Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 826: Battle of Qingcheng, Zhao Yun kills the general!

Chapter 826: Battle of Qingcheng, Zhao Yun kills the general!


One of the three major fortresses in the north of Da Yan. The city is high and the pool is thick, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is also an important material town in the north of Da Yan. There are millions of grain and grass stored in the city!

"Siege the city!"

Zhao Yun gave the order, and the white horse Yi Cong behind him began to gallop towards the direction of the city tower. With his bow and arrow pointed at the Yan army on the city tower, he started hunting.

"General Gao, it's up to you!"


Gao Shun nodded heavily, slowly drew out the broad sword from his waist, and shouted: "Fall into camp, attack the city!"



The orderly formation began to advance towards the city wall. Baima Yicong rode and shot under the city. With his precise archery and fast maneuverability, he was able to counter-suppress the city tower in a short time.

This greatly alleviates the pressure of being stuck in the camp.

Soon, they arrived under the city tower, and the Yan army on the tower finally pressed back, and overwhelming arrows poured from the tower.


Gao Shun raised his long sword high, and the trapped camp was instantly divided into more than ten queues, with the shield soldiers in front and the cloud echelons behind.


The shouts of killing were loud, and the Yan army on the tower was also shocked.

Their arrows couldn't penetrate the armor of this black-armored infantry?

"The momentum of the charge is forward but never retreat!"

"The ambition to be trapped in a battle will lead to death but not life!"

The 50,000 soldiers directly overwhelmed the entire Beicheng defense line. Once the momentum of the charge started, there was no reason to retreat!

Zhao Yun looked in the direction of the city tower, with a gleam in his eyes, and shouted: "White horse Yi Cong, dismount and shoot!"


The knights on white horses also dismounted in front of the city tower, holding bows and arrows and carrying scimitars at their waists, and rushed towards the city tower.

"Kill with me!"

Zhao Yun rode his horse and rushed to the bottom of the city tower, flew up, and stepped on the ladder to gain strength. In the next moment, he was already on the city tower several feet high.


Suddenly, the morale of all the Yu troops was greatly shaken. On the tower, two figures showed a bit of anger in their eyes.

"A very arrogant young general."

"Suffer death!"

Two figures surrounded Zhao Yun, both of them were peerless generals. Zhao Yun held a silver gentian spear and rushed forward without fear.

Gao Shun led a group of soldiers to attack the tower and quickly killed the surrounding defenders.

"General, the Yu army is attacking."

"Hold it, if one place is lost, the whole camp will be guilty!"

A Yan general who was encircling and suppressing Zhao Yun spoke with a cold expression.

There was a sneer on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth, he raised the silver gun in his hand and shouted: "Burning Rain Pear Blossom Gun!"

In an instant, countless spear rays were released from the silver spear, like dense raindrops, roaring towards the general.

"General Dong, be careful!"

The peerless military commander next to him also felt the terror of Zhao Yun's Rainstorm Pear Blossom Spear, and immediately shouted a reminder. Dong Leiwen's face was solemn, and he slashed the broad knife in his hand, gritting his teeth and facing it.




The spear rays stabbed towards Dong Leiwen, the terrifying light and shadow seemed to pierce through his whole body, and the violent energy was like a burst of wind and rain, all bombarding the broad knife in his hand.

Occasionally, a few spear lights broke through the direction of Dong Leiwen and passed by in a flash, leaving blood marks on his shoulders, cheeks, and waist.

"So strong!"

"I'm afraid this person has already reached the top of the ranks. If you and I join forces, we only need to delay for a moment, and General Sun will arrive!"


Zhao Yun naturally heard the conversation between the two, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.


With a loud shout, the aura on his body rose again, and a stream of white Gang Qi spurted out from Zhao Yun's body. The gun light became stronger and the aura became more fierce.

"Brothers, fight over, Yan's army's direction is broken!"

"Come on!"

Under the leadership of Gao Shun, more and more trapped troops rushed to the city tower, and Qingcheng's defense line was on the verge of collapse.

The area beside Zhao Yun and the two Yan generals has become a vacuum zone, and both the Yan army and the Yu army are deliberately avoiding it.

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!"

As Zhao Yun performed his stunt, the surrounding temperature seemed to suddenly rise by more than ten degrees. The tip of the silver gun had turned red, and the hot breath dispersed towards the surroundings.

"not good!"

"Stop him!"

"Hundred Refined Sword!"

Dong Leiwen gritted his teeth, turned around, and rushed in front of Zhao Yun. The long knife in his hand released a faint glint of light, and the aura overflowed, and he slashed towards Zhao Yun!


General Yan next to him also came to kill him, but Zhao Yun showed no fear on his face. With his attributes now released, his force value has reached its peak.

Even if he is a truly top military general here, he is still capable of fighting.

It's just that the real realm has not been opened. Now, using the strongest killing move against two peerless generals is naturally enough!


There was a crisp cry, and hundreds of lights and shadows were seen condensing into a stream of Gang Qi. The leader was a lifelike phoenix bathed in fire.


With one stab of the spear, the phoenix circled around the silver spear, and all the lights and shadows around it flew out.


With a roar, the two figures flew out together and hit the female wall behind them, directly breaking the wall.

The silver light flashed, and the tip of the spear stabbed Dong Leiwen's chest accurately.


The Yan general next to him was shocked, with a bit of fear in his eyes, but he even lost the strength to raise his hands, and blood kept pouring out of his body.

His body surface had been burned black by the scorching energy.


Zhao Yun stabbed with his spear and took him away. He looked at the Yu army soldiers around him and shouted: "Soldiers, the tower has been captured by our army. Today, Qingcheng is the first victory of our battle!"


The morale of the Yan army was greatly shaken, and they rushed forward with a roar. The three people in the Xianzhen camp formed a formation, attacking and defending at the same time, and the Yan army had no intention of fighting at this time.


Under the tower.

A team of Yan army joined the battlefield under the leadership of a middle-aged man. Zhao Yun's eyes focused, and it turned out to be a peak general.

A real peak general!

There is at least one peak general guarding the three fortresses in the northern border of Dayan, and this General Sun is the defender of Qingcheng!

"Yu people, dare to kill my two generals, come and die!"

Sun Yue saw the bodies of Dong Leiwen and the other two, and was immediately furious. He swung his long hammer and rushed towards Zhao Yun. Gao Shun beside him also looked solemn.

"General Zilong, I'll help you!"

Zhao Yun shook his head and said in a deep voice: "General Gao, you lead the army to capture the city first and open the city gate."


"Let's fight!"

Zhao Yun held a silver spear, with no fear on his face. As soon as he made a move, he used a rainstorm pear blossom spear.

Sun Yue felt the aura on Zhao Yun's body, frowned slightly, he seemed to be a top general, but he seemed to be a little bit worse. This person was really a bit weird.

"No matter if you are a top general or not, if you kill my Yan general, you will definitely pay with blood!"


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