
At this moment, Ning Fan could clearly see that several hidden weapons as thick as silk threads were attacking around him.

"It's just a small skill, but it's just a matter of skill."

There was no trace of panic on Ning Fan's face. He raised his hands, and dense cold light shot out from his sleeves. In just a short moment, no less than a hundred strands of cold air escaped from his sleeves.

He has master-level hidden weapon skills. Putting aside everything else, when it comes to hidden weapons, all other hidden weapon masters are trash in his eyes.



Screams rang out one after another, and the two killers who were rushing forward were directly shot into a sieve by Ning Fan's hidden weapon. Yu Huatian and Yao Li's figures swayed slightly, and they blocked directly in front of Ning Fan. .

Xiao Longnu and Ye You attacked from behind, but before they could rush to the front, the three killers actually took out a pill from their sleeves and swallowed it without hesitation.


"This is... Huayuan Dan?"

A look of deep shock appeared on Ye You's face. Seeing the auras of the three killers surge, a look of concentration appeared on their faces.

"Be careful, these killers are too weird!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a killer figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and the next moment, he appeared behind Ning Fan.


A dagger stabbed straight into Ning Fan's back. Yao Li's eyes were so cold that even the surrounding void felt a little cooler.

With a tap of his toes, his whole body turned into an afterimage, and the dagger in his hand slipped, slicing the killer's throat.

" are..."

The remaining two killers stared at Yao Li with a look of fear on their faces. Just as they were about to speak, they suddenly saw two lines of blood shooting out and they fell straight to the ground.

Ye You's pupils suddenly shrank, looking at the figure who was about to leave with a look of thought.

Yao Li glanced at it silently, walked directly in front of Ning Fan, knelt down on one knee: "I failed to protect you, please punish me!"

As he said that, he waved the dagger directly, stabbed it straight into his arm, and knocked his head deeply on the ground.

"Get up!"

"Tiangong, it's time to move."


Ning Fan's face didn't look very good either. The rules were naturally set by Zhuan Zhu, and he did not force changes or interfere.

As for the Tiangong killer's attack, the underworld has not received any news, which is enough to prove how terrifying Tiangong is.

"Let's go to the county government."


Ran Min ordered people to collect the corpses on the ground, and his eyes fell on Yao Li, with a look of deep fear on his face.

In terms of strength, these killers might not be able to block his blow, but if they really fought, he might not be able to touch the hem of their opponent's clothes.

County government.

Ning Fan was sitting on the main seat. He had just experienced an assassination, and the whole hall seemed a little depressed.

"The general failed to protect me well. Please punish me, my lord!"

Ran Min, Cheng Yaojin and other generals also came out to plead guilty. Ning Fan shook his head, "The Tiangong killer is not comparable to ordinary assassins. Your duty is to capture cities and territories and kill enemies on the battlefield. This matter has nothing to do with you!"

"Get flat!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Everyone stood up and looked at Ning Fan again. Li Ru said leisurely: "My lord, the whereabouts of Tiangong are secret. Even Black Ice Platform has not grasped the slightest. There may be Da Yan's shadow in this assassination."

"not necessarily!"

Ye You shook his head: "The Heavenly Palace has its own style of doing things and has never been driven by the secular world. They are not motivated by profit like the black prisoners, nor are they like the underworld who act strangely."

"But they wander between the world and the world. There are only a few of them, but they are all masters."

"The assassination methods are endless, and the background is even more unfathomable."

Ning Fan nodded and said calmly: "You don't need to interfere with the Tiangong assassination. Guzi will arrange for someone to handle it."

"Wenyou, this time Emperor Yan will go on a personal expedition, and nine guards from the capital will accompany him."

"Do you have any specific information?"

"My lord, this time the Great Yan Shen Wuhou is personally commanding the troops. The nine guards of the capital, the Black Yan Guards and the Red Yan Guards have been destroyed, but there are still 350,000 fine armors."

"The main force of Nan Yan's army is heading north. Commander Bai has already made plans to encircle and suppress them. It may be difficult to escape in a short time."

"The remaining troops under Qi Jin are now stationed in Shanyang City and may make a comeback at any time."

"My lord, according to our intelligence from Black Ice Platform, Shenwu Hou Luo Tian is most likely a legendary general."


There was a dark glow in Ning Fan's eyes. Among his subordinates, Bai Qi, although he was fighting monsters and leveling up, was only at the top of his game.

Lu Bu, Ran Min and others are also hovering at the top of the peak and have not yet become legends.

The only person who can compete with the legendary military commander is the one who comes out of the mountain, but now, is it really that far?

"Lord, there are 30,000 Mo Dao Army, 50,000 Xuanjia Army, and 50,000 White Robe Army in our Changluo City, a total of 130,000 troops. It is not appropriate to fight with Yan Army in the field!"

"In the battle to defend the city, I, Dayu, have sharp weapons such as bed crossbows and repeating crossbows, which give me a great advantage."

"It's just that both the Black Armor Army and the White Robe Army are cavalry and are not good at defending the city!"

"My subordinates suggest that one hundred thousand Zhendong Army be transferred to Changluo."

As soon as Li Ru finished speaking, Ning Fan looked a little thoughtful. There are now 100,000 Zhendong Army troops in Dongyan City, and 200,000 troops stationed at Xuanjian Pass.

The big snow dragon cavalry is in the dark and trapped in the camp. The Han cavalry, the white horse Yi Cong and others are all in the north.

The entire southeastern Yan region fell into Dayu's hands, and it seemed that it was not a bad idea to withdraw 100,000 troops from Xuanjian Pass.

"Wen Ruo, what do you think?"

"My lord, this battle is not about defending Changluo!"

Xun Yu's eyes were full of wisdom, and he said softly: "If the main force of the Yan army is not destroyed, our army will have difficulty advancing. Defending Changluo can only protect the southeastern part of Dayan that Dayu has just conquered."

"Only by annihilating Dayan's nine guards in the capital can we truly hit Dayan's foundation and completely make Dayu stand firm here."

As soon as Xun Yu finished speaking, Li Ru also nodded and said softly: "But now Wu'an Jun has not returned yet. With only 130,000 soldiers and horses, I am afraid it will be difficult to confront the Yan army head-on!"

"It can be delayed for a few days."

Xun Yu smiled: " Now Xuanjian Pass has become the rear of our army, so naturally we don't need 200,000 troops to guard it, and we can transfer 100,000! "

"However, our supply line is stretched. If the Yan army goes south from Shanyang or Muye to cut off our supply, or raids Changluo from the rear to cut off our retreat, I'm afraid we will be in danger."

Everyone's eyes are once again focused on Ning Fan, and Wang Mang bows slightly and steps out: "My lord, there are 300,000 stones of grain and grass in Changluo City, which is enough to support our army for several months."

"Why don't you send a good general to lead 100,000 Zhendong troops to the north to conquer Shanyang and Muye?"

Xun Yu shook his head and said: "Changluo is my Dayu's main battlefield, and it is not appropriate to divide the troops again."


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