Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 685: Summary of government affairs, chaos in the underworld!

"It's Grandpa Huang!" Ning Jinxiu blinked her big eyes and leaned close to Ning Fan's ear: "Yesterday I heard from my father and mother that Grandpa Huang is going to have another baby."

"In the future, I will have another uncle!"

"Besides, my father also said that Grandpa Huang is going to take a woman from the Western Regions as a concubine."

Hearing Ning Jinxiu's words, Ning Fan's face became extremely strange. He didn't expect that his father was so old and strong.

He is nearly fifty years old, but he can still have children?


"Miaomiao, you can't say these words outside, remember?"

"Yeah!" Ning Jinxiu said eccentrically: "Miaomiao knows, I won't tell others."

Ning Fan held the little girl and sat in the Jinyiwei's yamen for a while. Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Shang Yang and others came one after another.

"Greetings, my lord!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan smiled and looked around. Now the Yongwangfu's team in Beijing has gathered in the Jinyiwei. The civil officials are Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Shang Yang, and the military generals are only Qin Qiong and Dian Wei. Chen Qingzhi and Ran Min led the army to the northern border a few days ago.

Zhao Yun and the White Horse Volunteers also frequently reported victories. During this period, they fought quite actively in the northern border.

Now, Ning Fan's direct troops have gradually completed the expansion of the army. In the northern border, there are generals such as Yue Fei and Yang Zaixing, who lead the Zhenbei Army to guard, and Li Jing is in charge of Donghuai. In the western border, there are three dukes and generals such as Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, and Xu Chu.

Now, only Qin Qiong and Dian Wei are stranded in the capital.

"My Lord!"

"Huh?" Ning Fan looked at Dian Wei, who looked haggard and seemed to have aged a lot. He couldn't help but wonder, "Elai, why do you look so haggard after only half a month of absence?"

Dian Wei slowly lowered his head. Jiang Li and others beside him were silent. Zhuge Liang said softly, "My Lord, you came all the way from the Great Zhou Dynasty. You must be tired from the journey?"

"It's OK!"

"Kong Ming, tell me about the situation in the court today!"


Ning Fan also saw that Zhuge Liang wanted to change the subject, so he took advantage of the situation and turned to the government.

However, he was also suspicious. In just half a month, what kind of cruel things did Elai experience to be destroyed by time into such a state?

I remember that before leaving Beijing, Jiang Li told him that Dian Wei fell in love with a girl from Fengxiang Tower. What was her name... Jiaojiao?

Is she trapped by love?

"My lord, let's talk about the capital first. The capital has been relatively calm in the past half month."

"Since the establishment of the three provinces, the administrative efficiency of the court has been significantly improved. Recently, Mr. Shen and Shang Jun are busy with the first battle of the imperial examination, the establishment of the Imperial College!"

"Local officials running schools is a very stressful matter. It is really troublesome to implement it!"

"The expansion of Yuwang City is about to be put on the agenda. The Ministry of Works and Lord Lin Xiang are also very busy."

"The reform of the business and agricultural registration is personally in my charge. It's just that the data reported by various places is true or not, which needs to be verified!"

Zhuge Liang talked about the important tasks of the court in recent days one by one, and Ning Fan's face showed some relief: "Yes, although the progress of things is There are difficulties, but it is proceeding in an orderly manner. This king is very pleased. "

"How is Donghuai?"

"My lord, Donghuai has Wenhe in charge, and Li Jing suppresses the outside world. It is relatively stable. However, Wenhe wrote to my lord the day before yesterday, asking for someone, asking to transfer Gongtai to assist."

"Hmm!" Ning Fan thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Isn't there another person who is idle there?"

"My lord, you mean...Xuancheng?"


"Let Wei Zheng go with Gongtai, which is enough to stabilize the court situation in Donghuai. When the time is right, he can be completely integrated into Dayu."


Zhuge Liang also showed some admiration on his face. Wei Zheng has been the governor of Qilin County for some time. Now, transferring him to Donghuai can be regarded as returning to the center.

"What about the northern border?"

"Have the Hu slaves made any unusual moves?"

When Zhuge Liang heard Ning Fan ask about the northern border, his expression obviously became much more solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "My lord, during this period of time, with General Zilong and General Qingzhi leading their troops to the north, the eight tribes of Mobei have been completely frightened by us."

"Ten days ago, General Zilong reported that he almost captured the King of Mobei."

"Our soldiers are rampant in Mobei, capturing enough people in Mobei as slaves, and are now building a defense line in our northern border!"

"However, the Hu slaves are unexpectedly strange. Not only are their movements unknown, but their troop movements have almost blinded our investigation."

"I'm afraid they are planning something."

A fierce look flashed in Ning Fan's eyes. Li said calmly: "Send a message to Yue Fei and ask him to closely monitor the movements of the Hu slaves. Give me another half year, and I, Dayu, will not fear any storm!"


"My Lord, the military system reform has been completed. Now that the Duke of Jingguo is still in the capital, should he be re-employed?"

"Li Jin..."

Ning Fan showed some hesitation on his face, and after a long time, he whispered: "Let's discuss this matter after I meet the Duke of Jingguo!"


"Tell me about these martial arts sects!"

"Kong Ming, are you fishing?"

"Just some martial arts sects have made the capital so chaotic, how can it be!"

Seeing that his lord was quite dissatisfied with his decision, Zhuge Liang also smiled bitterly.

"My Lord!"

"You really underestimated these martial arts sects. They are not as easy to deal with as you think."

There was a sharp light in Zhuge Liang's eyes. In his previous life, he played chess and made moves, causing disputes in the world, but the Jianghu sects were not involved. However, he did not expect that in this life, the foundation of these hidden sects would be so strong.

"Tell me in detail!"


"My lord, as far as I know, 90% of the world's rivers and lakes are located in the seven immortal mountains. Among them, the seven immortal mountains are divided into the upper three immortal mountains and the lower four mountains!"

"The next four mountains are Guan Mountain, Duan Xuan Mountain, Jiu'an Mountain and Tianji Mountain!"

"Guanshan is located in the south of the Southern Territory!"

"Duanxuan Mountain is located in the north of my Dayu River!"

"Jiu'an Mountain is located in the north of Dayan!"

"And Tianji Mountain is named after Tianji Pavilion. Its location is secret and few people know it!"

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang's face showed some concentration, and he said softly: "Nowadays, most of the people in the world come from these four mountains. However, Tianji Mountain has always been controlled by the Tianji Pavilion. Although there are Tianji Sect members in the world, Traveling but rarely causing trouble!”

"In the past few days, among the masters of martial arts who came to Beijing, there were more than ten masters."

Ning Fan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "So what if there are more than ten grandmasters? Even if there are a hundred grandmasters, can they withstand the million-strong army of my Dayu?"


Guo Jia on the side spoke in time, with a wry smile on his face: "These Jianghu sects are naturally no match for the imperial court. Even if the imperial army comes, how can they confront us head-on?"

"We can't even trace the whereabouts of their sect. If we want to destroy the sect behind them, the loss of human resources may not be worth the loss!"

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