Northern Border.

Nameless barren mountain.

"Soldiers, dawn is just around the corner. Follow me to fight, wash the northern desert with blood, and enhance our national prestige!"

"Long live Dayu!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The soldiers behind Li Yan raised their weapons and shouted as if they were injected with chicken blood. For a moment, morale was high, and every face was filled with endless passion, mixed with the desire to survive, and a strong desire to survive broke out!


Li Yan and several generals in the Zhenguo Army charged into battle, and the soldiers behind them followed closely. After the fight in the middle of the night, almost everyone was close to exhaustion, and now it was already noon.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, but the soldiers were still very brave because they saw hope!

"Marshal, as long as we take this pass, we will fight our way out. No matter how many troops Mobei has, we brothers will not be afraid!"

"It's not that simple!"

Li Jin's eyes were deep, and he looked straight in one direction. Now the army of Mobei was retreating, and it was obvious that they were not prepared to fight to the death with them.

Lan Yu had led the cavalry to the pass, but what about the Changning army?

A trace of worry appeared on Li Jin's face, not only for the Changning army, but also for his daughter!

"General Amihan, Dayu's troops are rushing out from the mountains, and the soldiers can't hold on!"


"It doesn't matter. Now Dayu's Changning Army has become a trapped turtle in our jar. I heard that the commander of the Changning Army is Li Jin's daughter!"

"Over the years, I don't know how many men in the desert have died at the hands of Li Jin. Today, as long as we capture their daughter, we can immediately turn defeat into victory!"

"Even use this to force Li Jin to surrender!"

As Amihan spoke, his body trembled with excitement, his eyes fixed on one direction, flashing a terrible luster.

"But General, now the Dayu Iron Cavalry is coming to help. If the 200,000 Dayu troops on the mountain escape, we are afraid..."

"What are you afraid of!"

"Don't forget our mission. We just need to delay their pace. When the commander-in-chief breaks through the Yu capital, we will be the first to make contributions!"

"For the century-old cause of my desert, what are we worth!"

"Pass on my order. Whoever captures the Changning Army commander alive will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins and be made a king of a different surname!"

As soon as Ami Khan finished speaking, all the generals around him were shocked. They didn't expect the general to dare to be so treasonous. Now that His Majesty the King of Mo has unified the eight tribes, he is supreme and the gods dare not offend him. But the general dared to violate this taboo and falsely pass on the king's order!

"What are you doing? Go and pass on the order!"



Five miles away from the barren mountain, the overwhelming barbarian army surrounded the Changning Army. Li Xiuning's face was gloomy. Looking at the map in front of him, he was also a little entangled.

"Princess, the army of Mobei is about to surround us. If we continue to hold on, I'm afraid we won't have a chance!"

"Yes, Princess, let's retreat!"

Several generals knelt in front of Li Xiuning, but the latter shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "We can't retreat. Now 80% of the enemy troops outside the pass are surrounding us. If we break out at this time, they will definitely turn back."

"Once the pass is blocked again, we will be scratching our heads."

"Now, since Mobei has focused all its attention on my Changning Army, we can't retreat!"

"There are nearly 200,000 troops of Dayu on the barren mountain!"

"Starting today, we will be cut off from food. If they can't break out today, it will be meaningless even if our army fights out."

Hearing Li Xiuning's explanation, the faces of all the generals showed a hint of entanglement, and they fell into silence.

Yes, the main force of the Zhenguo Army is on the barren mountain.

Compared with them, what are these 30,000 Changning troops?

"General, we understand."


Li Xiuning nodded slightly, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Generals, this battle is related to the war situation of Dayu. As long as my father can successfully escape today, the more than 100,000 Mobei troops outside the barren mountain will be vulnerable."

"Our army can also lead the army to return to support, and cooperate with the army of Jingji to defeat the Mobei army in one fell swoop and turn the tide of the war!"

"May we work together to kill the invading enemy!"


"Pass the order down and continue to shrink the defense line. As long as this Mobei army is delayed, when my father breaks through, it will be their death!"



It was almost noon, and the early spring wind should have been warm and refreshing, but outside Changyan City, it added a bit of disgusting bloody smell.

Zhang Xian and Niu Gao led 10,000 Beiwei troops to attack from the flank and directly penetrated the Mobei siege army. The counterattack on the tower never stopped.

After a bloody battle, the troops of Mobei could only retreat helplessly.

Mobei tent.

Tie Xuanzhen looked particularly gloomy. Although he had expected it, he never thought that Dayu's counterattack would be so fierce.

"General, our army's food and grass have been cut off, and the food in the army can only support three days at most."

"We can't drag it on."


Hearing the advice of his staff, Tie Xuanzhen also breathed a sigh of relief. He had expected this southern expedition long ago. Dayu was definitely not a lamb to be slaughtered, and he was even prepared for a protracted war.

But he didn't expect that since the army went south, it has been unstoppable and surprisingly smooth.

I thought that the army could march straight in and destroy Dayu's court in one fell swoop, but the battle of Changyan City once again exceeded his expectations. Including today, their 300,000 troops have been stranded outside Changyan City for four days!

Even more than 350,000 troops lost tens of thousands, and now there are less than 300,000 soldiers in the camp!

"Go, invite General Hu Yan."


"And Jin Xigui, please enter the tent together."

Tie Xuanzhen did not forget to give instructions. Not long after, two figures walked into the tent one after the other. Jin Xigui bowed respectfully, and the young general called Hu Yan nodded slightly.

"Young Prince!"

"It's disrespectful to attack the city, and the grain transport team was attacked. Now our army has no choice."

Hearing Tie Xuanzhen's address, Jin Xigui looked at him in surprise and sighed: "I didn't expect it to be the young prince in person. I'm sorry."

This young prince is the son of the new King of Mobei and the thin general who talked with Jin Xigui the day before.

This time he followed the army, his identity was not exposed, and his presence was very low among the generals. However, Tie Xuanzhen knew that the king intended to let Hu Yan take over part of the military power.

"So, what is Tie Shuai going to do?"

"Let's take a detour!" Tie Xuanzhen showed a helpless look on his face and said softly: "Changyan City is a strong city. Since our army cannot take it in a short time, we can't afford to waste time."


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