Looking at Ye You's ruthless behavior, Jian Nanxu's expression was terribly gloomy. Jian Wushuang was the next successor designated by the sect master, and the hope for the future Jian Sect to reach the top!

But now, the dream has not even begun, and it has been shattered.

Shattered in this small Tieniu City, how can he explain to the sect master when he returns?


"Why do you want to do this?"

"I don't know how the young master of the Jian Sect and the heir of the Taiyuan Sect offended you, and you actually did such a cruel thing?"

"This is going to completely tear the face apart!"

The white-haired old man looked at the two corpses in front of the city gate, sighed leisurely, and his face was full of disappointment.


"I want to ask you, how can you occupy the government office of Tieniu City without authorization and collect entrance fees at the city gate without authorization?"

"How can you, your disciples, act recklessly and bully the weak in Tieniu City?"

Ning Fan stepped forward and spoke in a very calm tone, but the white-haired old man frowned and did not answer for a long time.

"Hmph, just secular officials, they should welcome us when we come!"

"It is also unreasonable for my disciples to come to the secular world and kill a few ignorant low-class people."

The elder of Taiyuan Sect looked disdainful and even had a bit of sneer on his face, as if he was mocking Ning Fan for asking such a naive question.

Ning Fan laughed in anger, walked forward step by step, looked at the old man of Taiyuan Sect, and said lightly: "I wonder which sect you come from?"

"I am the second elder of Taiyuan Sect, Jinyuan!"

"Taiyuan Sect..."

Ning Fan slowly put his hands behind his back, stared at Jinyuan, and said lightly: "It seems that Taichi Sect has not taught you a lesson!"

"In this case, Taiyuan Sect has no need to exist."

As soon as the voice fell, eyes from all around gathered on Ning Fan, and the white-haired old man was also stunned, looking at Ning Fan in surprise: "Are you from the Dayu royal family?"



Not far away, a cloud of dust covered the ancient road, and the dull sound of horse hooves sounded. A cavalryman in armor rode up and came in front of the city gate, turning over and dismounting!

"Xuanjia Army, meet the lord!"

"Qin Qiong!"

"I am here!"

"Take over Tieniu City immediately, recapture the Tieniu City government office, and set up a court in front of the government office. All the people who died unjustly in Tieniu City will be judged by your Xuanjia Army."

"No matter which sect or status, those who kill my people will be returned with blood and teeth!"

"Yes, sir!"

The 30,000 Xuanjia Army shouted in unison, and the momentum was like thunder. For a moment, the second elder of Taiyuan Sect looked extremely ugly.

"Are you the second prince of Dayu, Prince Yong?"

"Hmph, you are not polite in front of my prince!"

Dian Wei stepped forward and shouted angrily. The people around him were excited when they heard it. They knelt down respectfully and saluted: "I pay my respects to His Majesty Prince Yong. May your Majesty live a thousand years, a thousand thousand years!"

"Why don't you kneel down!"

Dian Wei's voice was like a bell. He shouted at the martial arts sects in front of the city gate. For a moment, all the martial arts people looked at each other.

The white-haired old man in the lead also frowned and bowed slightly, saying: "Your Highness Prince Yong, we are people from the secular world and have never bowed to secular kings. However, I have long heard of your great reputation, and I am here to pay my respects today."

Ning Fan watched calmly, with no ripples in his eyes. Ye You slowly raised his foot and took a step forward. The aura on his body was completely released, and he said lightly: "If you don't kneel within three breaths, you will die!"

"How dare you!"

"A small prince of a dynasty dare to ignore my major sects?"


A sword light passed over more than ten feet, and a master in the Taiyuan Sect camp died on the spot.

Ye You counted lightly: "Three!"

Before Ye You finished counting, a drunken figure in a green shirt behind him took a step forward. Mo Rufeng in the crowd jumped his eyelids and showed a look of gloating.

"This drunkard is going to attack."

"Tsk, it seems that these major sects are going to suffer a great loss."


A clanging sound of swords and knives rang out, and as Li Bai took a step forward, the long sword at his waist flew out of the sheath, and a sharp sword force instantly swept out, pressing towards the direction of the city gate, and the sword force pressed the city to destroy it!

For a moment, all the people in the martial arts world, including the white-haired old man, changed their expressions suddenly, and looked at the sword light floating in the void in horror.

"Who is this?"

"The legendary Taibai Sword Immortal?"

"Hiss, the monk Lin of Guanshan Wuxiang Temple died under his sword?"

"Grandmaster Realm Great Perfection!"

Feeling Li Bai's terrifying sword force, even the fifth elder of the Sword Sect showed a bit of deep fear. He was also a sword cultivator, but because of this, he knew more clearly the horror of the young man in front of him!

Such a sword force, even on the body of his Sword Sect Sect Master, he had never seen it before!

Ye You, who was standing by, was also shocked. He had heard that the young master had a swordsman by his side, but he had never thought that it was the seemingly ordinary Jiu Mengzi who had been following them all the way?


