"Brother, what are you doing?"

Seeing Ning Yu kneeling in front of him with a determined look on his face, Ning Fan frowned slightly, stepped forward to help him up, and said solemnly: "You are still young, so you will inevitably do some stupid things!"

"The king expresses his understanding, let him let the past matter go by!"

"And the two of you, watching the seventh child make mistakes, not only did not teach him, but actually fanned the flames in front of brother Wei, it is really too much."

Seeing Ning Fan's expression of being a good brother and a good big brother, not only Ning Yu's face was stunned for a moment, but Ning An and Ning Shu on the side were also dumbfounded.

He sent someone to assassinate you, we came to inform you, and now you blame us?

"Old Qi, your third and fourth emperor brothers have told me about last night's events in advance."

"Because you are a first offender and we are brothers, I will spare you this once. If there is a next time, don't blame brothers for killing each other."

"do you understand?"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Ning Yu's face was filled with excitement, and he immediately knelt down and said gratefully: "Thank you, Emperor Brother, I am ashamed of myself!"

"And you, I am going to entrust you with important responsibilities. From now on, Lao Qi will be with you and teach you well."


"You must have heard the news. After I canonize the East Palace, you and all the imperial uncles will rush to Guanshan to govern the country for me, Dayu!"

"The land of Guanshan is no better than Huainan. Not to mention the long distance, and the local folk customs are fierce. I, the Dayu, are far away from it. If it is left to outsiders to take care of it, it is inevitable that one day we will be separated from the imperial court!"

"I will hand it over to our clan. No matter what happens in the future, I can at least guarantee that it will be in the hands of my royal family."

"Now the great age is about to begin. If one day, I, Dayu, are defeated in this great struggle, then Guanshan will be our last refuge. Do you understand?"

Seeing Ning Fan's solemn expression, the three of them nodded heavily, and even Ning An and Ning Shu looked a little more surprised.

It turns out that my own structure is too small?

The emperor's brother sent him to Guanshan not to get rid of himself as a threat, but because of trust!

Lao Qi's expression gradually became solemn. Thinking about what he had done before, compared with the second emperor brother, it was really a mess!

"Brother, don't worry. After I arrive at Guanshan, I will definitely do my best to help my brother."


Ning Fan smiled and continued: "Now Lao Liu has rushed to Guanshan in advance. Father has an order to hand over Guanshan to Lao Liu to control it. After you arrive in Guanshan, you must cooperate with Lao Liu to develop people's livelihood!"

"Whoever has achieved results by then may not return to the center in the future!"


The three of them bowed respectfully and walked out of the hall with their heads held high.

Ning An and Ning Shu's expressions were not good-looking. When they saw Lao Qi coming out of the hall last, they wanted to explain themselves, but they were given a blank look by the other party, and their backs were left behind.


Ning Shu smiled self-deprecatingly, looked at Ning An and said, "Second brother is really good at it!"

"It seems that from now on, Lao Qi and we will be strangers."

"I'm afraid not..." Ning An looked at the back of Lao Qi as he quickly left, and sighed sadly: "With his temperament, I'm afraid he won't swallow this easily. I hope that after arriving at Guanshan, Lao Qi will not act out of anger. ”

"It's difficult!"

In the main hall.

As the three people left, several more figures appeared in the hall.

"My lord!"

"How's it going?"

"All forces have turned back one after another. There are our people in Mang Mountain."

"The Great Xia Secret Treasure is also temporarily sealed!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and looked at Zhuan Zhu: "Is there any news from Lu Bu?"

"General Lu arrived at Duanxuan Mountain yesterday."

"I will leave these Jianghu forces in Beijing to you and let them disappear silently!"

"Yes, Nie Zheng will handle it himself if we want to leave!"

Ning Fan was silent for a moment, and his expression became a little more solemn: "The war in the world is about to begin. In the near future, I will be the king of the army. There is one thing that needs to be done by you personally!"

"My Lord, please give me your orders!"

"Keep an eye on the palace and the palace. No matter what happens in the palace, I will know it immediately!"


"Get down!"

Zhuan Zhu's figure disappeared into the main hall, and Ning Fan stepped outside the main hall. As time passed by, his heart became more and more urgent.

It has been three years since he resurrected his life. In the past three years, he has been working non-stop, fighting in the north and south, and personally contributing to the construction of Huainan. But today, he is really facing the mighty torrent of the world.

An unprecedented excitement surged in his heart. He was going to see the world.

Go see the real world, take the heroes of China through the ages, and meet the leaders of this era.


"What's the matter!"

"Hey!" Dian Wei seemed to have regained his previous silly expression after getting over his disappointment in love: "Zhong Kang and the others have come back from the West, and Brother Wen Yuan has also come back from the West."


Ning Fan smiled and said softly: "I came at the right time. Have the Euphorbias completed their army expansion?"

"I don't know about this, I have to ask Wen Yuan!"


Ning Fan smiled, and was in a very good mood for a while. In the past few days, Chinese generals who were stationed outside the borders have returned to Beijing one after another, all preparing for the expedition in a few days.

Among the outstanding Chinese people who have entered the world, except Qi Jiguang and Zhou Yu in Donghai, Tang He, Du Ruhui, Liu Bowen in Dali, and a group of civil and military officials in the southern and northern borders of Huaibei, they have all returned to Beijing.


"System upgrade completed!"

"Please check the update status!"

Ning Fan frowned at the sudden system prompt sound in his mind, and a bit of curiosity appeared on his face.

Brother Tongzi has finished the update, and for some reason, Ning Fan has a vague premonition in his heart.

"Congratulations, Master, you have completed the system upgrade and obtained the Senior Advisor of the Personal Hegemony!"

"What the hell?"

Looking at Brother Tongzi's initiative to send out system rewards, Ning Fan frowned and said lightly: "Brother Tongzi, tell me, what changes have been made after this upgrade?"

"Master, after the upgrade, the summoning section and the task section have been re-optimized!"

"The search function of the system mall has also been changed, and most importantly, the summoning restrictions have been updated!"

"Please explore it yourself, Master!"


Ning Fan simply opened the system and quickly browsed it, frowning gradually: "System, why can't the mall use luck points to purchase?"

"And the summoning section..."


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