Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 788 Legendary generals? Dayu had five, six, seven or eight?


In a flash.

Ran Min's Qi-transformed soldiers were crushed in an instant under the falling of the halberds and hammers, and scattered between heaven and earth.

Blood flowers floated on Ran Min's right shoulder, and in the blink of an eye, the Zhulong horse under his crotch neighed, bent its front legs, and knelt directly on the ground.


"The general was defeated?"

Many Qihuo soldiers noticed this scene, and showed an unbelievable look on their faces.

All along, their general was like a god of war. No matter what kind of opponent, it would be difficult for him to survive more than thirty rounds.

But now, in front of this former defeated general, he was injured?

"Don't panic, generals, the general has not lost yet, and will not lose!"

"Yes, brothers, no matter whether the general wins or loses, rush up first and defeat these Yan cubs."


Although Ran Min was injured on his shoulder, the soldiers of the Qihuo Army did not collapse because of this. On the contrary, Ran Min's injury aroused their ferocity.

"Your martial arts have improved again!"


Yunxi also smiled comfortably, with a bit of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that he would have gained some insights before the battle and become stronger.

If he was weaker than Ran Min just now, then now, with Ran Min's right shoulder injured, the odds between the two have come to a 50-50.

"General Ran, you underestimated the enemy."

"Not really!"

Ran Min shook his head solemnly and said seriously: "Brother Yun and I appreciate each other, and I can't bear to defeat you with one move."

"Haha, Brother Ran, you are too arrogant, right?"

"Not really!"

Ran Min shook his head again and said solemnly: "If I go all out, you will die."


"Then I want to see the high skills of Brother Ran!"

"Let's fight!"

After that, Yunxi raised the Chuitian Ji again, and his momentum became stronger and stronger, and his eyes were also burning with fighting spirit!

Ran Min glanced at his injured shoulder, the flesh and blood had already blurred a little. It must be said that Yunxi's move just now was a great improvement compared to two years ago.

What a pity...

"The Sky-hanging Halberd - I am the only one in the world!"

"The Heavenly King's Cross - The Sorrow of Mountains and Rivers!"

Both of them used peerless killing moves. Ran Min's momentum was even stronger than before. The aura in his domain seemed to form a cycle, and he began to attack Yunxi's domain again, but his power was several times stronger than before.


Yunxi's eyes were also filled with some horror. He didn't expect Ran Min's domain to reach this level. Perhaps, he could really reach the legendary realm in his lifetime?

Legendary general!

Both of them used 100% of their combat power. Yunxi's figure flew directly into the air, and the blue aura directly penetrated his whole body and the warhorse under his feet. The Sky-hanging Halberd was suspended above his head, and there was a blue mist.

In Ran Min's domain, magnificent scenes were formed, broken mountains and rivers, burning war, miserable people, as if forming a vivid picture.

The double spear and hook halberd were like two magic weapons, suppressing the broken mountains and rivers. Ran Min's figure in the domain instantly condensed into a phantom, several feet high, with scarlet eyes and arms as thick as trees.

"What a powerful domain!"

"Brother Ran, thank you for your guidance!"

Yunxi's eyes were shining with a gleam of brilliance, and he directly imitated Ran Min, condensing a phantom in the domain with his qi. In an instant, the infinite power seemed to crush the world.

Between heaven and earth, two giants with bodies several feet high looked at each other, one holding a halberd, with a handsome figure and flying black hair, and the other like a demon god, with scarlet eyes, holding a hook halberd in his left hand and a double spear in his right hand.


The two almost chopped at the same time, and Yuchang, who was not far away, had a dull look and was greatly shocked.

"Is this really possible?"

"Even the top generals are like this, how terrifying would a legendary general be?"

"Do legendary generals really exist in the world?"

The commanders of the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Guard could not help but gather around Yuchang, their eyes full of horror.

"Of course they exist."

"Not only do they exist, but there is more than one legendary general in the world!"

Hearing Yuchang's words, both of them were shocked: "How is it possible?"

"General Yu, as far as I know, even Luo Tian, ​​the Marquis of Shenwu in my dynasty, has not reached the level of a legendary general, right?"

"Of course!"

Yuchang nodded: "Although the Marquis of Shenwu is strong, there is still some gap between him and a legendary general. After all, the Marquis of Shenwu is only 32 years old."

"But if nothing unexpected happens, the Marquis of Shenwu is not far away from that step."


The commander of the Black Flame Army, Yu Zheng, looked puzzled: "General Yu, since However, there are legendary generals in the world, why don't we see them in the world? "

"Even, unheard of?"

"Legendary generals are the real foundation of a country, and they are not even dispatched by the court."

"Just like the hidden masters in the rivers and lakes!"

"At their level, they are no longer limited to training on the battlefield, but pay more attention to their own practice."

"Do you know the four commanders of Dayan Dragon Riders?"

"Of course!"

The two nodded. Each of the four commanders of Dayan Dragon Riders is at the level of a top general. Although they have never been in the court, their status is not much inferior to the four great princes in the court.

"Everyone knows that the four commanders of Dayan Dragon Riders are at the top and in charge of Dayan Dragon Riders."

"But no one knows that above the four commanders, there is another commander who is said to have already reached the legendary level!"


The two commanders were horrified. What they heard today was simply unheard of. There were actually legendary generals in Dayan. As the commanders of the nine guards in the capital, they could be said to have already entered the upper echelons of Dayan, but even they had never heard of it?

So terrifying!

"General Yu, since there are legendary generals in Dayan, why can't we still sweep away Hu Nu?"

"You two don't think that only Dayan has legendary generals, right?"


"Hu Nu can resist Dayan for a hundred years, are they just a bunch of chickens and pottery dogs?"


"Besides, when it reaches the legendary level, it is a real national treasure. Dayan has not yet reached the level of deploying legendary generals!"

"So, Dali and Dayu are also legendary?"


Yu Chang first looked certain, and then added: "Dali is absolutely impossible. In the past few years, Dali has been pressed by Dayan step by step, and has almost been destroyed several times. If there are legendary generals, the empress would have used them long ago."

"As for Dayu, it was impossible before, but now..."

"Maybe there are one or two?"

Yu Chang also said uncertainly: "According to Dayu's character, maybe there are three or five?"

"No...if they dare to counterattack Dayan, maybe there are seven or eight?"


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