"Suohar, you personally lead the troops to stop the Yu army in the rear!"

"Gogenu, follow me and lead the army to rush over to help Ni Gan!"

"As long as we take down Yunteng City, these Yu people will be at our mercy!"

The speaker was an old general wearing heavy armor, with two white braids hanging down to his neck, and his face was also a bit of majesty without anger, obviously he had a high status among the Hu slaves.


"My men, follow me and kill!"

"Kill all these two-legged sheep!"

Holding a heavy axe, Sohar turned around and led a team of soldiers to rush to the rear.

"General, there are tens of thousands of enemy troops behind us, and they have blocked the city gate!"

"Hmph, they are just a bunch of rabble, how can they be the opponents of my great Hu elite cavalry!"

"Even if they are off their horses, I, the Hu people, can overturn these weak lambs!"

Sohal showed some disdain on his face, looking at Dong Xian and Li Dao who rushed forward, and his mouth curled up slightly: "First, take these two Yu generals to open my axe!"


After saying that, the burly figure was like a moving hill, and an axe was directly across Li Dao's body, blocking his figure.

"General Yu, die!"

The loud shout attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers, and Li Dao's face also showed some solemnity, and the long spear in his hand was also clenched tighter, staring straight at Sohhar!

"Come on!"


The two men immediately fought in a group. Dong Xian, who was standing by, also had a serious look on his face. He waved his broadsword and knocked down the two barbarian generals in front of him. He flashed and rushed towards Suohar.

"Soldiers, charge!"

"Work together inside and outside to take down these barbarians!"

"Follow me to kill!"

Several lieutenants worked together and led the Zhenbei Army to charge into the city.

Suohar was also a little tired under the attack of Dong Xian and Li Dao.

The fire in the city became more and more dazzling, and the screams in the distance were more shrill than those under the city tower. Countless figures bathed in fire struggled on the ground, their faces twisted with pain.

Yue Fei calmly watched the scene in front of him and said lightly: "Archers, shoot a quiver within one stick of incense!"

"Pass my order, everyone will withdraw from Yunteng City in a quarter of an hour!"



Hu Nu tent.

Shule became more and more uneasy, looking towards the distant city from time to time, but he had not received any battle reports!

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. The fighting power of the Yu army has always been weak. They are all a mob and are not to be feared!"

"But the Yu cavalry in the direction of Shuifang City should not be underestimated, Your Majesty!"


Shule was relieved a little after hearing the comfort from his staff, and solemnly instructed: "Send all scouts to closely monitor the surrounding movements. Report immediately if there is any news!"


As soon as he gave the order, the news came directly, catching Shule off guard.

"General, there was a deafening shout of killing outside the camp!"


Shule's face showed a trace of disbelief. Now the Yu army in the city has been blocked, and the Yu army on both wings has also sent troops to rob and kill. Where did the Yu army outside the camp come from?

"Quick, pass my order, prepare to resist the enemy!"

"Your Majesty, our front troops have been sent out, and the rear troops are far away. Now the front camp is empty, I'm afraid it's too late!"


Shu Le's face was gloomy. Although he had 800,000 troops under his command, the camp stretched for dozens of miles. It was not easy to convey military orders, let alone to dispatch them in time to resist the Yu army.

The terrifying thing about the Hu Nu is the combat power of the cavalry. In terms of the means of setting up camp, it is a thousand miles worse than the Central Plains countries.

It was just a simple camp, without even a fence. In fact, the barbarian army did not expect that at this time, there would be Yu troops who dared to attack the camp.

Can attack the camp!

"How many soldiers does the Yu army have?"

"No less than 100,000!"


Shu Le shook his head and shouted angrily: "They have no less than 100,000 soldiers in the direction of Quyang City. In the direction of Shuifang City and Qingmu City, they can annihilate my 60,000 elite cavalry, so there are at least 100,000 troops."

"Now, Ni Gan and Zhun Maiti have already entered Yunteng City. Where did these 100,000 troops come from?"

"Your Majesty, the most urgent task is not to investigate the origin of this Yu army, but how to resist the Yu army!"


Shu Le exhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down, and said in a deep voice: " Immediately beat the drums to gather the generals, abandon the front army camp, and delay the offensive of the Yu army! "

"Wait for me to integrate the troops and horses. No matter whether these Yu troops have 100,000 or 200,000, they will all die!"



"General, the enemy's front camp is empty!"

"Order, set the enemy's camp on fire directly, and the infantry will form a formation. If I am not mistaken, the barbarian army has begun to gather."


Yue Fei looked at the camps not far away. The barbarian army's camping method was the most primitive. They didn't know how to set up camps with firewood, digging trenches, building cities, wooden fences, and ropes.

But they were too lazy to learn. For the barbarians, the most important thing was for the knight to hold a scimitar and chop off the enemy's head.

The wildness and inferiority in their bones made them simply worship the use of force.

"Once the fire starts, when tomorrow dawns, it will be the death of this barbarian army!"

Lan Yu stood beside Yue Fei and spoke with emotion.

Looking at Yue Fei standing aside with a solemn expression and no words for a long time, Lan Yu asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"This 800,000-man army is only the vanguard of the Hu Nu, and there are 300,000 remnants of the Mobei army among them!"

"Even so, the combat power is far beyond the Mobei."

"As far as I know, there are eight elite troops among the Hu Nu, named Tiger, Leopard, Eagle, Lion, Jackal, Elephant and Fox, each with a full complement of 100,000, all of them are elite!"

"That's our strong enemy!"

Hearing Yue Fei's words, Lan Yu also fell into a brief silence, with a bit of ambition in his eyes: "No matter what he What kind of tiger, leopard, jackal, or wolf is this? Why should I, Dayu, be afraid? "


"When the lord's army arrives, perhaps it will be our turn to counterattack."

"General Yue, I heard that guy has come out of the mountain this time!"


A touch of passion ignited in Yue Fei's eyes, and his tone was a little excited: "With him coming out of the mountain, the northern border will inevitably be a sea of ​​blood and corpses. I have no regrets in my life to be able to live with you seniors!"


Lan Yu has been with Yue Fei for a while, and the whole person seems to be less rebellious, and even the way he speaks and does things has changed a lot!

"All troops listen to orders, line up and charge!"


Lan Yu also laughed loudly and charged directly.

"Old Pan, should we directly take out the general of the barbarian army?"

"Hmm?" Pan Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Xing Daorong: "Do you have any ideas?"

"Let's go!"


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