Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 684 The reason is that the Emperor is about to give birth again!

"These hundreds of disciples come from different sects, and each one has strong martial arts. After entering the city, they rely on their own martial arts skills, ignore the law, and act recklessly."

"In just three days, no less than a thousand people from all walks of life entered the city."

"Among them, most of them were wandering around fireworks venues. They didn't cause much trouble at first. But as the number of people increased, they drew their swords at each other when they disagreed, and even caused a lot of deaths."

"Either out of jealousy or grievances, after the Jinyiwei adults arrested a few of them, they actually led them to surround the Jinyiwei Yamen!"

"In the end, the patrol battalion came forward and suppressed a group of them directly."

Listening to the soldier's explanation, Ning Fan's frown deepened, and a deep dark light appeared in his eyes.

Since the motto of Tianji Pavilion came out, many hidden sects have appeared one after another. At that time, many disciples of Jianghu sects entered Dayu, but it did not cause such turmoil.

This time, everything seemed a little unusual.

"Go on!"


"Later, the senior figures of these sects came forward and seemed to have reached an agreement with the imperial court. One of them is that the sect's children can leap into the imperial city!"

"anything else?"

"Disciples of the sect can fight or even fight with each other, but they are not allowed to hurt ordinary people. People in the sect are not allowed to interfere with the operations of the court and government, and government officials do not interfere with grievances in the world."

"However, the three disciples who were arrested by the Jinyi Guards in Fengxiang Tower have not been released. In the past few days, several important figures have come to Taichi Sect. Rumor has it that they are all masters at the master level."

"I heard that I went to Jinyiwei Yamen again today."

After the soldier finished speaking, Ning Fan was silent for a moment and said softly: "Let the generals of your patrol camp come to see me!"


Not long after, a figure came quickly to Ning Fan, who turned out to be an old acquaintance.

"Commander Jingda?"

"I will finally meet His Highness King Yong."

"Commander Jing, how did you end up like this?" Ning Fan said with a hint of ridicule in his tone, "From being the number one bodyguard of my father to being the gatekeeper?"


Jing Li listened to Ning Fan's teasing, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, and said softly: "Your Highness, guarding the imperial city is the top priority. After all, the last general is also a prince with 40,000 soldiers in the capital!"


Ning Fan smiled, glanced at the unknown soldier of the Taichi Sect beside him, and said calmly: "Pass my order, the entire city will be under martial law immediately. There is no need to interfere with the city's operations. Soldiers from the patrol battalion will be sent, led by the centurion himself. The city is patrolled continuously for twelve hours.”

"Anyone entering or exiting the city gate, regardless of status, must dismount!"

"Those who enter the city are not allowed to bring weapons with them. If you refuse to hand them over, you are not allowed to enter the city!"


Jing Li's face was solemn, and he looked at Ning Fan with a bit of awe. Although the court was now controlled by His Highness Prince Sheng, everyone knew that.

Today's Dayu, His Majesty's words are not effective, His Highness King Sheng's words may not be effective, but His Highness King Yong's words, from top to bottom, no one dares to disobey.

Even if His Highness asked him to chop off His Majesty's dog head now, he would only hesitate for a moment, otherwise, it would definitely be his dog head that fell off!

"Your Highness, do you want to arrest me?"

"Catch what?"

"Those Jianghu knights, I have been putting up with them for a long time!"

"Not in a hurry!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly and walked into the imperial city.

Jing Li looked at the retreating figures of the master and the servant, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and murmured: "Imperial City, things are going to change again. When this man comes back, the world may no longer be the same as before. !”

Jinyiwei Yamen.

The three old men and a dozen juniors stopped quietly.

a long time.

"Taichi Sect, ordinary disciples, come to visit the commander of the Jinyi Guards Jiang Yu!"

"Please report again!"

As soon as he said this, the people watching looked like they were not too worried about the excitement. A little girl held a bunch of candied haws in her hand and said with a smile: "This is the seventh time. It seems that Mr. Jiang doesn't want to offend him." !”

"Well, Princess, it's time for us to return to the palace."

"What's the rush? The fun hasn't started yet!"

As soon as the little girl finished speaking, she saw a figure walking out of the Jinyiwei Yamen and said softly: "Master Jiang has something to tell you. Tai Chi Zong Shi Changchun and other three disciples ignored the laws of my Dayu and harmed people's lives. Deal with it according to the law!”

"So, Jin Yiwei, are you not going to give me the face of Taichi Sect?"

The leader of the old man narrowed his small eyes, showing a dangerous luster.

The Jin Yiwei officer suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "No matter who dares to ignore the laws of my Dayu, they will be severely punished according to the law!"


"I have written down what I said today. I hope your Yamen will not regret it!"

"Please tell Mr. Jiang that mountains and rivers meet each other, and we will be safe and sound!"

"let's go!"

After saying that, the old man left directly with all the disciples. The little girl was also a little disappointed and sighed: "Why didn't we start a fight?"

"Sister-in-law, if the princess finds out about what happened today, I'm afraid you will be detained again."

"Don't tell my mother!"

"Okay, okay... let's go back quickly."


When the little girl saw a familiar figure, her eyes immediately lit up. Sayazi ran forward and said in surprise: "Second uncle, are you back?"

"Miao Miao?"

"Why are you here?"

Ning Fan was also startled when he saw Ning Jinxiu, and quickly picked her up: "Who brought you here?"

"Your Highness, it was this old servant!"

"It was you!"

Ning Fan recognized him at a glance, he was the housekeeper of the Sheng Palace, so the people from the underworld were also waiting nearby.

"Second Uncle, when did you come back?"

"Haha, just came back."

"It's only been half a month since we last met, Miaomiao has grown taller again!"

"Hehe, Miaomiao is already an adult."

Ning Fan looked at the servant beside him and said softly: "You go back first, tell the emperor's sister-in-law, let me take the little girl first, and I will personally send her back to the palace later!"


Ning Fan held the girl and walked into the Jinyiwei's yamen. Jiang Lin also received the report from the yamen runners and hurried out to greet him.

"Subordinate, I pay my respects to the lord!"

"No need to be polite!"

"Let's go, don't stand here, go in and talk!"

"Send someone to notify Kong Ming, Shang Jun and others, and ask them to come."


Ning Fan took the little girl's hand and walked into the hall together, then chuckled: "Girl, tell me, what interesting things have happened during this period."


Ning Jinxiu nodded, and said with some joy: "Second uncle, I'll tell you a secret."


"Grandpa Huang is about to give birth again!"


"What do you mean Grandpa Huang is about to give birth again?"


[Regarding Ning Jinxiu, this character was voted in by a book friend. Eleven spent a lot of time to portray the character and figure out the plot. It does not affect the main line, and it can also be regarded as an introduction. As for who the throne will be passed on to, it will be kept a secret, but it is not Ning Jinxiu! ]

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