
Ning Xun looked stunned for a moment, looked at Ning Fan with a puzzled expression, and asked doubtfully: "Second brother, what is your... meaning?"

"Guanshan is a vast territory, and I'm afraid it won't be possible for you to survive alone, so I'll find some helpers for you."

"In this way, you won't be helpless in Guanshan."

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Ning Xun was silent for a long time, then slowly looked at Ning Fan and said a word carefully.



Ning Fan was also stunned for a moment. He didn't know what was wrong with him. What was wrong with him? How could he unintentionally claim to have changed his mind?

Could it be that... you really thought about it?

"Lord, my subordinate has something to report."

"come in!"

Jiang Wei walked into the hall with long strides, his expression a bit solemn, but Ning Fan frowned slightly.


Jiang Wei glanced at Ning Xun, with a hint of hesitation on his face.


"Just now, experts from several sects in the Jianghu came into the city and went to the princes' mansions respectively."


Ning Fan's face showed a bit of amusement, and he said calmly: "What did they say?"

"Because that group of people are all masters at the master level, our people don't dare to approach. It should be related to the seizure of the heir."

"Haha, let them jump!"

"I won't be able to bounce around for a few more days."

Jiang Wei looked at his lord's calm expression and nodded slightly: "My lord, do you want to monitor the princes' mansions?"

"No need!"

Ning Fan shook his head, looked at Ning Xun and said: "Lao Liu, you go back and pack up, and we will set off tomorrow."

"Now that the war is urgent, I want to bring back the troops from Guanshan."

"Yes, second brother!"

"You go first!"

Ning Fan waved his hand, then looked at Jiang Ying and said: "Collect the information on the major sects in the Jianghu and give it to Lu Bu. He will naturally know how to deal with it."

Hearing the word "Lü Bu", Jiang Yu looked startled for a moment, then nodded heavily: "I obey!"

The next day, morning!

Figures stood straight on the dry bank, looking at the high platform with deep expressions. Yesterday, there was a rumor that His Majesty seemed to be taking charge again?

This made many civil and military officials extremely excited. You must know that during this period, the officials in the court were more tired than dogs. There were endless government affairs to deal with every day, and Zhongshu Province issued one decree after another with his lips.

The subordinates were all given away easily, but only the officials from the Ministry of Education and the Sixth Ministry were exhausted.

However, there are also some officials who look impatient. You said that the court is running well. Your Majesty, if you don't enjoy the happiness in the harem, why are you causing trouble?

During this period, Dayu's national power was booming and everything was comfortable from top to bottom. The autumn harvest was coming soon. You suddenly appeared and wanted to take charge of the government?

Isn’t this nonsense!

"Your Majesty is here!"

Wei Ying's male duck shouted, and all the officials knelt down to salute.

I saw a tall man striding into the hall and slowly sat down on the golden chair.

"Everyone loves you!"

Hearing this familiar voice, the ministers raised their heads excitedly and saw a look of shock on their faces when they saw Emperor Yu.

His Highness King Yong actually released him?

"If you have something to do, start the show, if nothing happens, leave the court!"


The ministers are looking at me and I are looking at you. Emperor Yu is sitting on the dragon throne and frowning slightly. Why is no one doing anything? Could it be that during this period of time, if I am not pro-government, these bastards will not take me seriously?

Or is that second bastard threatening the ministers?

"Why don't you say a word, dear friends?"

"Your Majesty, there are no important matters inside or outside the court."


Emperor Yu frowned slightly and said coldly: "Mr. Shen, I heard that 500,000 cavalrymen from Mobei are coming back. Such an important matter does not need to be discussed by the courtiers?"

"Back to Your Majesty, we already knew about this matter yesterday. Zhongshu Province has issued a decree, the Ministry of War is fully preparing for war, and the Ministry of Household Affairs is coordinating resources."

"Mobei's 500,000-strong army should not be underestimated. Moreover, although Mobei claims to have 500,000 cavalry this time, according to my guess, at least 400,000 of the 500,000-strong army are Hu Nu's troops."

"The combat power is far beyond that of Mobei!"

"Are there enough food, grass and weapons on the front line?"

"Back to Your Majesty, after I learned the news, I discussed with my colleagues in Zhongshu Province and transported 800,000 stones of food and grass to the front line overnight. Weapons and armor were also replenished."


Emperor Yu nodded slightly. With Shen Li taking action, there must be no need to worry. He just frowned and said, "The autumn harvest hasn't started yet, so the treasury should already be in deficit, right?"

"Jiangbei has not resumed production yet. Is the imperial court in a pinch?"

"Your Majesty, the treasury...has not been depleted."

Chen Qinghe, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, stepped out of the queue with slightly cupped hands and said weakly: "The treasury is still full now, so your Majesty does not need to worry."


Emperor Yu frowned slightly and looked at Chen Qinghe coldly: "Chen Aiqing, every year before the autumn harvest, the treasury has experienced deficits to varying degrees. How come there is still a surplus today?"

"His Majesty!"

"After the war in the north, we quickly resumed production. The second batch of potatoes has just been harvested. Together with some other revenue, the national treasury is indeed full at this time."


Emperor Yu looked at Zheng Xuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. There was nothing wrong with the Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of War. There should be something wrong with your Ministry of Personnel, right?

Official assessment, promotion, policies, etc...

"Lord Zheng, how is the official assessment this year?"

"Your Majesty, this year... there is no assessment..."


Emperor Yu frowned, his face was a little more angry, and he said in a deep voice: "The official assessment of previous years is the standard for judging the administration of a local government, and it is also the foundation of my Great Yu's country. Why stop it?"

"Your Majesty, there was a big fight in the local area this year. After the central government's evaluation, this year's official assessment was temporarily shelved."

"Big fight?"


"How big fight?"

"Your Majesty, so far, more than five county governors, seven county lieutenants, and ninety-three county officials have been investigated by the Dali Temple..."


"The reason why the imperial treasury is still full is that because of this, more than 10 million taels of silver have been seized from the home vaults of these corrupt officials."

"Deserve to die!"

Emperor Yu had a gloomy face, and his eyes looked around again and again, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad. Could it be that this huge imperial court really has no place for him to use his talents?

"Ministry of Rites!"

"I'm here!"

Zhao Rui stepped out quickly, bowed respectfully, and reported on the operation of the Ministry of Rites this year without waiting for Emperor Yu to ask questions. He focused on being well-behaved.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Works also reported to the Emperor. After a while, Emperor Yu sat on the dragon throne with lifeless eyes and was silent for a long time.

"My dear ministers, I am ready to abdicate and let the wise take over. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, no!"

"Absolutely not, Your Majesty, this court cannot lose you!"

"The court cannot lose Your Majesty, just like... just like..."

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