Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 769: The talent of the king's assistant, the Dali court!

After thinking for a long time, Ning Fan decided to use 200,000 merit points to exchange for two [King's Assistant] summoning cards. The King's Assistant is equivalent to the top generals, and each card has 100,000 merit points.

Even though Ning Fan is now rich, he can't help but feel distressed.

These more than 700,000 merit points were earned by the soldiers with hard work.

"System, use the [King's Assistant] summoning card!"

"In use, please wait!"

"Xun Yu, Xun Yu, could it be you?"

Ning Fan's eyes were shining with a gleam of brilliance. Since the system was named [King's Assistant], Ning Fan's first thought was Xun Yu, Xiao He, Zhang Liang, Jiang Ziya and the like.

Just from the attributes, Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen, Guo Jia and others obviously also reached the level of "King's Assistant", but after Brother Tongzi upgraded this time and the system was optimized, the conditions also changed.

It has to be said that Ning Fan made a great profit. If Zhuge Liang and others had not entered the world first, I am afraid that with the nature of the system, each of them would have to have 100,000 merit points!

That can only be exchanged for 100,000 barbarian heads!

It has to be said that the system is really conscienceless.

"Congratulations, Master, you have obtained..."



Xueyue City.

Mu Qingcheng has not been to the palace for several days. The entire court is under the control of Liu Bowen. Now, the huge Dali court has become Liu Bowen's one-man show.

Since this person entered the world, he has been deeply favored by His Majesty. What is even more shocking is that Liu Ji's political skills are extremely tough. With the support of Prime Minister Cheng Jinrong, he has established a firm foothold in the court in less than a few days.

As Dayan's army moved south, Liu Bowen personally appointed generals, Tang He took control of Dali's military power, and began to arrange the northern defense line.

Going south from Dayan, Tang He led his army to fight in person. It is said that he has a mysterious army under his command, called the Xiandeng Death Camp, with extremely terrifying combat power.

"Prime Minister Liu, Dayu's 300,000 reinforcements have arrived. Would you like Your Majesty to come out and meet them?"

After Liu Bowen entered the court, the first thing he did was to win over forces, cultivate confidants, win over Cheng Jinrong, and reform the court system. Now, Dali also has a three-province and six-department system.

Liu Bowen is the Secretary of the Central Secretariat, which can be a huge power.

"Da Li and Dayu have always been in attack and defense together. Now Dayu is leading his army to help, and your majesty should personally summon him."

"But your majesty is ill now and will not see outsiders, so I will lead the civil and military officials to welcome him."


The court officials all looked hesitant, and Du Liufeng, the leader of Fenghuangtai, stepped forward silently: "Prime Minister, I am willing to go with the Prime Minister to welcome him."


Liu Bowen nodded with a smile. Du Liufeng played an indispensable role in his ability to gain the right to speak in the court in a very short time.

Before leaving, the prince reorganized the court of Da Li, and he joined the game. With the support of the empress, the cooperation of Cheng Jinrong, and Liu Bowen's methods, it was naturally easy to deal with a group of "natives" who had never experienced the great unification.

"Prime Minister, there is a report from the front!"

"General Tang He has led the main force to retreat to the Li River, and General Zhang Han has repelled the Yan army that crossed the Li River on the east bank."


Liu Bowen was not surprised by this news. With the current national strength of Dali, if there was no Li River, the country would have perished long ago, even if there were Tang He and Zhang Han.

After all, there is no shortage of famous generals and capable ministers in Dayan.

This is a naked gap in national strength!

"Send an order to let General Tang He and General Zhang Han defend the Li River together."


After leaving the court, Liu Bowen came to the harem under the guidance of Gong Yuyan. According to the iron law of the dynasties, foreign ministers are not allowed to enter the harem, but Liu Bowen is an exception in Dali.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zhongshu is here."

"Your Majesty, I am Liu Ji, and I am here to see Your Majesty."

"No need to be polite, my dear Liu."

Behind the gauze curtain, Mu Qingcheng sat upright on a soft couch, her lower abdomen had begun to bulge, but she was in very good spirits.

"How is the war going?"

"Your Majesty, all the people of Dali have moved south, and General Tang He's main force has retreated to the Lijiang River!"


"I heard that Dayu's reinforcements have arrived?"


Liu Bowen bowed his body, without raising his head, and said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "This time, it is my Dayu's famous general, General Li Jing, who personally led 300,000 Guanshan troops to come to help!"

"You Dayu?"

Mu Qingcheng frowned slightly, and Liu Bowen knew that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is our Dayu!"


Mu Qingcheng snorted lightly, and after expressing her dissatisfaction, she did not care about it, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face.

Now the court is under the control of Liu Bowen, the army has Tang He's troops in control of Dali, and Li Jing led 300,000 troops to come to help. Is the world of Dali still her world?

Even the baby in my belly is that bastard's...


Mu Qingcheng sighed and asked softly: "Liu Qing, this time Dayan went south, not with a bunch of defeated soldiers as before, but with all the elite cavalry. In your opinion, Li Jing's help can recover the lost land of Dali?"

"Your Majesty!"

Liu Bowen pondered for a moment and said softly: "If it is only Dali's own strength, I am afraid it can barely defend the Li River."

"Want to recover the lost land, wishful thinking!"


"But what?"

"If Dayu is united, let alone recovering the lost land, even counterattacking Dayan is not impossible!"


Mu Qingcheng didn't know where Liu Bowen got the confidence from. Whether in terms of national strength, military strength or land area, Dayan was several times larger than Dali and Dayu. Not to mention the union of the two countries, even if Donghuai under Dayu's control was added, they would not dare to boast of counterattacking Dayan!

"Your Majesty, today's Dayu is no longer the Dayu of the past!"

"But Liu Aiqing is still my Dali's minister, right?"

"Your Majesty, my master has instructed before leaving that Dali and Dayu are one family, no one is different from each other, Dayu's ministers are also Dali's, and vice versa."

"Why do you have to distinguish between you and me?"


Mu Qingcheng cursed shamelessly in his heart, but he could do nothing about it. He waved his hand and said, "You go down first. When Li Jing's reinforcements arrive in Beijing, you will receive them for me!"

"As ordered!"

After Liu Bowen left, Gong Yuyan also walked behind the gauze curtain and personally poured a cup of hot water for Mu Qingcheng. She smiled and said, "Your Highness Prince Yong's methods are really extremely brilliant. He sacrificed one person and took Dali into Dayu without bloodshed."

"Such methods are really unprecedented and will never be repeated!"

Hearing Gong Yuyan's ridicule, Mu Qingcheng looked at her unhappily: "Whose minister are you? ”

“Why are you speaking in favor of that bastard?”


Gong Yuyan chuckled: “Didn’t Liu Zhongshu just say that Dali and Dayu are one family!”


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