Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 603 From now on, Prince Yong will be the regent!

Hu Yan looked at Tie Xuanzhen calmly and asked in a deep voice: "Is there any news from Su Gaiwen?"

"No news yet!"

"Without clear information, the commander dared to advance rashly. Now the army is short of food and grass. What if the soldiers of Changyan City cut off our retreat?"


Tie Xuanzhen always felt that Hu Yan was looking for trouble. If it was a siege battle, the iron cavalry of Mobei was indeed not good, but if it was in the wild, 300,000 iron cavalry of Mobei would be enough to sweep away all the troops of Dayu.

He was eager for the soldiers of Changyan City to go out of the city to fight!

"Young prince, the army of Vice Marshal Su must have reached the Great Yu Imperial City by now, and may have even broken through it."

"Now our army's food and grass can only support us for three days at most. If we don't advance now, when the food and grass are exhausted, we will collapse without attacking!"


Hu Yan's face suddenly sank, and he took out a sheepskin bag from his sleeve and threw it at Tie Xuanzhen, saying coldly: "Take a look for yourself!"

"This is..."

Tie Xuanzhen looked at Hu Yan's angry face, and felt a little aggrieved in his heart. Even if you are the king, this commander-in-chief of the three armies dared to do this in front of the foreign generals...

After opening the sheepskin scroll and quickly browsing it, Tie Xuanzhen's face instantly collapsed, and his expression was also a little panicked.

"How is it possible!"

"I have forced the National Defense Army to the barren mountain. There are 120,000 troops guarding the barren mountain, and Hu Nu's Bear Division is also in charge. How can they break through?"

"Your Majesty, is the source of this information accurate?"

"This was delivered to me by Le Su himself. He has led the Bear Division back to the grassland."


Tie Xuanzhen's face showed a trace of anger, and he said in a deep voice: "With my 120,000 soldiers and horses in the desert, plus the elite Bear Division of Hu Nu, even if we face Li Jin's 200,000 National Defense Army, we can still fight!"

"But they actually withdrew directly. This is a betrayal of my desert!"

"Marshal Tie!" Hu Yan's face returned to calm, and his eyes became extremely wise. He said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, my desert can be what it is today, thanks to whose help."

"It's okay to say this in front of me, but don't let Hu Nu's ears, otherwise, even my father can't save you!"

"Yes..." Tie Xuanzhen also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with some fear , bowed and said: "Thank you for your guidance, young prince."

"Now we can only wait for news from Su Gaiwen, he is the last hope of my desert!"


Jin Xigui, who had never spoken, suddenly bowed and said in a deep voice: "It has been more than two days since Deputy Commander Su arrived at Dayu Imperial City. As far as I know, there are only 20,000 soldiers in Dayu Imperial City."

"Two and a half days is more than enough to capture the imperial city!"

"Besides, Deputy Commander Su can also use the people of Dayu as hostages, but there is no news yet, maybe What has happened?"

"Why not send a message to the deputy commander? If there is any change in Dayu Imperial City, or if the siege fails, lead the army back to reinforce and attack Changyan City!"

After this, both Hu Yan and Tie Xuanzhen fell into deep thought. After a long time, Tie Xuanzhen said, "Come on, send out scouts to find out the situation in the northern border, and then send people to Dayu Imperial City!"


The scout saluted respectfully and was about to leave, but suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves outside the tent, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.


"General, Deputy Commander Su has an urgent report!"


Tie Xuanzhen's face instantly became extremely nervous. Could it be that Su Gaiwen has captured Yuwang City?


Hu Yan looked at the blood on the scout's body, frowned slightly, sighed in his heart, looked at Tie Xuanzhen and asked: "Defeated?"

Tie Xuanzhen smiled bitterly and said in a deep voice: "Su Gaiwen had already led his army to break through the imperial city, but unexpectedly, King Dayu Yong arrived in time and is now confronting Dayu outside the city!"

"How is the battle going?"

"Retreated thirty miles in a row, with more than 60,000 casualties!"


Hu Yan smiled instantly, with a self-deprecating look on his face, and sighed softly: "Send an order, let Su Gaiwen Retreat!"


"There are still nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses in Changyan City. If Yue Fei leads his army to rescue, the 100,000 cavalry under Su Gaiwen will be completely buried here!"

"But, they are only half a step away from the imperial city!"

"Little Prince, let's take a detour!"

Tie Xuanzhen's eyes showed a strong unwillingness. They have waited for more than a hundred years for this day in the desert. Now is the closest step for them to dominate the Central Plains. If they retreat from this step, I don't know how long they will have to fight.

Even if Dayu is given a chance to breathe, will the desert still have a chance?

"Order, Su Gaiwen withdraws his troops, you rest tonight, and retreat to Huazhu City tomorrow morning!"

"Prince! ! "

Tie Xuanzhen wanted to speak, but suddenly saw Hu Yan's face sank, and his lips moved again and again, but he couldn't speak.

"Yes, sir!"

"Next, we must first solve the troubles in the north, gather food and grass, and wait for the right opportunity!"

"The Central Plains countries are too resilient. If we want to annex the entire Dayu at once, we will be exhausted. Let's take it slowly!"



Yuwang City.

Zhengde Hall.

"Your Majesty has issued an order to enthrone Concubine Xian as the queen. From now on, Prince Yong will exercise the power of regent, grant the emperor's sword, and have overall control of all military and political powers!"

Wei Ying stood on the high platform holding a scroll of imperial edict and announced loudly.

Below, the sparse ministers were all stunned, with an incredible look on their faces.

Even Shen Li frowned slightly.

Now that the country is in turmoil, His Majesty actually chose to give up power at this time?

"Eunuch Wei, where is His Majesty? Can we see His Majesty?"

The speaker was Zheng Xuan, the Minister of Personnel. He subconsciously glanced at the soldiers outside the palace. Now the imperial army was almost wiped out in the battle to defend the city. Now the palace city has been completely taken over by Prince Yong's people.

So, be careful when speaking!

"His Majesty is ill and is currently resting in the harem. If Lord Zheng has important matters, please report to His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

"Eunuch, His Majesty was fine this morning, why did he suddenly become ill?"

Lin Qiushi, the old fox, bowed slightly, posing a respectful attitude, but his words were extremely sharp.

"Minister Lin, I am just a messenger. His Majesty has already issued an order. Are you going to disobey it?"

Wei Ying narrowed his eyes and looked around with a hint of coldness.

Lin Qiushi's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he winked at the censor beside him. The latter pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "Your Highness, Eunuch, now the Mobei Iron Cavalry is approaching the city, but His Majesty suddenly fell ill unexpectedly."

"Is this matter a bit too strange?"

"Besides, the palace is full of His Majesty Prince Yong's soldiers. Since His Highness met His Majesty, His Majesty has been ill. Can I ask you to meet His Majesty?"


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