"Old Qin people, get your weapons!"

"Let's get out!"


"Let these young guys see the blood of us old Qin people."

"Brothers, charge!"

As the two armies met, the Qin soldiers in the front were seen waving their spears like dragons, powerful, precise and ruthless.

Every time they fired a spear, it would pierce the chest of a Wei Rong soldier.

In just a few encounters, the soldiers of the Wei Rong army had been torn open by the charge of the Qin Ruishi. Dong Chen also looked at the group of ferocious black armored soldiers with a dull face, and was a little speechless.

You Yu army are so fierce, but you still use those despicable means!

Do you still need to hold my family hostage?

If you attack the city directly, the 200,000 Wei Rong soldiers in the city can't stop it!

"General, the brothers can't hold us back, retreat!"

"Yes, General, we shouldn't leave the city!"

"Dong Chen, why do you do this?"

Several generals on the tower shouted at the people below the tower, their faces full of anger. The Marquis had just left and asked you to strengthen the city defense, but you led the soldiers out of the city to die!


"Shoot the arrows quickly!"


Cuihua Garden!

As soon as Yan Que arrived, a man and a horseman chased him and rushed to him, kneeling on one knee: "My Lord, the enemy is attacking, General Dong Chen is leading his troops out of the city to meet the enemy."


Yan Que's face was so gloomy that water was about to drip out of it, and he looked straight at the scout: "What is the current situation in East City?"

"It is on the verge of loss!"

"Pass my order, and quickly dispatch the five camps to rush to the rescue!"

"The city gate must not be lost!"


Yan Que looked at the feast in front of him, his fists clenched tightly, his finger bones crackling, and he said in a deep voice: "Where is my son's body?"

"My Lord, the young Marquis...his body is gone!"


Yan Que's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and he grabbed the collar of the general in front of him: "What's going on?"


"Save me, Dad!"

A terrified cry sounded, Yan Que's body trembled, and he suddenly stepped into Cuihua Garden. Looking at the familiar figure, his face showed a bit of surprise!


"You're not..."

"Dad, they didn't kill me. Hurry up and open the city gate, or your son will really die."

Yan Tao stood on the high building. It seemed that he was the only figure in the five-story building of Cuihua Garden. Yan Que stared at the rooftop and said in a low voice: "Your method is a bit despicable."

"When two countries fight, they use their own methods to deploy troops on the battlefield and capture cities!"

"Now, you are threatening with the life of a child. I'm afraid you will be laughed at by the world?"

No one answered on the roof. Yan Tao's face was full of fear. He shouted: "Dad, save me, I don't want to die "Oh, father!"

"Rebellious son!"

"I am so angry!"

"My Lord, how about I send someone to rush up and give it a try?"


Yan Que shouted angrily and whispered: "How can you be my enemy if I can play with you at my fingertips?"

"Besides, Tao'er is in their hands now. If you act rashly, you will only hurt him!"


Yan Que took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Open the city gate, I will never do that!"

"If you are willing to talk and release my son, I will make concessions!"


An arrow hit Yan Tao's back, and his thin figure fell directly from the roof.

Yan Que's eyes were bloodshot: "Tao'er!"

"Young Lord!"

The generals around were all shocked, and Yan Que's face turned purple. He just said one sentence, and the other party just stopped talking?

Is it so straightforward?

"Someone come!"


"Surround Cuihua Garden for me, and don't let anyone escape!"

"I will avenge my son!"


A moment later, a team of soldiers rushed to the roof of Cuihua Garden, and they all looked at each other in bewilderment.

Yan Que strode to the roof, and the general next to him knelt on the ground in shame, with a look of panic on his face: "My Lord, when we rushed up, Cuihua Garden was empty!"




North Gate.

The Qihuo Army was like crazy, desperately climbing up the tower.

The leaders were two lunatics, one named Ran Min and the other named Lan Yu!

"Brothers, no matter what, you must rush to the tower as soon as possible!"

"We can't lose face in front of the seniors of the Qin Dynasty."

"Follow me to kill!"

Ran Min's figure flashed, and the blood-red aura on his body was like a red sun, blooming in the dark night. The armor on his head was directly blown away by this terrifying aura, and the double-edged spear and hook halberd in his hands were like the sickle of the god of death.


Accompanied by two blood-red auras several feet long, they slashed out and landed on the tower. The tower several feet high in front of them actually collapsed partially.

Lan Yu's face was a little awed, and he looked at the soldiers of the Qihuo Army behind him: "Brothers, General Ran has already destroyed the tower, follow me to kill in!"

"Bloodbath Dongyan City!"


This battle was the first battle after the Qihuo Army soldiers expanded to 50,000 troops. After the number of people doubled, the combat power increased exponentially.

The combat power of the soldiers of the Weirong Army and the Qihuo Army is not at the same level at all, and the defense of the North Gate is also very weak compared to the East Gate!



South Gate!

Dian Wei and Yang Zaixing are also unstoppable. Although the Modao Army is not a summoned army and has a full strength of only 30,000, the combat power it bursts out on the battlefield is not weak at all.

"No madness, no life!"


Dian Wei has disheveled hair, holding a pair of halberds, and a dark aura sweeping over his body, like a demon descending to the world.

Although Yang Zaixing is not as rough as Dian Wei, the aura on his body is even more fierce and intimidating.

"Modao Army!"




The combat power of the Modao Army does not lie in the quality of individual soldiers, but in the weapons in their hands. With one slash, ghosts and gods retreat!

"General, these Yu troops are too fierce. In just one stick of incense, our tower has been lost!"

"Quick, send reinforcements!"

"General, the East Gate and the North Gate are in danger at the same time, and there are no reinforcements!"


The guard of the South Gate showed some anger on his face and shouted: "How can there be no soldiers available in my Dongyan City with 200,000 troops?"

"Go to the front!"


"My Lord, the North Gate is in danger, and the East Gate has been breached!"

"The South Gate... the tower has completely fallen!"


Yan Que slammed the table fiercely and shouted: "How many soldiers did Dayu dispatch?"

"Are the soldiers on my tower just eating for free?"

"Pass the order down, whichever gate is breached, the commander will die!"



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