Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 593 Chang Yan was attacked, and King Yong arrived!

Long Yan.

Spring is supposed to be the season of recovery for all things. Farmers are busy with farm work in the fields, and merchants travel north and south to open up a new atmosphere. However, this spring of Dayu was even more bleak and desolate than autumn.

The spring breeze wraps my face with the fragrance of flowers, children and people on the roadside are even busier, paper kites fly around the sun, and Mobei Iron Riders move in all directions.

Under the moonlit night, the soldiers on the tower stood ready, their bodies upright and tense at all times, waiting for the flames of war that might burn out at any time.

"Brothers, cheer up."

"These bastards will never be so peaceful. Be careful of night attacks."


A school captain inspected the city wall, and the atmosphere on the city tower no longer became so tense and depressing. Three or five old soldiers also started chatting without a word.


It seemed like a strong wind was whistling past. Several soldiers raised their heads and their expressions immediately changed: "The enemy is attacking!"


"Hurry and report to the general. There are more than ten people in black clothes passing by the tower."

I saw more than ten figures, like flying over eaves and walking over walls. Their figures swept several feet away. In just a few breaths, they completely disappeared under the night.

"what happened?"

Niu Gao walked up to the tower with long strides and immediately asked about the situation. His expression changed slightly: "Send someone quickly to inform Commander Yue to protect the food and grass in the city."


Figures rushed down the city tower quickly. Niu Gao glanced at the camp outside the city. He felt very uneasy. He seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He raised his head and looked at the captain beside him: "Quick, send someone quickly. Form a team of soldiers and horses to protect the crossbows and catapults!”


"General, it's bad, a team of black men sneaked in and destroyed our bed crossbow."

"Damn it!"

Niu Gao clenched his fists tightly, veins popped up on his arms, and stretched out his arm armor. He looked coldly at the night and shouted: "Send out scouts to closely monitor the movements of the Mobei camp."

"As you command!"

City of King Yu.

The flames of war have reached the city gate. Under the fierce attack of more than 100,000 Mobei cavalry, this imperial city that has been peaceful for more than a hundred years seems to be inevitably ravaged in this era.

South gate.

The three thousand Forbidden Army stared wide-eyed, looking at the sudden attack of an iron cavalry, and three figures walked up the tower. They sighed with regret: "As expected, the south gate is the weakest, and this is the breakthrough point in Mobei."

"Second Master is really good at predicting things."

"Then let's..."

Zhao Huaiyuan looked at Liu Yuan and Su Chi who were standing aside. The three of them looked at each other and were about to take action when the south city gate suddenly opened. Eighteen figures in black robes rode out at the same time, shooting arrows one after another. The roar accurately hit the eighteen figures rushing forward.

"Eighteen riders of Yanyun!"

"Hiss, it turned out to be Yanyun's Eighteenth Cavalry. I didn't expect them to be still in the capital."

"The momentum of the charge is forward but never retreat!"

"The ambition to be trapped in a battle will lead to death but not life!"

Following a loud shout, another group of armored soldiers rushed out of the city gate and lined up under the city tower. Looking at this scene, not only the expressions of the imperial guards on the city tower were stagnant, but also the soldiers who were preparing to attack. The Mobei cavalry at the gate of the city couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Three thousand soldiers and horses?"

"Could it be that Dayu is crazy? Hahaha, he dares to go out of the city to meet the enemy."

"Send a thousand-man cavalry to clear the obstacles under the city tower first."

Gaga Ximu waved his hand, and immediately rushed out of a thousand-man cavalry team. He raised the scimitar in his hand and roared towards the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry who were charging forward. However, before they could charge forward, arrows flew past one after another. , Mobei's cavalry fell off their horses one after another.

In just one encounter, nearly a hundred Mobei cavalry had their throats pierced by arrows.

"Damn it!"

"Surround them."

"A mere dozen or so cavalry dare to face our Mobei cavalry alone. Boys and men, tear them into pieces and get extra food tomorrow!"

The captain of Mobei seemed to be aroused with anger. He raised the bow and arrow on his horse and pointed it at a Yanyun Eighteen Rider. As the arrow whistled, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Competing with me in horseback riding and shooting, you are too young..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrow pierced his throat, and the captain fell off his horse with a dull look on his face. Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry were like a strong wind, and in an instant, they had rushed to the front of their formation.


A mediocre scimitar, but in the hands of Yanyun's Eighteen Riders, it was sharper than a spear. The cold light flashed, the blood surged, the war horses neighed, and the heads fell to the ground.

As I said, broken arms and limbs, just a meeting, will inevitably lead to life and death.

However, so far, Yanyun's eighteen riders have not suffered a defeat or lost a single person!

"We can't wait any longer, soldiers. There are only 3,000 defenders at the south gate. Rush up and tear them apart. I will allow you to party for three days."


Looking at the fierce dozen or so cavalry, Zhan Mul's heart became more and more uneasy. He immediately gave an order and the thirty thousand cavalry roared straight towards the city tower.

"Fall into camp and form a formation!"

Gao Shu raised the broad sword in his hand, and the three thousand soldiers behind him formed an array, standing like a majestic mountain in front of the city gate. The thick iron armor rustled and made crisp sounds.


Zhan Muer personally led the army to attack the city. A group of iron cavalry passed directly over Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry and rushed towards the trapped camp in front of the city gate. The galloping war horses hit the shield wall with a roar, and the horses under their crotches There was a roar, and spears pierced out from the gaps in the battle formation.




A scream rang out, and a sea of ​​blood and corpses instantly formed in front of the Xianzhen Camp. Thousands of cavalrymen charged up, but they did not break their shield formation. Only three thousand people erected a copper wall in front of the city gate.

"Xianzhen Camp, attack!"

Gao Shun held up a broadsword and stood in the middle of the formation. With a command, three thousand soldiers changed their formation instantly, with shield soldiers in front, spearmen following closely behind, and soldiers with heavy swords guarding on both sides, and launched a counterattack against the cavalry of Mobei!


"The Xianzhen Camp lives up to its name."

"Only three thousand people, fighting against the 30,000 troops of Mobei... We are ashamed of ourselves!"

The three thousand imperial guards on the tower all showed a look of shame. The Xianzhen Camp fought ten to one, and they defended the city, but they could not even stop a charge from them.

"Look... that's..."

Just as everyone was sighing, thousands of torches lit up in the distance, approaching the city gate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Cavalry... it's cavalry!"

"Quickly report to the commander, some unknown cavalry is rushing towards the imperial city."


Zhao Huaiyuan's face condensed, and he shouted: "Soldiers, the reinforcements of His Royal Highness Prince Yong are coming, follow us to kill!"

"Open the city gate, follow me to kill!"

"Liu Yuan is here, follow me to kill the enemy!"

"Open the city gate!"


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