to have awakened through some kind of ritual, raising their broadswords and rushing forward.

"Princess, these...are not the troops of Mobei!"


Li Xiuning was wearing a red battle robe, and there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes. As the shouts of killing rang out, black-armored soldiers rushed out from all directions in the west, all holding heavy swords and heavy armor, constantly squeezing the movement space of the Changning Army.


Li Xiuning did not hesitate too much and immediately ordered the army to withdraw. The deputy generals beside him were all shocked: "Princess, if we withdraw now, what will happen to the commander?"

"No problem!"

"Father will definitely make some guesses if he finds out that I am withdrawing. If we force our way through, I'm afraid we will be wiped out!"

"If I'm right, these are Hu Nu's troops!"

"Hu Nu!"

"Mobei doesn't have the strength to form a heavy armored infantry!"

After saying that, Li Xiuning immediately ordered his soldiers to change from the front army to the rear army and rush directly in the direction they came from.

"General, are they going to retreat?"

"Ha!" The square-faced general sneered: "Since we are here, if you want to withdraw now, you don't take my Xiong Division seriously."

"It seems that Li Jin has run out of tricks. In this case, it's time to close the net."


In an instant, the offense and defense changed, and the Changning Army was surrounded by the elite Xiong Division. The army of Mobei also launched a counterattack towards the mountain.


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