Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 678 I have an idea, let's change the dynasty together!

In the imperial study.

The empress looked at Du Liufeng with a slightly dissatisfied expression, and said in a deep voice: "How much grain and grass have those merchants monopolized?"

"Your Majesty, the major merchant families in the capital have almost monopolized all the grain and grass sales in the capital area!"

"Even some of the noble families below have to act according to their eyes!"

"Therefore, my methods are too radical, otherwise, it may be difficult to deter the other merchants."

"Well!" The empress's expression eased a little, and she said softly: "I don't mean to blame you. These noble families, in the face of national crisis, do not think about sharing the country's worries, but are for their own selfishness. He who disregards the lives of the people of the world should be killed!"

"However, you should not act so recklessly in the future!"

"Although Phoenix Tower has the power of life and death, it cannot be above the national law. Do you understand?"


"Any news about the war in front?"

"Your Majesty, there has been no news so far!"


The empress sighed and waved her hand, saying: "Go down first. If there is any news from the front line and... Shen Yu's news, come to report to me as soon as possible!"

"As ordered!"

After Du Liufeng left, Mu Qingcheng sat on the dragon chair with a look of hidden worry.

Even though Ning Fan repeatedly assured him that he would not personally take risks when he went to war, a woman who was moved was like being poisoned, and she could not help but think of him!

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty...Shen...Lord Shen is back!"


Mu Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, and a bit of surprise appeared on her face: "Where is Shen Yu?"

"She has already entered the palace!"


Mu Qingcheng immediately stood up, her face full of surprise, and looked at the waiter next to her: "Go, get my cosmetics and the imperial mirror."


The two palace maids went to get them together, but before they waited for the arrival, they saw a waiter coming in from outside the palace: "Your Majesty, Lord Shen is waiting outside the palace."

"Let Shen Yu stay in the side hall for a while, and wait for me to deal with these memorials!"


The maids took the mirror and cosmetics to the imperial study together. Mu Qingcheng's face showed a bit of panic, and she started to put on makeup in a hurry!

These were all given to her by Ning Fan when he was in Guanshan before.



A light sound of footsteps was heard, followed by a hurried voice: "Sir Shen, His Majesty is handling government affairs, can't go in!"

"Sir Shen..."

Mu Qingcheng heard the shouting outside the palace, and her expression suddenly panicked. She hurriedly hid the cosmetics on the table under the table, but before she could completely put them away, she saw Ning Fan walking in. Seeing her panic, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Have you finished handling government affairs?"


"Neglect of duty!" Ning Fan joked, "You are the empress of Dali, but you don't take state affairs seriously. Instead, you are admiring yourself here. If this gets out, won't it make the world laugh at you?"

"You dare!"


Ning Fan laughed loudly, and then hugged the empress by the waist, saying softly, "I haven't seen you for a long time. You are even more beautiful and charming."

"Your figure is also a little plump."

"It's true. Women need nourishment!"


"Want to come in and have a chat?"



Half an hour later, the two sat in the imperial garden, and Gong Yuyan was summoned to personally make tea and serve them.

Ning Fan briefly described the battle situation on the front line. Both women were shocked, especially the empress, who had tears in the corners of her eyes and cried with joy.

"I didn't expect that Dali would actually win."

"God bless Dali!"

"I am worthy of my ancestors and Dali's more than a hundred years of foundation!"

"Ning Fan, thank you!"

"No need!"

Ning Fan smiled, his expression was a little serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't be too optimistic. Now Dayan has suffered a setback in the southern border. But with Dayan's national strength, if it makes a comeback, Dali will still be unable to match it."

"It doesn't matter!"

Mu Qingcheng's eyes showed a firm look, and he said in a loud voice: "The most difficult time has passed. Now I am The court is united, and the soldiers have experienced this battle, and their morale has been greatly boosted. If we defeat Dayan, I can also take this opportunity to continue to seize power and win the hearts of the people! "

"The people of Dali can be used now. In the past few days, celebrities and hermits from all over the country have come to surrender. Dayan and Hu Nu are just a short-term peace agreement. The two countries are in collusion and will not last long!"

"I am not afraid of him!"

Looking at the imperial aura surging from Mu Qingcheng, it seems that it is heavier than before. While speaking, the whole person seems to be shrouded in a layer of flowing light, which makes people feel awe. Ning Fan seems to have noticed something.

"Is this the blessing of luck?"

"Or should I say, the destiny of the country?"

Ning Fan couldn't figure it out, so he said softly: "Qingcheng, now that the matter here is over, I should return to Dayu."

"You want to leave?"


"The current situation in Dayu is not optimistic. Mobei was frustrated by Dayu, and behind him is Hu Nu."

"The reason why Hu Nu negotiated with Dayan this time is to plan for the Central Plains!"

"If they fail once, they will definitely not be willing!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Mu Qingcheng knew that no matter what he said, he would not be able to keep him, so he nodded slightly and said: "When will you leave?"


"Dong, triggering the system task [Heart of the Emperor: Dragon Son]"

"Task requirements: sow dragon seeds and give birth to the emperor!"

"Task time limit: thirty days!"

"Task rewards: Snow Dragon Riders*10,000, faith totem, open the national destiny section!"

Ning Fan suddenly paused, his expression also revealed a bit of surprise, under Mu Qingcheng's puzzled eyes, he whispered: "Let's talk about it tomorrow!"


Mu Qingcheng's face showed a touch of surprise, looking at Gong Yuyan beside him and said: "Yuyan, go to my bedroom and get the arc leather cloak."


After Gong Yuyan left, Mu Qingcheng's eyes were also filled with tenderness: "Now that His Majesty Emperor Yu has ordered you to supervise the country, after you return to Beijing this time, Do you want to establish the East Palace?"


Ning Fan shook his head and said with a smile: "My Dayu's East Palace has been established now."


"She is the daughter of my eldest brother."


Mu Qingcheng's face showed some shock. Ning Fan said with a smile: "We will discuss this matter later. Qingcheng, I have a plan to make our two countries, Yuli, completely dominate the Central Plains, compete for the throne, and achieve the pattern of unification of the world."

"Are you willing to work with me?"



"You and I will become one, Dayu and Dali will be completely integrated, change dynasties, and establish a new era!"

"By then, we will give birth to the emperors of the two dynasties, and we will be able to unite the hearts of the people of the two countries!"


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