"Master Marquis, now Dayu is coming fiercely, should we make an early decision?"

"Bastard!" Yanque's lips twitched, as if he couldn't think of any other curse words for a while, and pointed at the general in front of him and said: "I have an army of 200,000 in Dongyan City, how can it be that all the soldiers of Dayu can fly over the walls and fly over the walls? "

"With the towers guarding the city and the generals personally taking command, how can it be possible to break the city?!"


As soon as Yanque finished speaking, he saw a bloody figure rushing forward, choking with sobs: "Master Marquis, the east city gate has been completely lost, and the Yu army has entered."


Yanque's body suddenly erupted with a strong force of energy, with a self-deprecating smile on his face: "Haha, it's really good. For several years or even more than ten years, my Da Yan has never been taken away by anyone. No one has even conquered the city gate of Dayan!"

"I didn't expect that such a shame would be shouldered by me, Yan Que."

"Somebody come!"


"Bring me your armor, I want to see what this Yu man has three heads and six arms!"


East City Gate!

Dong Chen retreated on the street in despair, watching the Yu army pouring in like a tide, and murmured: "I hope you won't make a mistake!"

"Take care of my wife, children, and children, otherwise, I will die in peace!"

"Master Hou is here!"

An excited cry rang out, and the morale of the retreating guards suddenly increased. Dong Chen also looked at the figure coming in armor, with a sad smile on his face.

"Dong Chen, I am ashamed of myself!"


The long sword was suddenly wiped on the neck, and a splash of blood spattered. Dong Chen's figure fell straight in front of the two armies.

Yanque glanced at his body indifferently and said angrily: "It's so stupid. Since you betrayed, you betrayed completely. It's so unfair and ridiculous!"



"A mere Yu man dares to invade our Dayan border. Dongyan City is the home of our guard army. How can we surrender?"


The Wei Rongjun immediately regained their composure, all of them had scarlet eyes and shouted at the top of their lungs!

Yanque nodded slightly. Although the city tower was broken, it was only a gate of the East City. As long as it was recaptured, Dongyan City would not be broken.

After all, military morale is available!

"Kill with me and defeat the invading enemy!"

"After this battle, I, Dayan, and Dayu will fight to the death!"


Yanque held a red-tasseled spear and swung it violently. The guards behind him were like tigers and wolves, rushing towards the Qin soldiers who were pressing forward.

Bai Qi was slightly surprised when he saw the guards regaining their morale, but he shook his head and said calmly: "Come in!"




One hundred thousand Qin soldiers seemed to be integrated into one body. Under the illumination of the moonlight, the entire army seemed to have wisps of dark light rising above them.

The Wei army went up to fight, but facing this group of old Qin soldiers who had once swept across the six kingdoms, they couldn't compare with their skill, morale, and fighting spirit!

What's even more frightening is that every one of these black infantrymen seems to contain a cruelty that ordinary people can't match.


Yan Que looked at the black armor in front of him, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Although he has been stationed in Dongyan City over the years, when he was young, he climbed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and had never seen anything in the world.

But like this black-armored infantry, he had never heard of it.

"Wei Rongjun should be dead today!"

"What on earth did Dayu go through to be able to raise such an army!"

"That's all!"

Yan Que exuded a sense of twilight, and with a bit of a wry smile on his face, he looked at the general next to him: "Today, our army will fight to the death. It is my order that all officers and soldiers of the army will not leave the city even if they die. Fight to the last man and protect Dongyan City to death!"


The generals on the side all showed a solemn expression, and some determination rose in their hearts.

It has never been possible to force the prince to issue such an order.

You know, for an ordinary army, if the battle damage reaches 30% to 40%, the entire army may collapse directly, or even lose its armor.

And some elite troops can barely hold on until their battle losses reach 50%. If they still can't see the hope of victory, they may not be able to use their morale.

For the Wei Rongjun, following the marquis in the north and south, Rongcheng Marquis is their belief.

As long as the Marquis does not fall, the Wei Rong Army can fight to the last man. This is beyond doubt, because the military morale of the Wei Rong Army lies in Rong Cheng Hou alone!

"You guys hold it in front first."


"Get pen and ink."

Yanque ordered people to get pen and ink, and a general next to him held a torch to light it.

"The ultimate masterpiece of Yanque!"

"The sinful minister Yanque, please report to Your Majesty!"

"In the seventeenth year of Yanwu, on the twenty-first day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, Yu the Great launched an undeclared war and attacked our Dongyan City at night. The guards and soldiers fought to the death. When I saw the appearance of Yu's army, I knew that I was invincible. I decided to Fight to the death until the last man."

"The sharpness of Yu's army is unparalleled by that of Yan's army. Now he is aggressively invading. I hope the imperial court will send good generals and elite troops to defend him!"

"Yu's plan for this battle is very big. If he advances, he can attack our hinterland, and if he retreats, he can attack Yan's army in the Li border. It is really a serious danger and must be controlled!"

"Your Majesty and all the gentlemen, please make a decision as soon as possible!"

After Yanque folded the letter, he looked at the general next to him and said solemnly: "Send out scouts and send them to the capital at night to present to His Majesty."



"Master Marquis, the North City Gate has been breached!"


"Master Marquis, the Yu army at the south gate has broken through the city!"

Urgent calls rang out one after another. Yan Que took a deep breath and shouted: "Give me my order, gather troops and horses, and retreat to the inner city."

"Fight to the death!"


Seeing the Wei Rong army suddenly start to shrink their formation, Bai Qi frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "The Wei Rong army has no intention of withdrawing."

"It seems that they are preparing to defend Dongyan City!"

"It's all in vain!"

Bai Qi shook his head, blood dripping from the God-killing Sword in his hand, and said calmly: "The shield soldiers opened the way, and the archers fired."

"Before dawn, we must wipe out all the guards."

"As you command!"

Outside the city gate.

Ning Fan and Zhao Changying looked at the corpse outside the city with different expressions.

"The city is broken?"

"Dongyan City was really captured?"


The three of them all looked at each other, but Ning Fan was not surprised. Qin Rui Shi came out, and there were also the Beggar Army, the Mo Dao Army, the White Robe Army, and the Xuan Jia Army. It can be said that all the elites under his command came out. If a mere 200,000 guardsmen can't be taken, Bai Qi can really go home and farm.

"Your Highness, let's go into the city and take a look?"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, with a smile on his face: "By taking down Dongyan City, I'm afraid it's not just Dayan that will shake up the government and the public."

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