Chapter 825 Xing Daorong: Listen to me!



On the battlefield in front of the entire city tower, there were only two people left on horseback. The sound of horse hooves became more and more rapid. As the two people gradually approached, a terrifying power swept from the center of the battlefield towards the surroundings.


Everyone present looked at the two approaching figures with feverish eyes. Once they were among the legends, they were already at the extreme level of military commanders in the world. One person could control the situation of a war.

"Lu Bu!"

"Luo Tian!"

The two said their names in perfect tacit agreement, and looked at each other with blazing eyes. The surrounding vegetation trembled, and the powerful energy burst into the sky almost at the same time.

When the Gang Qi on the two people was condensed, it was completely transformed into a luster visible to the naked eye, accompanying them within one foot of the whole body.

"What a terrifying power!"

"There is a natural chasm between the legendary generals and the top generals."

"I'm afraid that if you and I join forces, we may not be able to defeat one of them."

Yang Zaixing and Ran Min returned to the tower and stood on both sides of Ning Fan, watching the battlefield below attentively.

At their level, it has become extremely difficult to improve their strength, and almost every step is a bottleneck. Now being able to watch the legendary battle with their own eyes is naturally a desperate opportunity.

"System, check Lu Bu's attribute page!"

[Name]: Lu Bu

【Dynasty】: Eastern Han Dynasty


[Force]: Legend

[Intelligence]: 70



[Magic Weapon]: Fang Tian Painted Halberd

[Mount]: Red Rabbit Horse

[Army]: Seventy-two Wolf Cavalry, Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry (recruitment)

[Special Skill]: Ghost Halberd Technique

[Special Attributes]: Unparalleled (Lu Bu among men, Red Rabbit among horses, when equipped with Red Rabbit and Horse, the speed is increased by 30%, when the formula is used to draw a halberd, the force is increased by 10%) Zongheng (when crossing the enemy formation, 50% of the damage of ordinary soldiers is exempted) ) Recognize the thief as the father (when recognizing the enemy as the father, the patricide attribute will be triggered, which will affect the national destiny of the hostile force. The higher the status of the adoptive father, the stronger the patricide aura)

Ning Fan couldn't calm down for a long time after reading Lu Bu's attribute page. Compared with when he first entered the world, there was not much change in general, but in detail there was a huge difference.

First of all, his intelligence increased by two points. As expected, Lu Bu had indeed changed after resurrecting his life.

Secondly, the force attribute was directly changed from numerical value to legendary, which is consistent with Luo Tian's force attribute.

Finally, there are the special attributes. Wushuang has been strengthened a lot. The immunity value of [Zongheng] has also increased from 30% to 50%. What is even more outrageous is that [Recognizing Thieves as Fathers] can directly affect the national destiny of hostile forces.

The sparkle in Ning Fan's eyes kept flickering. This attribute was not simple. If used properly, it could even be more important than a legendary general himself.

Perhaps, after the battle of Changluo is over, it is time to adjust Lu Bu's position in Dayu's army.

What kind of shadow do you think you are?

Go directly to Dayan and become a prince!

Beiyan City.

Zhenbei General Mansion.

Kuiliang was sitting on the main seat, while Fukang and Lian Yong stood quietly beside him. The figures of Xing Daorong and Pan Feng were directly pressed up and pinned to the ground by four burly men.

"Shuai Kui, these two are the commanders of Dayu's army this time."

"This tall, ugly man is named Pan Feng."

"The fat man next to me is named Xing Daorong."

Fukang looked at the two men provocatively and said sarcastically: "Both generals are men of iron bones. With their seven-foot flesh and blood bodies, they have stood up the backbone of Dayu."


All the Yu generals laughed loudly. Pan Feng glanced at Fukang coldly and was about to have a fit, but was gently pulled by Xing Daorong.

"Hehe, what General Fu said makes sense."

"The two of us are the mainstays of Dayu's army, and we are hailed as the Generals of ZTE by His Highness the Crown Prince."

"It is fate that I can meet you all today!"

Xing Daorong's righteous words had a natural sense of joy, and even the veteran Kuiliang sitting at the top couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

However, the most urgent task is not to watch General Yu's jokes, but to find out the movements of Yu's army. This arrival from the north is already strange, and there must be a bigger conspiracy hidden.

"General Xing, I can see that you are a person who understands current affairs!"

"Old General!" "

"Old Xing, you..."

Seeing Xing Daorong reveal Yu Jun's true purpose, Pan Feng's eyes widened.

Xing Daorong turned his head and glared at him: "Shut up and let me continue. Do you still want to live?"


"Old general, don't speak yet, listen to me!"

Xing Daorong directly interrupted Kuiliang's words, leaving all the generals on the side dumbfounded.

"This time our Yu army is preparing to enter Dayan from the north. Firstly, it is to contain the Beiyan army and make it unable to go south. Secondly, it is to find a breakthrough point and go deep into the hinterland of Dayan, so as to cooperate with the main force of Dayu inside and outside!"

"Now, General Zhao Yun has led a powerful force to bypass Beiyan City to capture Qingcheng."

"Old general, please send troops quickly to assist Qingcheng. Otherwise, once Zhao Yun takes Qingcheng, he will collapse Da Yan's first line of defense and directly threaten Yinzhou!"

Looking at Xing Daorong's anxious expression, Kuiliang was also a little surprised, and Fu Kang and other generals beside him all widened their eyes.


"General Xing, are you... a spy sent by the Yanlong Guard to Dayu?"

"Of course... not!"

"Really not?"

Fu Kang's eyes were also filled with suspicion. Even if he was a real spy of the Yanlong Guard, he wouldn't be so active, right?

"Xing Daorong, are you telling the truth?"

"Old General, if I, Xing Daorong, tell you half a lie, you can chop me into pieces and feed them to the dogs!"

Looking at Xing Daorong's sincere expression, Kuiliang believed it a little and immediately looked at Fukang on the side: "Fukang, send out scouts quickly to inform Qingcheng of the news."


"General Xing, how many soldiers and horses does Zhao Yun have?"

"30,000 light cavalry."


Kuiliang was also relieved. Pan Feng on the side was also relieved when he heard that Xing Daorong didn't tell the truth. It seems that this time it was another false surrender.

This damn Xing Daorong, couldn't he let him know before the false surrender?

Every time I was terrified!

"Someone, untie General Xing!"

"Thank you, General. I, Xing Daorong, am willing to go through fire and water for Dayan, and will never change my mind for generations!"

Kuiliang's face was also moved. He stepped forward and untied the ropes on Xing Daorong, smiling and saying, "I didn't expect General Xing to have such a sincere heart. Today, I have General Xing, and I am like a fish in water!"


A peaceful laugh came from the hall...

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