Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 679: ‘Du Duan’ enters the world, and the Yuan Crossbow is improved!

Mu Qingcheng's lips moved again and again, but in the end she didn't know how to speak.

She still underestimated Ning Fan's imagination. Could ordinary people imagine such fantastic ideas?

"Since it was Jianyuan who founded the country, from now on, will our surname still be Ning or Mu?"


Ning Fan coughed lightly and said calmly: "Of course you have the final say, give birth to the child first."


"I actually want to steal the country..."

Mu Qingcheng was a little helpless. She still underestimated Ning Fan's evil thoughts. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it now.

However, to be fair, if this bad guy had not taken action in this battle in the north, I am afraid that all Dali would have been included in Dayan's territory.

"Okay, let's discuss this in detail tonight."

"I'll go to Fenghuangtai Yamen first to see the recent results of those guys."


Mu Qingcheng also looked a little more solemn: "Recently, some merchants have been hoarding grain and manipulating grain prices. Phoenix Station has gone too far, and was impeached by many ministers this morning."

"Who dares to impeach me, Phoenix TV Station?"

"Tell me which ones they are, I will ransack their homes right now!"

"Common people, such beasts are still speaking for those merchants. I want to see if someone has reached out secretly."

Mu Qingcheng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Is it enough to kill them all?"

"Killing one or two may not kill them all at once, but if you kill a group, you can certainly scare some people!"

"That's all, I won't tell you anymore. However, if your home is searched again in the future, please let me know first."

"Do I need your permission to act?"


Mu Qingcheng was furious and stopped talking. Ning Fan strode out of the hall, and his voice came from far away: "Don't worry, from today on, the people of Dali are the people of this king, and the country of Dali The court is my king’s country, and I will not dig my own grave!”


After Ning Fan left the palace, he did not go directly to Phoenix Terrace, but came to the house he rented.

In the past few days since leaving, the sky in the capital has changed again and again, and the people in the court have also changed one batch after another due to the "cleaning" of the Phoenix Terrace and the iron-blooded hands of the empress.

Although I promised at the beginning that some things could be forgotten, but now that the situation is gradually stabilizing, how can the past debts be wiped out?

"System, use one thousand summoning points to summon a peerless civil servant!"

"Summoning, please wait!"

As a golden river appeared in Ning Fan's mind, a figure gradually began to solidify, and gradually turned into a figure.

The man was dressed in plain clothes, with a slightly stooped figure and a somewhat righteous air on his face.

"I, Du Ruhui, would like to pay my respects to my lord!"



Du Ruhui had a gentle smile on his face and looked at Ning Fan with a look of respect.

Ning Fan was also looking at the simple man in front of him who was dressed like a farmer. Judging from his age, he was only 30 years old and could be said to be in his prime.

However, in his previous life, Du Ruhui died young at the age of forty-five. Unexpectedly, this famous Prime Minister of the early Tang Dynasty passed away at this juncture.

"System, check Du Ruhui's property page!"

"Searching. Please wait!"

【Name】: Du Ruhui

【Dynasty】: Tang Dynasty

【Loyalty】:die loyal

[Force]: 71

[Intelligence]: 95



[Special Attribute]: Good judgment (when faced with an indecision, you can choose the best decision among many options)

"Another prime minister's qualifications!"


After Ning Fan read it, he already made up his mind about Du Ruhui's belonging.



"The king wants you to stay in Dali, what do you think?"

There was an unexpected look in Du Ruhui's eyes, and he just smiled and held his hands in his hands: "I am willing to listen to my lord's orders."


"Now that Donghuai has been decided, Dali will face the pressure of Dayan and continue to serve as a shield for me, Dayu... No, continue to shield me, Dayu!"

"But now, the Empress has no talents under her command, and most of the ministers in the court are nothing more than nothing. I want you to assist the Empress and preside over the overall situation. How about that?"


"So good!"

Ning Fan can feel a little more relieved by keeping Du Ruhui by Mu Qingcheng's side. Even after Du Ruhui has established a foothold in the court, he can also cultivate his own talents and gradually take control of the Dali court.

But in this chaotic world, can he alone be able to withstand the overt and covert arrows from Da Yan?

"System, open the system mall!"

"Refreshing, please wait!"

After a while, the light screen shook slightly, and the page changed.

[Yuannu Improvement Manual]: 50,000 points!

[Thunderbolt Battle Formation]: 100,000 points!

[Great Wall Construction Drawings]: 1,000,000 points!

[Mo Dao 1000 Handles]: 100,000 points!

[Mu Qingcheng’s favorite puppet]: 10,000 points (Note: Giving it to the Empress may unlock more poses!)

After seeing the five products randomly refreshed by the system, Ning Fan couldn't help but twitch his lips. The first two were pretty serious, but the third product, the construction drawings of the Great Wall?

Is this preparing him to build an alien version of the Great Wall?

"System, redeem the Yuannu Improvement Manual!"

"Congratulations, master, the exchange was successful!"

Seeing that his luck value dropped by 50,000 points, Ning Fan couldn't help feeling a little pain, and then said, "Exchange it for Mu Qingcheng's favorite doll for me!"

"Congratulations, master, the exchange was successful!"

After closing the system page, Ning Fan took Du Ruhui to the Phoenix Terrace. If the civilian prime minister wanted to establish himself in the Dali court in the shortest possible time, he would probably need to rely on Ning Fan's political resources.

Use Phoenix Stage as a springboard!


"Brothers, the leader is back."

"Great, Chief Shen is back."

When the officials at Phoenix Tower saw Ning Fan's figure, they all saluted excitedly. Not long after, they saw figures emerging from the inner palace.


Qin Hei and Mu Shao quickly came to Ning Fan with more than ten old acquaintances, and said excitedly: "You... you came back alive... woo woo woo!"


"Heizi, what are you talking about? Don't you want to see the leader come back alive?"

"No... no!" Qin Hei realized that something was wrong with what he said, and said quickly: "It's just that many people died on the battlefield. I didn't expect the leader to come back alive..."


"No...that's not it, that is to say..."


Qin Hei was speechless for a moment, showing a somewhat anxious expression. Ning Fan laughed and said, "Okay, if you can't speak, just shut up and tell your father to come see me!"


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