Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 817 Three major assassin organizations - Tiangong


Dayu's dragon flag fluttered in the wind, and as the city gate was opened, Chen Qingzhi, Dian Wei, and Lan Yu led a group of soldiers to stand under the city gate.

"The general will welcome His Royal Highness."

"No gift!"

Ning Fan waved his hand and looked at Chen Qingzhi with a smile: "The White Robe Army and Modao Army have made great achievements in this battle. With the help of you and other good generals, the territory of the world is already in my hands."

"Your Highness, please!"

A group of people gathered around Ning Fan and arrived at Changluo City. Since Changluo had just changed hands, the streets were very deserted and not many people were seen along the way.

"My lord, Changluo is the county seat of Dongyang County in Dayan. Please enter the county government directly."

"Where are Da Yan's reinforcements?"

"Early tomorrow morning, the troops will be at the gates of the city!"

Ning Fan frowned slightly, he didn't expect Yan's army to arrive so quickly. To the east of Changluo City, the land was vast and sparsely populated, and the cities were also very few. On the west side, the cities were connected.

Da Yan will knock on the gate tomorrow, but Bai Qi and Xue Li are still in the northern border of Da Li. The Beggar Army is resting in Dongyan City. The only troops that can be used now are the White Robe Army, Xuan Jia Army and Modao Army.

The Snow Dragon Rider has not moved yet and has not been exposed to Da Yan's sight. It is also the only card in Ning Fan's hand that can be used in a short period of time.

Among the generals, Qin Qiong was recuperating in Dongyan City, Ran Min was with the army, Dian Wei, Lan Yu, Cheng Yaojin, Yang Zaixing and Chen Qingzhi.

The soldiers are not many, but they are all elite. The generals are not many, but they are all good generals!

Nowadays, Ran Min and Yang Zaixing both have peak combat power. Lu Bu is secretly commanding the Seventy-Two Wolf Cavalry. Although he has not been promoted to Legend, he still has combat power that can crush the average peak.

The fierce generals include Dian Wei and Lan Yu. In terms of command, Chen Qingzhi is good at blitzes and critical battles, but is not good at large-scale command.

And Ran Min and others are not handsome. The most terrifying thing is that Ning Fan's meritorious service value is -834000!

"Tang He is in Dali, and Zhang Han's prisoner army is also heading north."

"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves in this battle."

Ning Fan also had a gleam in his eyes, and as a cold wind hit his face, he couldn't help but shiver.

A figure fell silently next to Ning Fan. The faces of Ran Min, Yang Zaixing and others around him changed slightly, and they waved their spears to stab him.


Ning Fan spoke quickly and frowned tightly: "Want to leave?"

He also did not expect that Yaoli would suddenly appear in front of people. You must know that the existence of the underworld is top secret even to all Chinese civil and military officials.

And Yaoli has been secretly guarding Ning Fan. He will only show up in secret places unless Ning Fan calls him or there are important matters in the underworld.

But now, Yaoli actually shows up in front of others?

"My lord, there is a murderous intention hidden in the dark."


As soon as these words came out, everyone around them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Yao Li closed his eyes and put his hand on the dagger at his waist. Yang Zaixing and others also looked at the surroundings with vigilant faces.

"There's not even a soul on the street, where's the murderous intent coming from?"


Yao Li suddenly opened his eyes and stared at a small alley. The next moment, he saw several figures passing away at the same time, almost turning into an afterimage, heading straight towards Ning Fan.


Dozens of rays of cold light shot out, and the Xuanjia army guarding Ning Fan was instantly shot to the ground.

Ran Min's eyes were filled with anger, and Cheng Yaojin was holding a big ax horizontally.

"How dare Xiaoxiao come to rob Dao?"


None of the nine figures in front of him hesitated. With their strange figures, they instantly broke through the blockade of the soldiers and headed straight for Ning Fan.

"Young Master, be careful!"

A figure stood in front of Ning Fan and struck out with a palm, instantly forcing back the two people who were rushing towards him.

Ye You looked at the nine figures in front of him and murmured: "Tiangong killer?"

"Heavenly Palace?"

Ran Min and others all looked puzzled, but Ning Fan looked a little surprised. There were three major killer organizations in the Central Plains, the Black Prisoners, the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld.

The black prisoners had appeared on the ancient roads of Tieniu City before, and now, the Heavenly Palace has also surfaced.

"Be careful, Tiangong Killer, his movement skills are weird, and his killing techniques are also all kinds of strange."

"Young Master, you go first!"

Ye You's face was full of solemnity. Although Ning Fan was accompanied by several fierce generals, generals can naturally exert their full strength when fighting on the battlefield. Facing these killers with strange movements, they may be powerless.

Ran Min and Yang Zaixing stood on the left and right, trying to step forward and stop all the assassins, but the strange figure made them unable to capture them.

With just a mere glance, they passed in front of the two of them.


Ning Fan also had a hint of amusement on his face. With his current strength, he really wasn't afraid of being assassinated!

And now, he has become extremely interested in Tiangong!


As an afterimage passed by, a cold light flashed in front of Ning Fan. Kaname Li's eyes were calm. At this moment, he moved as if his figure was directly across the void. In an instant, he came to Ning Fan's body from a foot away. forward.


A dagger stabbed an assassin's throat accurately. Ning Fan leaned back slightly to avoid the fatal blow and looked at the assassin who fell to the ground in front of him.

“Really good!”

"Such a body technique, I am afraid that ordinary masters will die here."

"Try to keep one alive."

"it's useless."

Yao Li shook his head and said softly: "My Lord, they have already taken poison before going out. Whether the mission is successful or not, they will die here in half an hour at most."


Ning Fan's face also showed a look of shock. Taking poison before going out on a mission?

In this case, wouldn't it mean that they will die even if they complete the mission?

"What a cruel method!"

"In that case, just kill them all!"

Ning Fan's face was calm, looking at the two people who were captured again. Before he could speak, Yao Li rushed up.

Fierce generals such as Ran Min and Yang Zaixing seemed a little restrained in the face of this group of killers. They had martial arts but could not display them, while Yao Li seemed to be at ease.


A strong internal force burst out from Ye You's body, directly shaking the two figures in front of him away.

Not far away, a beautiful figure also appeared, and a sword light slashed out, directly killing the two killers.

The person who shot was Xiao Longnu.

Ning Fan's face also showed a bit of surprise. Since the trip to Daxia's secret hiding, even he didn't know Xiaolongnu's whereabouts very clearly. He didn't expect that she would appear in front of him in time at such a critical moment.


With the sword energy flying all over the place, Yu Huatian also successfully stabbed a killer in the chest with a sword, but there were five assassins who appeared ten feet in front of Ning Fan!

"Young Master!"

Ye You looked at the killer's figure getting closer and closer to Ning Fan, and his face showed a hint of tension.



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