Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 770: The talent of the king's assistant, marching into the western border!

"Congratulations, Master, the summoning was successful, and we got Xun Yu, the talent who can assist the king!"

In Yunteng City, Ning Fan showed a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that he would actually summon Xun Linggong after he mentioned it.

Speaking of the counselors under Cao Boss, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Xi Zhicai, and the uncle and nephew of the Xun family, in terms of intelligence, whether it is Guo Jia Xi Zhicai, or Cheng Yu Xun You, they are all first-class counselors.

Only Xun Yu, whether it is intelligence, strategy, or politics, or even strategic vision, is the best.

Even Cao Cao called him "my Zifang". It is undoubted that Xun Yu was the first to make contributions to Cao Boss's unification of the north.

Besides, people like Zhong Yao, Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, etc. were all recommended by Xun Yu.

"System, check Xun Yu's attribute page!"

"Querying, please wait!"

[Name]: Xun Yu

[Dynasty]: Eastern Han

[Compatibility]: Civil

[Rank]: Wang Zuo

[Military Strength]: 69

[Intelligence]: 104

[Command]: 92

[Politics]: 106

[Special Attributes]: Wang Zuo: (Achievement Attributes, Intelligence +1, Politics +2)

"System, where is Xun Yu now?"

"Master, Xun Yu will surrender within a month."


Ning Fan frowned slightly, with a bit of dissatisfaction on his face. After a month, the opportunity has been lost.

Moreover, since the system was updated, the character's attribute section seems to have been updated as well.

"There is another [Wang Zuo] summon card. Should I use it or not?"

"System, summon it for me again!"


As a golden light flashed, Ning Fan's eyes showed some expectation. Now he is fighting outside, and Zhuge Liang and others are in the court. It can be said that he is as stable as Mount Tai!

Even if Emperor Yu has some tricks, can he beat Guo Jia?

"Congratulations, Master, you got..."





The dull drum sound echoed again in the training ground of Yunteng City. Ning Fan, wearing a suit of armor, stood on the high platform.

Bai Qi and Dian Wei stood on one side.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan spread his hands and looked around below. The Qihuo Army, the Black Armor Army, the Modao Army, the White Robe Army, and the Beiwei Army were neatly lined up.

Among them, except for the Modao Army with a full strength of 30,000 and the Beiwei Army with 8,000, the rest of the troops were all fully staffed with 50,000.

A total of 188,000 troops, led by Bai Qi, Qin Qiong as deputy commander, and Lan Yu in charge of transporting food and grass, headed straight to the western border.

"Soldiers, this battle is the first time that Dayu has sent troops to Dayan since the founding of the country!"

"Dare you follow me to expand the territory for Dayu?"

"Swear to follow until death!"

A thunderous explosion, Ning Fan holding the Xuanyuan Sword, as if bathing in lightning, laughed loudly and said: "After this battle, the whole world belongs to Dayu, all the internal and external states are foreign ministers, and all the barbarians in the world will bow their heads!"

"Go to war!"


"Your Highness, Zhao Changying, Liu Fengping, Su Xuan, respectfully welcome His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Three days later, the sword was hung outside the pass.

Ning Fan nodded with a smile, and personally stepped forward to help the three people up: "Three Dukes, I haven't seen you for two years, and you are still as elegant as ever!"

"Hahaha, thanks to your highness, everything is fine!"

"Let's go in and have a chat."

Zhao Changying saw that there was a scholar with a goatee beside Ning Fan, wearing a black long gown, and his gestures carried a bit of the momentum of a long-term superior. He had never seen him before, so he couldn't help but take a closer look.

"Your Highness, who is this?"

"A scholar who just followed me, with a smart mind, so I brought him out to learn more!"

Zhao Changying and Su Xuan looked at each other, and both had never heard of him, so they didn't think about it anymore, and Liu Fengping noticed that after Ning Fan finished speaking, Jia Xu and Li Ru both twitched their mouths.

As for Li Ru, Liu Fengping only heard of him, but knew much more about Jia Xu.

But he was an important figure in the Yongwang Mansion, and the Black Ice Platform he controlled was spread across the countries. How could he be a simple person who could make him show a hint of respect?

"Please, Lord Bai!"

Ning Fan strode forward, followed by the three dukes. Jia Xu and Li Ru bowed at the same time, and together with the scholar who Ning Fan mentioned as "somewhat smart", they made way and respectfully let Bai Qi go first.

However, the three dukes did not notice this scene, and the latter smiled slightly and followed behind them.

"Your Highness, are we really going to cross Xuanjian Pass in this Western Expedition?"


Ning Fan calmly looked at the majestic pass in front of him, paused and said: "For decades, I, Dayu, have never really crossed Xuanjian Pass."

"Now, I am here with my Dayu's tiger and wolf army."

"If the enemy can go, I can go too!"

"I want to tell the Central Plains countries that the times have changed. Today's Dayu is not the Dayu of the past!"

"I will also use a three-foot sword to tell Dayan that the attack and defense have changed!"

Looking at Ning Fan's solemn face, Zhao Changying and the other two all got goose bumps and were excited. His Highness the Crown Prince is so domineering!

When he came to the General's Mansion at Xuanjian Pass, Ning Fan stopped for a long time. Not long ago, Brother Sheng was here and stayed for several years.

And even longer ago, Uncle Qin was also in charge of this General's Mansion.

Even now, even though Xuanjian Pass is a natural barrier, the imperial court still lets the three dukes stay in charge at the same time. Even at the end of the year, and even when Ning Fan was enthroned in the Eastern Palace, they were not allowed to leave the pass!

"Your Highness, please!"


Ning Fan nodded, his eyes inadvertently looking at the guards in front of the door, and nodded secretly. Most of the Zhenxi Army were veterans of the Zhenguo Army, and they also followed Zhao Changying and his men to fight in the south and the north.

Obviously, their combat power is slightly higher than that of the Zhenbei Army, but the main force of this battle is still the special army under Ning Fan.

Entering the General Hall, Ning Fan sat in the main seat and introduced first: "Everyone, let me introduce you, this is Marshal Bai Qi, who is responsible for all matters of this Eastern Expedition!"

"Bai Qi?"

The three dukes were all stunned, with a look of surprise on their faces.

They had just focused their attention on the black-robed scholar with a goatee next to Ning Fan, and only then did they notice that this man in white shirt, who was over thirty years old and didn't even wear armor.

He was actually the commander-in-chief of this Eastern Expedition?

Bai Qi?

I've never heard of him!

Moreover, during this Eastern Expedition, the people under the command of His Royal Highness Prince Yong, such as Dian Wei, Ran Min, Qin Qiong, etc., were all notorious, and they had even seen their demeanor.

But now, an unknown person was riding on their heads, and even observing their faces, not only did he not show any dissatisfaction, but he was respectful instead?

The three dukes were a little confused, but they did not ask questions presumptuously.

"Wenhe, please tell us briefly about the information that Black Ice Platform has!"

"Yes, my lord!"


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