"Senior consultant for personal hegemony?"

"What the hell?"

Ning Fan's eyes showed a trace of doubt, and then he gave an instruction to the system: "Check!"

"Who woke me up?"

A deep voice suddenly resounded in Ning Fan's mind. At some point, a tall figure suddenly appeared in his mind. He was dressed in black uniforms, his expression was calm and intimidating, and he exuded a touch of the temperament of having been in a high position for a long time.

Even if you are just watching quietly, you can feel the arrogant and domineering air in this man, looking down on the world, and being the only one who dominates!


Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, wondering why a strange figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Ning Fan!"

"Boy Ning, was it you who woke me up?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Ning Fan indifferently. In an instant, Ning Fan only felt that he was being stared at by a wild beast. The hair on his body suddenly stood up, and a cold feeling accompanied the shift of his gaze and spread throughout his body. .

not simple!

Who is this?

"May I ask who the senior is?"

"I am the First Emperor, Ying Zheng!"


Ning Fan exclaimed: "Brother Zheng?"


"How dare you, a young man, call me your brother?"


Looking at Brother Zheng's solemn face, Ning Fan couldn't help but feel a little funny. The nervousness he felt just now disappeared instantly, and he bowed his hands in a serious manner: "Young man, Ning Fan!"

"Meet the First Emperor!"

Ning Fan was also extremely excited. This senior consultant for portable hegemony carefully prepared for him by the Dog System was actually Qin Shihuang?

It really scared him.

"System, is Brother Zheng summoned into the world?"

"Master, Ying Zheng is an emperor, and his body is gone. Only the emperor's soul remains in the world, so he cannot enter the world!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Master can understand that the current First Emperor is just a soul body and needs to rely on the master's sea of ​​consciousness to survive."

"So this is ah!"

A look of surprise appeared on Ning Fan's face, and he was inexplicably excited in his heart. In the past few years, he has been crossing the river by feeling for the stones, relying on the foundation of his previous life and doing a lot of things!

But no one can teach him how to be a king from the perspective of a teacher. Not those famous scholars, not even Emperor Yu. Now, Brother Zheng, he is here...

"Hunter, when were you born? Where is my Great Qin?"

"Brother Zheng, don't get excited yet!"

"You are so presumptuous, where is Meng Tian? I will kill this man immediately!"

Ying Zheng raised his head and shouted, but was instantly shrouded in boundless darkness. His eyes widened for a moment, and he suddenly drew out the sword at his waist: "Where is this place? Who imprisoned me here?"

"Brother Zheng...Uncle Zheng, please be patient!"

"Let me explain to you. First of all, this is my spiritual world. Your body is gone. Now you are a soul body, parasitic in my sea of ​​consciousness."


A look of confusion appeared on Ying Zheng's face, and then he said: "I remembered that I collapsed in the sand dunes during my eastward patrol!"

"It turns out I'm already dead!"

"Boy, how many generations will my Great Qin last for?"

"Ahem!" Ning Fan coughed awkwardly: "Uncle Zheng, Great Qin has died."


A sharp light suddenly shot out from the eyes of the First Emperor, and his gaze was like a blade, staring at Ning Fan: "Boy, do you know that the crime of deceiving the emperor deserves to be cut into pieces by a thousand swords?"

"Uncle Zheng, Great Qin has indeed died. Now, we are not in China, but in a different world!"

"Here, there are no Three Emperors or Five Emperors, nor the sages Yao and Shun."

"Now, I am the Prince of Dayu, one of the Five Kingdoms of the Central Plains. However, I can summon the outstanding talents of China for five thousand years to come into the world and continue to fight for me, China!"

After Ning Fan gave a brief introduction, the First Emperor was silent for a long time, then breathed a heavy sigh of relief and said with complicated eyes: "I understand."

"Boy, I'm a little tired."

"Find me a place to rest. You go ahead and do your work. I want to be alone."

"Resign, boy!"

Ning Fan told the system about Brother Zheng's request, and the system directly transformed a courtyard for the First Emperor in Ning Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Brother Tongzi, is this the senior consultant for the portable hegemony you carefully prepared for me?"

"Master, are you surprised?"

"I'm scared to death. System, do you know that you scared me?"

"Master, please calm down. The system is only thinking about the master."

"Okay, don't give me any trouble. What impact will Brother Zheng have on me in my mind?"

"Back to Master, Ying Zheng's appearance will not have any impact on Master. On the contrary, Master can communicate with Ying Zheng at any time when encountering difficulties."

"That's it!"

Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction. It would be best if Brother Zheng's appearance had no impact on him. He was just afraid that the dog system would mess up.

Duanxuan Mountain!

By the Lihua River.

On this day, the tranquility of the always peaceful Lihua River was broken by a group of cavalry. There were less than a hundred knights in this group, but none of them held a spear or a halberd in their hands, a short sword at their waist, and a long bow behind them. They were so powerful that they swallowed mountains and rivers!



After dozens of rides to the riverside, not only did they not slow down at all, the leading knight suddenly pinched the horse's belly, and the horse galloping under his crotch became faster and faster.


Lv Bu shouted, and a stream of Qi gushed out of his body. The Red Hare under his crotch suddenly neighed, and was instantly wrapped in red light. With a neigh, the four hooves flew into the air.


The neighs of horses rang out, and the speed of the 72 riders behind them was getting faster and faster. The group of people rushed across the river directly.

Not far away, several sect disciples wearing white clothes were all horrified.

"Am I seeing things?"

"Can this horse fly?"

"My goodness, where did this group come from? Look at the evil spirits around them, as if they crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"No matter where they came from, it is obvious that they are not here for good!"

"Quick, go back and report to the sect!"

The group of people rode back directly. After crossing the river, Lv Bu and his group directly stepped into the territory of Duanxuan Mountain.

"Duanxuan Mountain, Xiajiu Sect!"

"It's noon now. Before sunset, take down all the Xiajiu Sect!"


Lv Bu glanced at Lianshan in the distance and galloped away.

Buyi Sect

As one of the famous sects in Duanxuan Mountain, it rarely contacts the outside world on weekdays, and the disciples of the sect are also very low-key.

But today, with the arrival of a team of cavalry, the tranquility of the mountain gate was broken.

"I am Lu Bu, following the order of the court, to recruit the world's rivers and lakes!"

"Where is the commoner sect leader?"

A low shout, dull as thunder, under the influence of the strong energy, whistled towards the mountain gate.


Figures rushed out one after another, looking at Lu Bu and his party, as if facing a great enemy.

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