Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 746: The crown prince is appointed and enters the Eastern Palace!

Yuwang City.

Yuwang City has been much more lively these past two days than before. After experiencing the siege of Mobei, many people from Jiangbei have settled here.

As Yuwang City continues to expand, the capital has expanded several miles in all directions on the original basis, completely covering the original Yuwang City.

Now it is divided into four border cities in the southeast, northwest, inner city and palace city!

The economic center of the entire imperial capital is still between the original market towns, and the external expansion is rumored to be planned by His Royal Highness Prince Yong himself, integrating residential, catering, entertainment, market towns, etc., to create a convenient integrated capital city.

"Your Highness, according to statistics from the Ministry of Households, the population in Yuwang City has increased by nearly 300,000 compared to before, and the expansion of the four border cities has gradually entered the final stage."

"Many people are gathered in villages near the capital. What should we do next?"

Shen Li, Fang Xuanling and Minister of Works Xie Xingxian came to report to Ning Fan on the progress of the expansion of the capital!


"Now that the expansion of the four border cities is complete, the next step is to introduce a settlement policy."

"After the reform of the household registration management system of Dayu, many unregistered households have been included in the household registration. Now, most of the outsiders who make a living in Yuwang City are refugees from Jiangbei!"

"Mr. Shen, from now on, start to formulate the settlement policy of Yuwang City."

"Please give your instructions, Your Highness!"

"This is simple!"

Ning Fan smiled and thought for a while, "Now, with the military reform of Dayu coming to an end, nearly 300,000 old soldiers will retire on the four borders!"

"First, it is a free settlement policy for old soldiers. Anyone who retires from my border army can Old soldiers who have served for five years can be allocated a house for free. If they have a family, they can also bring them back to Beijing to settle down. "

"Second, workers who work for relief can buy houses in the four border cities from the court after working for a year. After buying a house, they can also settle down!"

"Third, foreign merchants who pay more than 10,000 taels of tax to the court every year can also apply for Beijing household registration."

"Fourth, people who originally belonged to the capital can buy real estate in the four border cities and settle down in Beijing!"

After hearing Ning Fan's introduction, Shen Li and Fang Xuanling were dumbfounded, and Xie Xingxian on the side couldn't help but look at Ning Fan.

I really doubt how His Highness's brain grows. The first policy wins the hearts of the border troops all over the world, the second policy motivates thousands of workers, and the third policy directly generates income for the court!

As for the fourth policy, it can also quickly sell the real estate in the border cities, gather the surrounding population, and make the four border cities achieve rapid prosperity.

It's really killing two birds with one stone!

"Your Highness, now that the war in the north has reignited, do we still need to reduce the army according to the original plan?"


Ning Fan nodded without hesitation, and said in a heavy tone: "Now half of the soldiers in the four frontier armies are old soldiers over 50 years old. My Dayu has not yet reached the point of national destruction and extinction, and there is no need for white-haired old men to go to the battlefield!"

"The future of the world will be handed over to the young people!"

"Mr. Shen, after you go back, immediately draft an official document and spread it all over the world. The last step of the military system reform should be completed."

"Old soldiers who withdraw from the frontier army can settle in the capital, and the court will distribute land to them, automatically transforming them into reserve forces, and they may be summoned by the court at any time!"


After Shen Li wrote down what Ning Fan said one by one, he also resigned and left.


Today is an important day.

The civil and military officials in the court were all solemnly tidying up their official uniforms and quietly waiting for the court to open!

"Your Majesty has arrived!"

"Long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor!"

"No need to be polite, my dear ministers!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the civil and military officials bowed and stood in awe, all with serious eyes and straight bodies.

Wei Ying took a step forward, holding his chest and shouted: "The Great Yu State, Emperor Yu Shun confers the title of Crown Prince, the ceremony begins!"


Following Wei Ying's long shout, from Ning Fan to the princes, royal relatives, civil and military officials, all knelt in front of the palace.

"The second son of the Emperor, Ning Fan!"

"Your son is here!"

Ning Fan stood up, took three steps forward, and knelt again.

"The Emperor proclaims in compliance with the Will of Heaven."

"The importance of the crown prince is the foundation of the country. The ancient sages established the crown prince to consolidate the country and the people and to reassure the people!"

"Since I ascended the throne, I have personally handled all matters, including military and national affairs, personnel and administration. I have never been tired and have never been lazy!"

After hearing the first two sentences of Emperor Yu's edict, the expressions of the ministers were also very interesting. Personally handled all matters? Never been tired?

Your Majesty, you have really worked hard in the past two months!

"The time is just like the norm, surpassing our ancestors, and being able to wish for the blessing of heaven, the nine houses, and the celebration of a hundred years, all for one person!"

"The second son of the emperor, Ning Fan, has been conscientious and diligent since he became the regent. He has expanded the territory, expressed the will of the people, and met the expectations of the people. He has gathered virtues and achievements, and now he is canonized as the crown prince!"

"Yu founded the country with virtues and was judged by merit. The second son, Fan, conquered the southern barbarians, suppressed rebellions, killed treacherous ministers, defeated the aristocratic families, established brocade clothes, promoted people's livelihood, engaged in farming, gathered talents, and his talents were widely known!"

"You should think about the difficulties of the kingly way, follow the warnings of the saints, diligently cultivate the six virtues, and strive to practice the three virtues."

"Do not act against the law, forget respect and frugality, and like arrogance and extravagance; do not go against the principles of the ancient ethics, stay away from loyalty and good, and get close to evil and treacherous."

"If you don't follow the way, you can't make your name known, and if you don't appoint the virtuous, you can't achieve virtue."

"If you do good, the country will be safe; if you do evil, the world will be in danger. Be friendly with the nine clans and respect the officials, care about the nations and worry about the distant descendants. Work diligently, do not be lazy or idle, remember your ancestors, and keep our clan society safe. How can you not be careful!"

"From now on, I respectfully inform the heaven and earth, the country, and the ancestral temples!"

"Your son, thank my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

"Play music!"

With Wei Ying's loud shout, the sound spread from the hall to the outside of the Meridian Gate. The music officials of the Ministry of Rites who had been waiting for a long time played the flute together, and the sound spread throughout the capital!

For a while, the people in the capital also hung up red silk lanterns and lit longevity lanterns. The streets were decorated with lights and the people were beaming with joy.

"Hahaha, today's establishment of the crown prince is really what everyone expected!"

"Your Highness Prince Yong, you have done so much for me, Dayu, and my people."

"It's God's will!"

All the people gathered in groups of three or five, and Ning Fan, under the leadership of Emperor Yu, performed the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, first offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, then offering sacrifices, and then going to the ancestral temple to worship.

The process was extremely cumbersome. At dusk, Ning Fan wore the crown of the prince, with seven-clawed black prince's clothes, court beads, jade belt, jade ring, identity jade talisman, and went to Zhengde Hall to accept the worship of all officials.

"Ministers, see His Highness the Prince, may His Highness live a thousand years and a thousand years!"

"No need to be polite!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"From now on, I will be the master of the East Palace, and all major affairs in the court will be handled by the Secretariat!"

"There are Hu slaves invading the northern border. I want to lead the army to fight in person, suppress the bandits, and protect my country!"


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