Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 594: The city gate is lost, and the cavalry charges!

North city gate.

Jing Li was holding a sword covered in blood, and the armor on his body had been chopped to pieces. The soldiers beside him also fell one after another. The heavy city gate under the city tower was crumbling, and more and more Mobei soldiers were fighting on the tower.

Nearly 80% of the three thousand forbidden troops on the city tower had been destroyed by Mobei's two charges, and the remaining hundreds of remnants were also covered in blood.

"Commander, I can't stand it anymore!"

"Let the backup troops come in!"

A forbidden soldier looked at the increasing number of Mobei soldiers on the tower and said to Jing Li with a mournful face.


Jing Li raised his head and glanced at the sky. There was already a trace of white fish belly floating in the east. Dawn was coming, and His Highness King Yong's army would definitely arrive before dawn.

In other words, as long as they persist for a while, reinforcements will arrive.

"If the city gate is broken..."

"If it's broken, it's broken!" Jing Li said in a deep voice before he could finish his words: "The remaining four thousand brothers are the last line of defense for our King Yu's city. The city of King Yu can be broken, but the palace city must not be broken! "

As soon as these words came out, all the generals were silent. King Yu's city was naturally extraordinary for Dayu, but the palace was the heart of the entire dynasty.

As long as the team of the imperial court is stable, even if King Yu's city is destroyed, Dayu will still have a chance to regroup, but if the palace city is destroyed...


"Reinforcements are already on their way. This wall is the final direction of our capital, Emperor Yu. The safety of hundreds of thousands of people in the city depends entirely on us."

"I will never give up!"

Jing Li suddenly split open a Mobei soldier, and a spray of blood was thrown into the void, seeming to coincide with the red skyline rising in the east.

"Go and report to His Majesty, prepare to evacuate!"


The palace!

Emperor Yu sat in the royal study all night, and the white-haired old man stayed with him all night. Even though they stayed up all night, there was no sign of fatigue on their faces. The chessboard on the dragon table was intertwined with black and white.

Noisy footsteps sounded, and a eunuch was seen hurriedly walking in, flicking the dust in his hand: "Your Majesty, there is news from the North City Gate. The Forbidden Army suffered heavy casualties. The city gate...cannot be defended..."

Emperor Yu held a white chess piece, raised his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "How long can it last?"

"At most... half an hour at most!"


When Emperor Yu dropped his son, the old man's expression changed slightly, and he killed his son with one move.

"Wei Ying!"

"The old slave is here."

"Bring me my armor."

"His Majesty……"

Wei Ying's expression changed slightly. He was scolded last night and the old guy almost lost his head. Now His Majesty is actually planning to wear armor and go into battle in person?

What's going on?



The footsteps outside the palace gate became more and more noisy, and figures came outside the palace gate one after another. The prime ministers on the left and right, the six ministers, and almost all the officials of the imperial court, big and small, gathered here.

Wei Ying looked at Emperor Yu's firm expression, with a hint of worry in his eyes, but still "obediently" took a set of golden armor and stepped forward to put on the armor for Emperor Yu.

"Your Majesty, all the civil and military officials of the court are outside the palace asking for an audience."


Emperor Yu responded, holding his helmet in one hand, took down the Emperor's Sword from the wall on the side, and walked out of the hall.

"His Majesty!"

"The city of Mobei is about to be destroyed. I ask your Majesty to move the capital as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, King Yu's city...cannot be defended..."

As soon as they saw Emperor Yu's figure, all the ministers hurriedly handed over their hands to ask for orders. Lin Qiushi and Shen Li both had heavy faces and silently looked at Emperor Yu who was wearing armor.

"Why panic!"

"Aren't they just a bunch of barbarians?"

Emperor Yu stood in front of the main hall, looking down at the civil and military officials kneeling on the ground below. He looked past the palace gates and suddenly smiled: "A group of barbarians who don't know the grain, loyalty, filial piety, etiquette, justice and integrity, holding a few broken weapons in their hands." With a sword and a few arrows, you can dare to knock on the door of my country, Dayu."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's ridiculous. I, the Dayu, have been in the country for more than a hundred years. How many ups and downs have I gone through?"

"Now, these barbarians want to attack my imperial city of Dayu. How can I be afraid of them?"

The sword in Emperor Yu's hand clanged out of its sheath, pointing straight at the sky. There seemed to be endless anger in his eyes, and he said loudly: "My dear friends, the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country."

"With me, it's not just empty words!"

"Do you dare to follow me and go into battle to kill the enemy?"

Emperor Yu's words silenced the civil and military officials kneeling on the ground. You, the majestic emperor, want to go into battle to kill the enemy in person?

Are the more than 100,000 Mobei cavalry outside the city just a decoration?

Don't call us until you die!

"His Majesty……"

Lin Qiushi also had a look of solemnity in his eyes, and he slightly cupped his hands and said: "Mobei has more than 100,000 cavalry pressing down on the border. Now the soldiers of the Forbidden Army can no longer hold on, and I have no soldiers to use in the Imperial City of Dayu."

"It's better..."

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Yu met his sharp gaze and said calmly: "How did you know that there were no soldiers available?"


A figure hurriedly rushed from outside the Meridian Gate to the front of the palace, and shouted from a distance: "Your Majesty, His Highness King Yong led his army to come to the rescue and has defeated the enemy at the South City Gate!"

"Reinforcements are coming?"

Lin Qiushi looked startled for a moment, and then he also looked happy. When the civil and military ministers heard the news, they were all excited. Shen Li and Shang Yang also breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Yes, I understand."

After saying that, Emperor Yu raised his sword and turned around and walked into the hall, and Wei Ying quickly followed.

After taking two steps, Emperor Yu suddenly stopped, facing Wei Ying's puzzled eyes, and whispered: "Wei Ying, come and help me."

"Your Majesty?"

"No problem, the second brother is here, the situation is stable."


South Gate.

Three cavalry launched a charge directly at the Mobei cavalry from three directions, with the black armor cavalry in the middle, the Bingzhou wolf cavalry on the left, and the white robe army on the right. Thirty thousand cavalry charged in front, and the black infantry behind followed behind.


"Dayu's reinforcements?"

"It came so quickly."

Hearing the shouting and killing from behind, Gagaximu felt a chill in his heart, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes. Judging from the formation, this Dayu cavalry that came to help was definitely not an ordinary army.


Before the battle formation, several burly generals holding halberds and spears charged forward. A man in a red cloak swept his halberd with a wave of energy, and directly knocked down dozens of riders who were rushing towards him.

Beside him, a man like an iron tower, holding two halberds, was like a demon descending to the world, roaming among the army, and his methods were extremely brutal.

"Masters and commanders should not be arrogant, thousands of troops should avoid white robes!"

"Black armor army, charge!"

One after another shouts of killing rang out, and three cavalry rushed into the formation of Mobei with unstoppable force. The terrifying evil spirit swept across, and the fierce breath was released from one figure after another. The eyes of the Mobei soldiers gradually became frightened...


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