Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 747: One of the Four Beauties, on the eve of the expedition!

"Congratulations, Master, for completing the mission - Seizing the throne!"

"Due to the system upgrade, the mission rewards are optimized!"

"Master has completed the mission (achievement) in the longest time and received the achievement reward!"

"Congratulations, Master, for receiving the mission reward, 10,000 points of merit, one of the four beauties (one), the martial arts skill [Eighteen Palms of the Dragon], the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra (Part 2), and 100,000 points of luck!

"10,000 points of merit?"

Ning Fan's face showed a touch of shock, and the system quickly gave an explanation.

"Master, after the system upgrade, 10,000 points of merit are required to trigger a top summon, 50,000 points of summoning are required to summon a peerless talent, and 100,000 points of summoning are required for a peak talent!"

"Brother Tongzi?"

"Are you making trouble for me?"

"Master, don't worry. After the system upgrade, the master can obtain merit points by killing enemies, one person is one point of merit!"

"Moreover, killing a peerless general will reward 10,000 points of merit!"

"System tasks will also randomly reward merit points! "

Looking at Brother Tongzi's anxious look, Ning Fan curled his lips and said lightly: "Don't talk about this for now, open the surprise gift package for me!"

"Congratulations, Master, you have obtained 10,000 points of luck..."

"That's it?"

Ning Fan still had a disdainful look on his face, but the system didn't dare to speak. After taking stock of the current system, after this upgrade, the biggest change should be the luck section.

It can be directly used to exchange for population and land, and even exempt designated areas from natural disasters!

This is tantamount to a very heaven-defying bug!

You know, in this era, the most terrifying thing is natural disasters, earthquakes, locust plagues, droughts, floods, etc. Any small disaster may affect the national destiny.

There is no way, the risk resistance of this era is really too low.

"Congratulations, Master, you have obtained Diao Chan, one of the four beauties! "

Hearing the reward from the system, Ning Fan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. What you fear will come true!

You said that Yang Yuhuan, Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun could have been chosen, but Diao Chan was the reward!

If Lu Bu knew about this, would Fang Tian Hua Ji kill the master first?

"Master, the surprise gift package has not been distributed yet!"

"Oh, then you continue!"

"Congratulations to the master, you have won the beauties of the Three Kingdoms, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao!"





At the gate, a series of figures flew into the city and went to the front of Prince Yong's Mansion at the fastest speed.

Although Ning Fan has entered the East Palace, the team of Prince Yong's Mansion is still discussing politics in the palace hall.

"Report, the northern border is 800 miles away. "

"The Hu slaves have joined forces with Mobei, and the army has advanced 70 miles to the south. I, Dayu, have given up three cities in a row. General Yue urgently asks for help! "

After Ning Fan received the battle report, his face also sank. The situation in the north was getting more and more serious. Yue Fei had only 300,000 troops under his command, and now the Hu Nu's cavalry had increased to 800,000!

Facing the step-by-step pressure of the Hu Nu, Yue Fei was also in a dilemma. If he defended the city and consolidated the defense line, his troops would inevitably be dispersed, giving the Hu Nu a chance to defeat them one by one.

But if he took the initiative to attack, it would be like hitting a rock with an egg if he wanted to fight against the 800,000 cavalry of the Hu Nu with only 300,000 troops under his command.

Taking the initiative to shrink the defense line, he gave up the city and gave the Hu Nu a chance to play steadily.

To put it bluntly, he couldn't fight and there was no way to retreat!

"My lord, it's urgent to send troops to the north!"

Guo Jia's eyes showed a rare solemnity, and he looked straight at Ning Fan: "The Hu Nu is coming aggressively this time. Pengju's 300,000 main forces are mostly infantry and have to take care of the people. "

"If we continue to drag it out, the war situation will be unfavorable to us!"


Ning Fan also nodded with a serious face, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Ran Min, has the expansion of the Qihuo Army been completed?"

"My lord, as of today, the Qihuo Army, Xianzhen Camp, Baima Yicong, Xuanjia Army, and Baipao Army have all been expanded to a full strength of 50,000!"


Ning Fan immediately slammed the table and looked at Li Jing: "Pharmacist, you will immediately set off south, hold the Guanshan Army to Dali, and be sure to delay Dayan's pace of advance!"


Li Jing's face became serious and he saluted respectfully.

"After arriving in Dali, if you are in doubt, ask Liu Bowen. Tang He is also a good general and can be made a deputy general!"


"Chen Qingzhi, Zhao Yun, Qin Qiong!"

"I am here! ”

“You three, lead the White Robe Army, the White Horse Volunteers, and the Black Armor Army as the vanguard, and immediately go north to support the northern border and join forces with Pengju!”


“Ran Min, Gao Shun, Xu Chu, and Zhang Liao will lead the Begging Army, the Xianzhen Camp, the Modao Army, and the Daji Army to immediately organize their troops and follow me to the northern border tomorrow!”


“This time, Bai Qi will be appointed as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and Huo Qubing will be appointed as the deputy commander-in-chief. They will hold the seal of the commander-in-chief and follow me to the northern border!”


Ning Fan looked around, and Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao and others all looked solemn!

“Go down and prepare. Tomorrow morning, we will swear an oath of blood to go to the battle!”

“Fengxiao, the capital is handed over to you.”

“My lord, you really don’t want me to follow the army? "

"It's getting cold, and you're not feeling well. It's enough to have Jia Xu and Li Ru with me on this expedition. Remember, take your medicine on time and go to brothels less often. Health is the capital of revolution!"


Guo Jia coughed slightly, covered his mouth with his hand, smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, with you and Kong Ming in charge of the capital, I can charge forward with confidence!"

"I have reached an agreement with my father. I will expand the territory for him, and he will stabilize the rear for me."


Guo Jia watched Ning Fan go away and slowly put down his hand. A trace of scarlet reflected on his palm, and his face became extremely pale.

"My lord, this trip is dangerous. I'm afraid the Northern Expedition will not go well!"

"Are you still worried about Mr. Wu An and the champion accompanying you?"

Chen Gong's figure came to Guo Jia's side, glanced at him lightly, and said with a smile.

"Last night, Kong Ming made another divination."

"How's the hexagram?"

"Dragon and Tiger Gathering!"

"what for?"

"Literally, Enter the Dragon!"

Chen Gong accidentally glanced at the blood on Guo Jia's palm, and immediately frowned: "Fengxiao, you!"


"My lord is about to go on an expedition. Don't let me delay your great cause!"

"But how is your body?"

"It doesn't matter. Doctor Hua said that he can still last for a year and a half."


Chen Gong also sighed sadly, looking at Ning Fan's retreating back: "Should Xuancheng come back, or should we lure Huaiying back to the capital?"

"No, that mess in Donghuai cannot be separated from Xuancheng!"

"Huaiying is in charge of Huainan and should not be touched lightly."

"It doesn't matter. With that guy Kong Ming standing in front of me, I'll be at ease."

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