Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 744: The Son of the Plane, Bai Qi and the terrifying attributes of the Champion Candidate!

"Number of enemies killed?"

"What the hell is this?"

"And why is the luck value listed in a separate section?"

Seeing the changes in the system, Ning Fan directly raised questions. Brother Tongzi said calmly: "Master, after the system is upgraded, the system mall will use kill points for redemption, and summoning Chinese heroes also requires kill points for redemption!"

"The luck section has been upgraded and new functions have been opened."

"Master, you can use luck points to redeem population, improve land quality and reduce the occurrence of natural disasters!"

"A little luck value can For each person you exchange, 10,000 points of luck can optimize 10,000 acres of wasteland and turn it into fertile fields!"

"And the kill points are even simpler. Every time the master's soldiers kill a person, they will get one kill point, and the master can get 100 kill points for killing an enemy himself!"

"You can get 10,000 kill points for killing a peerless general!"

"What the hell are kill points? It's too ugly!"

"Change it back to merit points!"

"Yes, master!"

Tongzi brother obediently changed the kill page and directly changed it to merit points!

"System, before you upgraded, you said that you detected the birth of the son of luck. What exactly is going on?"

"Master, the system detected that a man of great luck has come out of Hu Nu."


Ning Fan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Is it my Chinese hero who has come in, or..."

"It's not a random intrusion, but the son of luck in this plane has come out and joined Hu Nu's camp."

"Can I search?"

"Master, do you want to spend 100,000 luck points to search for Hu Nu's son of luck?"

"One hundred thousand?"

Ning Fan immediately cursed: "One hundred thousand luck points can summon 100,000 people into the world, and the system has 100,000 fucking lives!"

"Are you a butcher?"

"You're asking me for 100,000 lives?"


Brother Tongzi was speechless. Facing such a rogue, he didn't dare to mention the matter of luck points anymore. He directly lit up a property page!

[Name]: Titiye

[Faction]: Hu Nu

[Military Strength]: 109

[Intelligence]: 103

[Leadership]: 107

[Politics]: 105

[Attributes]: Son of Luck (with great luck, there is a 70% chance of avoiding a dead end. With the bonus of luck, the morale of the faction is increased by 100%, the cohesion is increased by 100%, and the production of peerless talents is increased by 50%). (Living in the great world, after participating in the world's struggle, the production of cattle and sheep in the faction to which he belongs will increase by two times, and the population growth rate will increase by two times)

After reading Titiye's attribute page, Ning Fan's face showed a solemn expression, and his expression became extremely ugly.

"Brother Tongzi, tell me the truth, are you sure you didn't create this pervert?"

"The four attributes are over 100, and the force value is infinitely close to the limit of human beings!"

"Both governance and politics have reached the peak level!"

"This is a fucking monster!"

Hearing Ning Fan's angry voice, the system didn't know whether it was guilty or something, and said weakly: "Master, Titiye's entry into the world has nothing to do with this system!"

"Besides, he is just a little son of luck, but you are the owner of the system!"

"You are also carrying the foundation of China for 5,000 years. Are you afraid of a little son of luck?"

"However, considering the master's mood, the system will give you a surprise gift package!"

"Humph, that's more like it!"

Seeing that he successfully got the wool from the system, Ning Fan's expression eased a lot, and then his expression became extremely solemn.

It seems that we have to think of a way to kill this damn son of luck first!

Otherwise, when the war with Hu Nu starts, it will become a big problem!

"System, can I check Bai Qi's property page now?"


"Check it out!"

Ning Fan's face showed a hint of anticipation. Ever since Bai Qi entered the world, his personal page has been sealed by the dog system. Now that the system has been upgraded, it seems that the permissions have also been unlocked?

[Name]: Bai Qi

[Dynasty]: Pre-Qin

[Loyalty]: Diehard

[Force]: 100 (initial degree, considering Bai Qi's God-killing attribute, the force value is set to 100 points)

[Intelligence]: 98

[Command]: 100 (initial degree, considering Bai Qi's Man-killing attribute, the command value is set to 105 points)

[Politics]: 73

[Army]: Qin Rui Shi

[Magic Weapon]: God-killing Sword

[Mount]: White-haired Lion

[Unique Skill]: God-killing

[Special Attributes]: God-killing (For every 100 people slaughtered, the force value is permanently +1) Man-killing (For every 10,000 people slaughtered by his soldiers, his command value is +1, and the force value of his soldiers is permanently +1) National Disaster (When the enemy is strong and we are weak, morale is greatly improved)

s: The Seven Stars of Pojun, the master of killing, the Man-killer is coming, and the great era is about to begin!

After reading Bai Qi's attribute page, Ning Fan was also particularly surprised. He didn't expect that Bai Qi's initial force and command values ​​were only 100 points.

However, thinking of the two abnormal attributes of [Killing God] and [Man Killer], Ning Fan also understood instantly. With Bai Qi's strength, it is only a matter of time for him to enter the dual legends of force and command.

If he led the army to kill 100,000 people, the command value would directly reach the ceiling. If he killed a thousand people by himself, he would be invincible in the world.

What a bullshit, it's so weak!

The Son of Destiny should be changed to Bai Qi. Just let Brother Tongzi open a new section dedicated to Bai Qi [I, Bai Qi, become stronger by killing enemies! ]

Isn't this a perfect son of luck?

To be honest, Ning Fan was a little jealous.

"Brother Tongzi, where is Huo Qubing's attribute page?"

[Name]: Huo Qubing

[Loyalty]: Diehard

[Force]: 105

[Intelligence]: 98

[Leadership]: 105

[Politics]: 78

[Army]: Han Iron Cavalry

[Magic Weapon]: Lin Lance

[Unique Skill]: Bravest of the Three Armies

[Special Attributes]: Surprise Attack (the origin of blitzkrieg, when leading the army to go to war, the speed of the whole army will increase by 30%) Fenglangjuxu (achievement attribute, force value +3, the morale of the soldiers under his command will increase by 100%) Champion (attributes can grow, Fenglangjuxu is just the beginning, not the peak!)

After reading the attribute page of the champion candidate, Ning Fan was stunned again. Another pervert!

The peak of dual attributes, the key is that it has not reached the peak yet!

With the blessing of the [Champion] attribute, in theory, Huo Qubing also has extremely strong plasticity. Unlike Bai Qi, Bai Qi can only grow conditionally in force and command, while Huo Qubing grows unconditionally in four-dimensional attributes!


After reading the attribute pages of the three people, Ning Fan took a long breath and complained: "Brother Tongzi, tell me, how did you choose a waste like me from thousands of people?"

"Master, don't belittle yourself, you are the son of the greatest luck!"

"Do you want to check the portable hegemony senior consultant carefully prepared for you by this system?"


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