
Whether they were civilians, rangers, or sect disciples around the city gate, they all froze in place when they saw this scene.

The heir of Taiyuan Sect was beheaded by this rough man with a halberd?

"It's over!"

"This man has caused a big trouble. Jin Juetian is the eldest son of the Taiyuan Sect. The Taiyuan Sect has high hopes for it. I didn't expect that today..."

The several descendants of the sect standing guard under the city tower also looked stagnant, their eyes full of disbelief!

Unexpectedly, someone actually dared to kill them?

Leng Xuanyue frowned slightly, with a somewhat solemn look on her face, and looked at Ning Fan aside: "Master Shen, take your people away quickly. Taiyuan Sect has three people here this time. Grandmaster.”

"If they knew that Jin Juetian was killed, they would never let it go!"

"No problem!"

Ning Fan shook his head nonchalantly and said with a smile: "It's just a Taiyuan Sect, nothing to be afraid of."


"Where did this person come from, and he didn't take Taiyuan Sect seriously?"

"Looking at his demeanor, he is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Hmph, he is just an arrogant person. Taiyuan Sect is one of the five authentic sects in Guanshan. Now that the son of the sect leader has died here, how can he give up so easily?"

Everyone looked like they were just watching the excitement and didn't take it too seriously, standing silently not far away and watching.

"Give it to me!"

A dagger quietly pierced the waist of Jian Wushuang, the successor of the Sword Sect. The latter only felt a chill in his lower back and his body fell to the ground softly.

Ning Xun pulled out the dagger, wiped it on Jian Wushuang's body, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Damn it, I finally got it done."

"Brother, don't blame me. If I don't fuck you, my second brother will fuck me!"

"Second brother, the heir of the Sword Sect was killed by me!"

Ning Xun smiled harmlessly at Ning Fan and waved the bloody dagger in his hand.

The onlookers on the side were all stunned.

In the blink of an eye, another one died?

This is not an ordinary disciple of a large sect, but a descendant of a major first-class sect, or even the direct bloodline of the sect helmsman!

But just fell into a small iron cow city like this?

"My dear, Jian Wushuang is a real master. He was accidentally attacked and his waist was crippled?"

"Hmph, it's your own fault. Jian Zong has become more and more domineering over the years. It's fitting that he will end up like this!"

"The sky is about to change. There has not been such a turmoil in the Jianghu for decades. Today, the sky is broken in this little Iron Ox City!"

Everyone looked at Ning Fan and his party. Among the crowd, the ordinary Pavilion Master Mo Da had a look of helplessness on his face.

His Highness King Yong really can become the center of attention wherever he goes!

As soon as I came to Tieniu City, I first killed a large descendant of the sect...


"Is he going to take this opportunity to... shock the world?"

Mo Rufeng's face showed a bit of shock. If it were an ordinary person, it might be impulsive, but who kind of person is King Yong?

How can you act recklessly?

At this time, he did not hesitate to offend a major river and lake force and killed the direct descendants of the Taiyuan Sect and the successors of the Sword Sect one after another. This was obviously intentional!

This is Dayu, but these rivers and lakes forces ignore the imperial court and occupy a city without authorization. If he can really swallow his anger, he will not be King Yong.

"Get away yet!"

Dian Wei looked at the remaining three people standing in front of him, his eyes full of violence.

The several descendants of the sect standing in front of Dian Wei showed a bit of hesitation at this time. Their trip represented the sect's face.

If you just give up, how will you gain a foothold in the world in the future?

"You are so brave!"

"Kill Brother Jian and Brother Jin. I can't let you go today no matter what. When the seniors of the two sects arrive, I will make you pay for Brother Jian with your life!"

"Stop them!"

The three people immediately released their inner strength and surrounded Dian Wei and Ning Xun, with fear in their eyes.

"Evil comes, since they won't get out of the way, let's kill them all!"

Ning Fan, who was standing not far from the city gate, glanced flatly and gave instructions softly.


Dian Wei licked the blood spattered on his lips, flicked his halberds, and grinned at Ning Xun beside him: "Sixth Master, you choose one first!"


Lao Liu was speechless. He had already killed one, and now he was still being asked to be a free thug?

Don't do it!

"Ahem, it's none of my business. I was just passing by. I accidentally stabbed him. It wasn't intentional."


Ning Xun slightly cupped his hands, raised his feet and rushed out of the city gate. Several disciples from the sect next to him subconsciously wanted to step forward to intercept, but the staggering figure could always avoid their attacks accurately.

"Damn it!"

"This loach, I swear to kill this thief today!"

"Second brother, help!"

From a distance, Ning Xun let out a sharp cry for help. Ning Fan covered his face and turned his head away. It was so embarrassing!

Inside Iron Ox City.

Government office.

Several old men gathered together, led by a white-haired old man with hanging temples and shoulders. He had a long breath and a calm and intimidating look.

