"Like what?"

Emperor Yu looked expectant. Now he needed some sense of existence to prove himself.

The Minister of Personnel wanted to flatter him, but now he was stared at by Emperor Yu. His face flushed. In panic, he said without thinking.

"The court cannot lose your majesty, just like a brothel cannot do without a brothel owner. Although they don't need to do everything themselves, they still need someone to steer the ship."

"In my eyes, your majesty is like the Dinghai magic needle in the East China Sea. No matter whether it is useful or not, as long as it stands there, it will not cause any waves."

"Lord Zhang, you said well!"

Emperor Yu's face was as cold as frost, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He said lightly: "The brothel owner, hehe... someone come!"


"Drag this traitor away and behead him!"

"How dare you insult me ​​like this!"

Seeing Emperor Yu's rage, the ministers on the side also stepped forward to plead for mercy.

"Your Majesty, Lord Zhang was just saying this unintentionally. Please, Your Majesty..."

"Humph, unintentional?"

"It seems that Lord Zhang often visits brothels. Since all the ministers have pleaded for you, I grant you an order to stay in Yihong Courtyard for a full month. You can leave when you are done."

"Take him away!"


The farce ended, and Emperor Yu showed a trace of visible loneliness on his face.

"Haha, it seems that this huge temple really doesn't need me anymore."

"Prime Minister Shen!"

"I am here."

"Send all the recent memorials to me."

"Your Majesty..."

Shen Li's face showed a bit of embarrassment. Emperor Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a hint of displeasure on his face. How come even you, Shen Li, only recognize King Yong and not the emperor?

"Why, I have rested for a few months and I am no longer qualified to review memorials?"

"Your Majesty has misunderstood. The truth is, there has been nothing going on in the court recently!"

"Nothing going on in the court?"

"That's right!"

Shen Li also had a bitter smile on his face. Since the establishment of the three ministries, the position of the Secretariat in the court is undoubtedly second to none, but he, the right prime minister, has been idle.

All major events in the court are brainstormed by officials of the Secretariat. After a few people close the door and discuss with each other, they can be handed over to the Ministry for deliberation, and then the Ministry of Shangshu will coordinate the six ministries.

Besides, what kind of people are in the court now?

Zhuge Liang, Shang Yang and the like, which one is not a first-class prime minister, and Fang Xuanling, who has just emerged recently, also has the ability to govern the world. Haven't you seen that even Prime Minister Lin has become much more honest recently?

During this period, the court was truly united. With three mountains pressing down on them and the Embroidered Spring Swords of the Jinyiwei hanging high, the officials in the court were also full of energy, wanting to gain a broad horizon in this great world.

It can be said that there are really no memorials recently, and there is no need for memorials. If anyone has any ideas or opinions, just mention them in the morning court, and the Zhongshu Province can come up with a plan that day.

Moreover, now that the treasury is full and the money bag is bulging, most of the things are not a big deal.

"Your Majesty, the memorials in the court every day are only a handful, and they are all trivial matters. If you really want to see them, this old minister will order someone to get them."

"Forget it."

Emperor Yu waved his hand with a dejected look, and his eyes looked around again seriously, and sighed with regret: "I have a unicorn son, who can help me achieve my ambitions!"

"Pass my order, the Ministry of Rites will choose a day to confer the title of the Eastern Palace!"


Qi Lin Wangfu.

Several figures gathered together, with unprecedented solemnity.

"Third brother, fourth brother, please express your opinions. Anyway, I don't want to go to a place like Guanshan where there is no one."

"Hmph, the second brother controls the government, and now he obviously wants to kick us out!"

"Are we just going to leave in disgrace?"

Jingzhou King Ningyu showed some anger on his face. Although the order from King Yong has not been issued yet, they have all received gossip that King Yong will send them all to Guanshan soon.

"If you don't want to go, do we want to go?"

"But now, let alone you and me, all the civil and military officials in the court don't need to look at the face of Prince Yong's Mansion. Can we not go if we don't want to go?"

"Besides, since the sixth prince was conferred the title of prince by the second prince, he has completely become the second prince's running dog. Now he has set an example. Do we have to sing against Prince Yong?"

"If so, I'm afraid he really found an excuse to deal with us."

The third prince Ning An also looked unwilling. They have been planning for so long, but now, it seems that they are only half a step away from that step. Are they going to escape in disgrace?

Not to mention that they are unwilling, I'm afraid that a group of counselors and vassals under their command will not agree!

"Okay, complaining is useless. Tell me, do you have any countermeasures?"


Ning An sighed leisurely, with a bit of dejection in his eyes. He has been in Beijing for so long, and even exercised the power of regent, but so what?

Isn't it that Prince Yong still has the final say over this huge court?

Ning Yu's eyes flickered, and from time to time there was a flash of gloom. Ning Shu seemed to have seen something and showed a thoughtful look: "Seventh Brother, if you have something to say, just say it."

"Third Brother, Fourth Brother, I have a plan!"

"Tell me about it!"

"Recently, a gangster force has secretly contacted me and wants to support me in my bid for the throne. I'm sure you two brothers have also contacted someone, right?"


Ning An and Ning Shu looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The three of them were silent for a long time before they nodded slightly: "Yes, the disciples of the Sword Sect have contacted the king."

"Two brothers, now the only one standing in front of us brothers is the second brother. Whether we want to fight or not, he will not let us go. Instead of this, why not give it a try?"

"How do you want to fight?"

"Kill King Yong!"

Ning Shu's eyes were a bit ruthless, and Ning An and Ning Shu on the side took a breath, and their eyes showed a deep shock.

"Crazy, Old Seven, you are really crazy."

"Leave quickly, I will pretend I didn't hear what you said today."

Ning An was worried, Ning Yu also looked at Ning An sinisterly: "Third brother, what are you afraid of, are you really going to let King Yong send you to Guanshan?"

"Can you swallow this breath?"

"In the future, we will be in Guanshan, a place like a shithole for generations?"

"I don't accept it. As long as King Yong is eliminated, at the very least, I won't go to Guanshan!"

"Third brother, fourth brother, give me a word, will you do it?"

Ning Yu looked at the two of them in silence, and continued: "Although King Yong has great power, it is all in the court and the army. Now we have a huge support from the rivers and lakes behind us. Are we still afraid of him?"

"After all, it is easy to dodge an open spear, but it is difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark. If we take action, it will definitely be a thundering blow!"

"Never give him the possibility of turning over!"


[Let's update it today. I'm not recovering well, please forgive me! ]

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