Yunteng City.

The entire tower had almost turned into a mountain of corpses, and the blood had dyed the ground red. Under the dark night, there were continuous sounds of hissing and bowstrings.

"General, our army has lost more than 10,000 soldiers in the tower, and has not yet broken through the defense line of the Yu army!"

"Charge, those who retreat will be killed!"

Ni Gan gritted his teeth and said, "The Yu army can't hold on for much longer. The tower has been occupied by our army, and the prince is also sending troops to help. They can't hold on for much longer!"

"My men, Yunteng City is just around the corner. Kill all these two-legged sheep. We will spend the night in the city tonight!"


Ni Gan shouted, and the two generals beside him rushed out almost at the same time, but as soon as the figure rushed out, he heard a loud sound from the bowstring, and two arrows flashed with cold light, attacking the neck directly.


"Be careful!"


The arrow pierced the throat of a Hu general accurately, and the other one slashed with a knife, and the blade hit the arrow, and was directly knocked out.


"What a terrible archery skill!"

Ni Gan couldn't help but feel a chill on his back. If the two arrows were aimed at him, he would probably bleed if he didn't die.

Yue Fei narrowed his eyes, bent the bow again, aimed at the Hu general, and with a bang, the arrow flew out again, but the Hu general seemed to have been prepared, and rolled over and dodged.

"What a pity..."

Lan Yu on the side looked at Yue Fei, his eyes flashing: "General Yue, when will the next step begin?"

"No hurry!"

"The barbarian army has no intention of withdrawing. If my guess is correct, they will send troops to help!"

"Pass the order down, let the bed crossbow team retreat a hundred meters!"


With an order, the defense of the Yu army seemed not so tight. The bed crossbow team stopped shooting, and the black barbarian army rushed towards the street like a rising tide.

"General, the Yu army can't hold on any longer!"

"Hahaha, boys, the Yu army is retreating, follow me to kill!"

Seeing the Yu army retreating, Ni Gan couldn't help laughing, and the morale of the barbarian army behind him was even more shocked. With an excited shout, the morale of the barbarian army reached a climax!

"Reinforcements are coming!"


"Great, reinforcements are coming!"

Ni Gan looked back and saw another group of soldiers coming to help. He was also happy: "Tonight, I will bloodbath Yunteng City!"


More and more barbarian troops poured into the streets. Yue Fei ordered Yu Jun to fight and retreat, slowly giving up the streets!

"Almost done!"


Yue Fei looked at the houses around him. Not long ago, Yunteng City was still a prosperous fortress. Although the people in the city were not as many as Changyan, there were also hundreds of thousands of people!

"It's a pity for this city..."

"In order to reduce the sacrifice of soldiers, the loss of some houses is nothing!"


Lan Yu also nodded heavily, drew the general sword from his waist, and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me!"


Lan Yu personally led a team of infantry to the front. The offensive of the barbarian army became more and more fierce, and the number of people entering the city was also increasing.

Yue Fei looked at Niu Gao beside him and said calmly: "Let's start!"

"Yes, sir!"

Niu Gao looked solemn, bowed his hands and saluted, and strode to the back.

At the back of the street, several rows of catapults were ready to go!

On the wooden baskets of the catapults, there were cans of kerosene.


At Niu Gao's command, the soldiers who had been prepared raised their torches and ignited all the kerosene cans. More than a hundred catapults were launched together, and the kerosene cans were like a series of fire meteors, crossing the street and passing over the heads of the crowd.

"This is..."

"Look, it's a flying star!"

"No, this is... kerosene!"


"Quick, pass my military order, all the generals disperse!"

Ni Gan's face changed slightly, while estimating the direction of the kerosene falling, he gave orders to the soldiers beside him.

"Hahaha, General, their catapults are crooked!"

"Throw cans of kerosene at the houses nearby, stupid Yu people!"


Ni Gan was stunned for a moment, as if he realized something, his face suddenly changed, kicked away the laughing barbarian soldiers beside him, and rushed towards the houses nearby.


"Not good, it's all firewood and kerosene... damn Yu people!"


"Pass my military order, quickly withdraw from the street!"


The sound of fighting almost drowned out Ni Gan's voice. As cans of kerosene exploded above the houses, the houses on both sides of the street burst into flames instantly.


"It's on fire!"


"Damn, it squeezed me!"

"Don't retreat!"

"The general has an order, and those who retreat will be killed!"

The noisy shouts, the burning of flames, and the clanging of weapons are endless!

Looking at the two rows of burning houses, Yue Fei's eyes passed through the deep streets and looked towards the city gate, muttering: "The next step should also begin!"


Outside the city gate.

As the black mass of barbarian troops poured into the city, the inside and outside of the tower were almost crowded with people. Outside Yunteng City, teams of people quickly rushed towards the city gate.

"Soldiers, the barbarian army has been trapped in the city by the commander-in-chief, follow me to kill them!"


Dong Xian and Li Dao led the army and rushed towards the city gate from two directions.

Under the dark night, figures in armor ran fast. The fire in the city had started. They had been waiting outside the city for a day and finally waited for a good opportunity.

"General, will the barbarian army grab our butts from behind?"

"Don't worry, the commander has other arrangements!"

Dong Xian held a broadsword and listened to the shouting and killing in the city. He grinned: "Brothers, catch the turtle in the jar!"

"To make achievements, it's now!"


A team of people and horses broke into the tower with great momentum and blocked the city gate directly.

Facing the sudden shouting and killing behind them, the faces of the Hu generals who had just entered the city to help all changed slightly.

"Why are there shouts and shouts behind us?"

"Haha, it must be that the prince has sent troops to help again. It seems that tonight, the prince is determined to take down Yunteng City!"

"No, it's the sound of fighting. There is an enemy army behind us!"

"General, it's bad. An enemy army has rushed in from outside the city gate and blocked our retreat!"

The scout reported, and the faces of several Hu generals suddenly changed.

"It's going to happen!"

"Quick, let the soldiers go up to the tower and the archers suppress it!"

"We must block the Yu army behind us!"

The entire Yunteng City was completely in chaos. The barbarian army in front was gradually squeezed by the fire, and the barbarian army in the back could not take care of themselves and became a mess.

Accompanied by the sound of bowstrings, the overwhelming rain of arrows began a ruthless harvest!


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