"Everyone, have you received the news?"


"The news came from Jinyiwei, but I am very puzzled. What kind of power does Dayu have that can actually destroy the Taichi Sect?"

"Although the Tai Chi Sect is weaker than us, there are masters in the late master realm who are in charge of the sect!"

An old man with an eagle nose smiled faintly and said calmly: "Whether Tai Chi Sect lives or dies, what does it have to do with us?"

"Now my Jian Sect has come from afar just for the Great Xia Secret Treasure. The rest has nothing to do with us!"

"Besides, it's just a secular dynasty. Since ancient times, the rivers and lakes and the temples have kept their distance. I think you are worrying too much."

Hearing the words of the old man with an eagle nose, a wealthy old man stroked his beard and shook his head: "Brother Jian, what you said is wrong. If Dayu really has the strength to destroy the Tai Chi Sect, then this time the secret treasure battle is on their home court. For us, the situation is not so optimistic."

"The Great Xia Secret Treasure, no matter my Jianghu sect or the Central Plains countries, will never be indifferent!"

"Don't take it lightly!"

"Not good!"

"Fifth Elder, something happened to the eldest brother!"

Just as everyone was discussing, a figure staggered into the hall with a look of panic on his face.

"Jian Qi, what happened? Why are you so flustered?"

"What happened to Wushuang?"

The fifth elder of Jianzong looked unhappy. The elders of various sects were sitting in the hall. Now a junior barged in so rashly, wouldn't it make other sects laugh?

"Fifth elder, the eldest brother... was killed at the city gate!"


When these words came out, not only the fifth elder's face trembled, with an unbelievable look, but also the faces of several other elders of the sect were horrified!

You know, Jian Wushuang himself has the strength of a master, and he must be no mortal to be able to kill him!

Moreover, his identity is not simple. He is known as the first genius of Jianzong in decades. But now he knows his identity, but still kills him. The meaning of this can be imagined!

"Fifth Elder, it's not just the eldest brother, there's also..."

"What else?"

"There's also the Golden Saint of Taiyuan Sect, who was also beheaded!"


An astonishing momentum erupted from the hall, and several figures were seen rushing towards the city gate like a stream of light.


City gate.

Ning Xun dodged behind Ning Fan, and his agility was no less than that of the Black Prison Killer leader on the way here!

"Brother Shen, you'd better leave quickly!"

"Now that you've caused a huge disaster, I'm afraid that even if my Hanyue Sect comes forward, it won't help!"


Leng Xuanyue looked at Ning Fan with a worried look on her face, and tried to persuade him.

"Want to leave?"

"Kill my heir, and still want to leave alive?"

An angry roar came from the city, mixed with a strong internal force, rushing straight to the people outside the city.

"How dare you!"

Ye You stepped forward to block the oncoming attack for Ning Fan, stood with his hands behind his back, and quietly looked at the several figures flying out.

Li Bai drank the wine in the wine gourd and threw it aside. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "Young Master, it is really as you expected. Now that the great era has come, there are really as many masters as dogs!"

"Five masters in the late stage of the master realm, more than ten masters in the early stage of the master realm."

"Such a grand scene is worthy of being called a prosperous era!"

Looking at Li Bai's excited face, Ning Fan frowned slightly. He still underestimated the power of the Jianghu sect!

Any sect can send out several masters, which means that there are at least several masters in the nests of these sects!

It's really troublesome to kill them one by one!

"Who killed my sect's heir?"

"Come out and die!"

A middle-aged man with a strong body stood up and stood in front of the city gate with his eyes wide open.

"What are you yelling for?"

"If you scare my second master, I'll chop you with my halberd!"

Dian Wei's current strength is still a little far from the peak of the military commander, and is roughly equivalent to the strength of the middle-stage Grandmaster. Facing several juniors who have just entered the Grandmaster realm, he has no pressure, but now facing a late-stage Grandmaster realm, he is obviously under great pressure.

But he still stood in front of the middle-aged man fearlessly.

"E Lai, retreat!"


Hearing Ning Fan's call, Dian Wei retreated with his double halberds.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ning Fan. Several old men looked him up and down with sharp eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you and why did you commit such a murder?"


"You killed only two people, and you can call it a murder?"

Ning Fan looked calm, but the elder of the Sword Sect couldn't help it and took a step forward: "You boy, if you kill my sect's heir, I will kill your whole family!"

"Come and die!"

As soon as the voice fell, a big hand slapped Ning Fan. Ye You's face suddenly turned cold, and the strong momentum on his body was released. He slapped out with a palm and confronted the elder of the Sword Sect. With a loud bang, the elder of the Sword Sect staggered back!

Ye You, on the other hand, did not move at all, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"You don't deserve to know."

"If you don't give me an explanation today for killing two of my clan's descendants, we will never give up even if you are at the peak of the Grandmaster realm!"

"My young master killed people, and I need to explain to you?"


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