"General, the army of Mobei has launched a counterattack against us."

"Hold the pass, suppress with archers, set up shield formation, and defend with all our might."


Li Jin looked at the map, his eyes flashing with brilliance. Since the fish has been hooked, tonight is the time to close the net.

I just don't know if this fish is the one he wants to eat!


Wu Zhou walked into the general's tent with a bloody figure, looking dejected. He didn't expect that he was forced back after several charges. He underestimated the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of Mobei!

"How is the battle going?"

"More than half of the 30,000 soldiers were killed or wounded."


Li Jin did not seem surprised. After a long time, he said calmly: "Attack again in half an hour."

"Master, the pass is now heavily guarded by Mobei. Even if our 200,000 troops rush in, it may be difficult to break out."

"Let's try!"

Li Jin's expression did not change. He just kept staring at the map on the wall. Wu Zhou bowed slightly and saluted, and quietly left the tent.

After leaving the tent, Li Jin took out the telescope that his apprentice had taken from His Royal Highness Prince Yong, looked in the direction of the pass, and couldn't help muttering: "It's really a copper wall and iron wall!"

"What a pity..."

The old marshal's eyes were shining with a gleam of brilliance, and he began to remain silent, looking at the gradually darkening sky, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He did lose this round, but even if he lost miserably, he had to bite off a few pieces of meat.

The battle of Changyan City also came to an end. After a charge, Lan Yu's 20,000 cavalrymen crossed the Mobei camp and headed north.

Under the cover of Yue Fei, the Beiwei army successfully returned to the city. The Mobei camp was in chaos, with heavy casualties, and even Dayu's two cavalrymen escaped.

This made Tie Xuanzhen furious, and he cursed at all the Mobei generals.

"A bunch of trash, a mere 30,000 cavalrymen, can come and go freely in my camp of hundreds of thousands of people, what use do I have for you?"

"It's been a whole day, and we haven't even touched the tower of Changyan City, but we have lost tens of thousands of soldiers!"


Dozens of generals hung their heads in the general's tent, silent, until an old general came out and bowed slightly: "General, there are three reasons for the defeat in this battle."

"Humph, when will it be your turn to speak in my general's tent?"

As soon as these words came out, the generals next to him also silently distanced themselves from this old man who looked different from ordinary people. He was not a native of Mobei, but a famous general of Dayan. Later, he offended the dignitaries of Dayan by accident and fled to Mobei and took refuge in the desert.

"Tell me, why did we lose this battle?"

"Replying to the commander, Dayu's cavalry had strong armor and sharp weapons. Our arrows could not break their armor, but our leather armor could not resist their arrows."

"In Dayu's Changyan City, there are terrifying giant crossbows that can shoot more than a thousand steps, and there are so many of them that our men can hardly resist them even with shields!"

"And that damn catapult, a crossbow machine with a short range but capable of continuous firing."

"This is our disadvantage, but in Dayu's battle to defend the city, it is a great advantage."

A general in Mobei mentioned Dayu's weapons and armor, and he was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could do nothing about it, with a decadent look on his face.

Tie Xuanzhen narrowed his eyes, looked around silently, and said lightly: "Starting tonight, we will closely defend against Dayu's attack on the camp and set traps outside the camp."


"Rest for a day, and tomorrow morning, we will attack the city with all our strength."


Yuwang City

By the evening, the whole Yuwang City was already in a state of panic. The news that the troops from Mobei were about to arrive at the city had already spread throughout the city, and the city gates had been closed early in the morning.

In the nearby villages, many people fled to their relatives and friends and left this dangerous area.

The government also took the initiative to evacuate, moving the villagers around Yuwang City into temporary residences in the city in advance.

The storm was coming.



As the sound of galloping horses rang out, a team of cavalry approached the city outside the north gate, with wolf cavalry waving and general flags fluttering.

But strangely, Dayu did not react too much, but the Martyrs' Cemetery outside the city had a team of heavily armored soldiers equipped with strong bows and crossbows.

The imperial mausoleum in the west of the city was also guarded by the imperial army at various important roads early in the morning, so although Dayu Imperial City was besieged, it was not particularly embarrassed.


"Your Majesty, the cavalry of Mobei has arrived at the gates of the city and has now surrounded the imperial city."


Emperor Yu nodded slightly. This was something he had expected, so he did not react too radically. Instead, he sat in the imperial study with a calm face and looked at Ji Sui in front of him: "Minister Ji, the cavalry of Mobei has arrived at the gates of the city. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, the Tianyu Army has entered the city. With the Tianyu Army and the Imperial Guard stationed there, the capital is absolutely safe."

"When His Royal Highness Prince Yong's army arrives, the Mobei Iron Cavalry will collapse without a fight."

Looking at Ji Sui's confident expression, Emperor Yu's expression gradually became playful: "Since Lord Ji knows about the Tianyu Army, do you know who is the commander of the Tianyu Army?"

"I heard that it is the Prince of Qin, Ning Tathagata?"

"That's right!"

Emperor Yu smiled and nodded. The Minister of Works Xie Xingxian beside him also looked confused. He didn't know why His Majesty suddenly summoned them at this critical moment?

"Then do you know who is the deputy commander of the Tianyu Army?"

"This... I don't know."

"Your Majesty, the Tianyu Army has always been mysterious, I don't know."


The Emperor Yu smiled, stood up, glanced at Ji Sui, and landed on Xie Xingxian: "Thank you, my dear, I heard that your son has a good military accomplishment in military tactics?"

"This..." Xie Xingxian's face was full of dry laughter: "Your Majesty is joking, my son is an out-and-out prodigal son, he is not good at literature and martial arts, look, he went to travel to the south of the Yangtze River with the boy of the Ji family two months ago, and has not returned yet."


The Emperor Yu's expression suddenly became playful, and Ji Sui seemed to have noticed something wrong, and his brows gradually frowned.


"You two dear ministers are really like fathers and sons!"

"The Ji family and the Xie family are really extraordinary."

The Emperor Yu's face suddenly became extremely cold, chilling to the bone, looking at the two calmly, and said lightly: "After you go back, ask your children at home if they are ready to serve the country."

"After all, there are no eyes on the battlefield."

"I see that you two dear ministers are working hard for the country all day long, and you don't even take care of your sons. Why don't you rest at home for a few more days."

The Emperor Yu's face changed again, looking at the two with a smile, and said calmly: "You are burdened too much, it will be bad if you are exhausted."


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