Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 787 Peak showdown reappears, destined enemy?


The shouts of killing interrupted the two men's thoughts again. Under the counterattack of the Qihuo Army, the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Army showed signs of collapse.

The battlefield was getting bigger and bigger, and the soldiers were getting more and more scattered. Even the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Guard who were charging in the front couldn't help but retreat.

"General Yun!"

"Yushang, this is the military token of the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Guard. From now on, you are their commander!"

"Remember, in this battle, the Red Flame Guard, the Black Flame Guard and even this marquis can die!"

"Only you, you have to go back alive, understand?"

Hearing Yunxi's solemn instructions, Yushang nodded slightly. He was not an impulsive person, let alone a pedantic person.

He knew that his death here would not mean much. It would only be another corpse of a peerless general in the wasteland.

"Marshal Yun, are we..."

"Not necessarily!"

Yunxi seemed to see what he wanted to ask, and shook his head and said: "I am not sure whether we will lose, but I am not sure of winning."

"After you leave, go directly to Duke Qi and persuade him to withdraw his troops."

"Duke Qi is a man who is good at following orders. If you ask him, he will obey. For the defeat in this battle, just put all the blame on me, and Duke Qi will definitely protect you."

"After returning to the court, talk to Prime Minister Quan. Only he can turn the tide in my Dayan court."


Looking at Yunxi as if he was explaining his affairs, Yuchang also showed some enlightenment. Now the Black Flame Guard and the Red Flame Guard are at a disadvantage. Only a battle with Ran Min can restore morale.

Up to now, both armies have no way to retreat. Now the situation has not completely tilted towards one side. No matter who withdraws at this time, they will inevitably be defeated.

Is the battle between Ran Min and Marshal Yun really inevitable?

"General Yun, how sure are you?"

Yunxi smiled and shook his head, just raised the halberd in his hand, without saying anything.

After riding forward, Yunxi also had a sharp intention, his eyes were like swords, and his spirit sank into his Dantian: "All generals, listen to my order, Red Flame Guard, line up shields to defend against the enemy!"

"Black Flame Guard, counterattack on both wings!"

After the order was given, the flag immediately issued several military orders. The morale of the Yan army was also shocked when they saw their own commander personally coming out.

In just half an incense stick of time, the Black Flame Guard and the Red Flame Guard changed their previous decline and had a faint counterattack.


Ran Min showed a faint smile on his face. He knew that at this moment he had already won half the battle.

One man and one horse gradually walked to the back of the formation, and the hook halberd and double spear in their hands pierced into the ground. Zhu Long seemed to feel the fighting spirit of his master and neighed.

"Soldiers, Ran Min is still here, the Qihuo Army is still here, and our army's banner is still here!"

The Qihuo Army soldiers who were struggling to resist the counterattack of the Yan Army heard this whisper, and they were like chicken blood, and their whole bodies shuddered.

"Haha, you guys, you still dare to counterattack?"

"You, you're still a little bit behind!"

"Brothers, let's see who can cut the Yan Army's banner!"

For a moment, the fighting spirit of both armies reached its peak. Even though many soldiers were exhausted, they all had reasons not to retreat.

On the other side of the battlefield, two men and two horses slowly stepped forward and faced each other from a distance.


Without any extra nonsense, two streams of energy, one red and one blue, rose into the sky and instantly swept across half of the battlefield.

The soldiers of both armies all tacitly stayed away, but their eyes glanced at the two from time to time.

Ran Min looked at Yunxi, and his fighting spirit continued to rise. Since he entered the world, he had only gone all out twice.

The first one was the first duel with Yunxi, and he won half the game!

The second one was the confrontation with Lu Bu, and they were evenly matched.

Now, after two years, is it a reunion of old friends?

Or is it the reappearance of fate?

None of it matters. Ran Min and Yunxi looked at each other, and there was a little more enlightenment in their hearts. If nothing unexpected happened, this should be the last time they met.

"The halberd hanging from the sky - turning the sea and waves!"

"The cross of the king of heaven - the halberd moves in all directions!"

As soon as the two of them made a move, they both opened up directly. The terrifying vortex of the aura swept in all directions. The haystacks on the wasteland were instantly crushed to pieces, and the sand and dust surged, covering the sky and the sun. Above the sky, the wind and clouds changed, and the two auras rushed straight into the sky.

The terrifying blue aura seemed to turn into a vast ocean, and endless waves followed the long halberd.

Ran Min's two soldiers stood upright, and as afterimages emerged one after another, the red light that reached the sky confronted the surging waves from a distance.


An aftermath spread out in all directions. Ran Min and Yun Xi rose up in tacit understanding. In an instant, the two domains were released. The world seemed to be shaken severely and turned into two independent domains.

The red and blue energy collided with each other in the void, and Ran Min showed a look of surprise on his face.

"I didn't expect that you would make such rapid progress in two years!"

"General Ran, you are too kind."


Ran Min looked at the figure in white clothes, elegant demeanor, and handsome face, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Such a person, even in the previous life, would be a person who was famous enough to shake the world.

Even if he was in those great ages, I am afraid that many good stories would be passed down in the future.

It's a pity that such a leader of the era stood on the opposite side of it, each serving his own master, which is really a pity!

The two fought for more than a hundred rounds, and the area of ​​hundreds of meters was almost razed to the ground, but the two domains in the void did not retreat and continued to attack.

"Come again!"

"The halberd of the sky - shaking the earth!"

"This move again!"

Ran Min showed a little surprise on his face. Yunxi used this move and was defeated by him.

"The King of Heaven Cross - Halberd Shadow Spearman!"

Ran Min also used the move that defeated Yunxi that year.

The aura of the two people climbed to the extreme in an instant. At the level of the peak generals, they have almost entered the world's first-class. If the legend does not come out, it is not easy for the peak generals to decide life and death.

"Break it for me!"

Yunxi shouted, and the whole person flew into the air directly. The power of the domain stretched out, and infinite energy continued to flow into his halberd of the sky, and the halberd shadows were distributed around his figure.

Ran Min's face also showed a bit of concentration. He thrust out the hook halberd and the double spear in his hands again and again, and sent out a stream of energy, as if turning into thousands of troops, constantly rushing towards the halberd shadows.


The blue energy suddenly bloomed, and the halberd shadows in the void also fell at the same time. The terrifying power crushed the common people within a few miles, and the soldiers not far away also looked sideways in shock.

The two people's energy collided with each other, and Yunxi's breath continued to rise, as if it had reached a critical point.


"Break it for me!"


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