There was another clang, and the long sword suspended in the void condensed into a sword light in an instant, and a sense of crisis of death enveloped the people under the city gate.

Especially the elders of the major sects, all looked horrified.

This feeling has not appeared for many years, but now under the sword power of a younger generation, they are actually afraid.

"Your Highness, are you really leaving no room for mercy today?"

The five elders of the Sword Sect did not talk about revenge for their descendants at this moment, but looked directly at Ning Fan, with a bit of fear in their eyes.


There was another clang, and the sword in the air had gathered several sword beams. At this moment, the white-haired old man in the lead could no longer sit still.

"Since you are pressing me step by step, I will fight you today!"


As soon as the voice fell, the whole person instantly stood up, gathered an internal force in his palm, and the whole right arm instantly condensed a faint flame.

Seeing this, Jian Nanxu and Jin Yuan on the side were all happy, looked at each other, and nodded slightly.

"Today, we want to learn from you!"


Figures stood up one after another, and in a moment, all the people in the martial arts world, led by the white-haired old man, were at the Grandmaster level.

Ye You's eyes condensed, and Qin Qiong also slowly raised his head. The momentum behind him all jumped on the horse, and a murderous atmosphere gathered outside the city in an instant.

"One Grandmaster Peak, two Grandmasters in the late stage, and five Grandmasters in the middle stage, bullying a junior together, it's really shameless!"

Ye You's face showed some contempt, and just as he was about to make a move, he saw a green figure flashing, and the sword suspended in the void suddenly moved.


The terrifying sword beams gathered in an instant, and the nine sword beams merged into one in a short moment.

"The Sword of the Great River - The World!"

"Return to One!"

With Li Bai's low hum, in an instant, all the cultivators within a hundred miles were frightened by this terrifying aura, and one figure after another raised their eyes and looked towards the direction of the city gate.

The white-haired old man was also horrified, staring at the sword that was coming, and shouted in a low voice: "Fellow Daoists, let's attack together!"

"Taihuo Xuanmie Palm!"

"Taiyuan Slash!"

"Sword Classic-Massacre Sword Style!"

Dazzling rays of light bloomed under the gaze of everyone, and the eight masters attacked Li Bai together.


Li Bai stood in the air, like a banished immortal from the nine heavens, with one hand behind his back, slashed out with a sword, and sheathed the sword!

The sword light that crossed the void annihilated everything in an instant under the horrified eyes of everyone.

Whether it was the palm print that came from the air or the sword style of the elder of the Sword Sect, they were all destroyed by this sword, and the sense of crisis of death once again enveloped everyone.

The white-haired old man looked at the oncoming sword, and suddenly a trace of regret surged in his heart. It seemed that he shouldn't have stepped forward just now!

"My friend, we've passed!"

A gentle hum echoed in the ears of everyone within a few miles. No matter if they were wandering knights or ordinary people, they all looked up at this moment. On the tower, a slender figure threw a punch slowly!

In just a blink of an eye, this punch seemed to have crossed time and space in an instant and arrived in front of Li Bai's sword!


The fist print and the sword light collided violently, and the sword light and the fist print almost broke at the same time. The terrifying aftermath began to spread from the front of the city gate to the surroundings.

The eight masters blocking the city gate all turned pale and were swallowed by the terrifying aftermath. No matter they were at the peak of the Grandmaster Realm or the middle of the Grandmaster Realm, they all flew backwards.

The aftermath rippled on the tower. The old man standing on the tower frowned slightly, his robe shook, but the wall under his feet was still, and there was a bit of shock in his eyes.


Eight masters crashed into the wall at the same time, their faces pale, blood oozing from the corners of their mouths, and their faces full of horror!

"Young people are formidable!"

The old man sighed softly, looking at Li Bai's eyes, his eyes full of admiration: "Qinglian Sword Immortal, when you become a grandmaster, I'm afraid you will be able to dominate the world!"


The other elders of the sect also looked up at the tower, with deep shock in their expressions: "This is... the ancestor of Qitian Temple!"

"Qi Zhengxuan?"


"Is it the legendary one?"

"Elder, what kind of power is this Qitian Temple, why have I never heard of it?"

"Qitian Temple is the real hidden sect of Guanshan, and it is also one of the giants of Guanshan!"


"But the facade of my Guanshan is not one of the five major Authentic? "

A disciple looked at his elder with a puzzled look, and the latter shook his head slightly, showing a bit of disdain on his face: "The five major orthodox sects are just jumping clowns."

"Some boring people in the world privately conferred the five major orthodox sects and the seven famous sects, which is just a boring pastime!"

"Various theories emerge in an endless stream, but the so-called world is not the real world!"

"I just don't know, is this person here for the secret treasure of Daxia?"

Everyone bowed respectfully to the old man on the tower, and the eight masters headed by the white-haired old man also showed gratitude, thanking him for saving their lives!


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