Sun Yue's eyes were gloomy, staring at Zhao Yun. Now the morale of Dayu's soldiers was as high as a rainbow. If he didn't kill this man, I'm afraid Qingcheng would really not be saved today.

"Who are you?"

"Qingcheng Guardsman, Sun Yue!"

The sledgehammer in Sun Yue's hand swung, and his strong arms were filled with a faint white light under the blessing of Gang Qi.

"Who are you?"

"I am Changshan Zhao Zilong!"

As soon as Zhao Yun finished speaking, the aura on his body began to rise rapidly. In just a moment, he was even stronger than Sun Yue!

"You...are you also a top military general?"


Zhao Yun shook his head and had no interest in continuing to chat with him. He flashed the silver gentian spear in his hand, stepped forward, and took the lead in attacking Sun Yue.


A spark flew up, and Zhao Yun stabbed directly with his spear, but was knocked away by Sun Yue with a hammer. The domain instantly opened up, covering an area of ​​more than ten feet.

Sun Yue's face was somewhat condensed, and he looked at Zhao Yun with confusion in his eyes!

This person's strength is indeed a bit weird. His strength is no worse than that of the peak military generals, but his domain has not been fully developed, and he seems to be hovering between peerless and peak.

"General Sun, the eastern section of the city tower has been lost!"


Sun Yue was a little overwhelmed by Zhao Yun's rapid offensive. Now that his two generals were killed one after another, the Yan army on the city tower was obviously in chaos and kept shrinking its defense line.

More and more Yu troops attacked the tower and continued to fight towards the bottom of the tower. Baima Yicong also set up his long bow on the tower and began to reflect on the enemy troops below the tower.

"General Sun, I think you are also a rare talent. Now that Dayan is about to perish, why don't you submit to me, Dayu?"

"I, Da Yan, am about to perish?"

Sun Yue was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing: "You are really a frog in the well. Such a joke is simply making people laugh!"

"Haha, it seems that the general doesn't know yet that my main force, Dayu, has already invaded Changluo!"

"Three important towns in the north, Beiyan City has fallen into my hands, Dayu, and now Qingcheng is about to fall."

"General, can't you see the situation clearly?"


Sun Yue's expression changed. He really didn't know much about what happened on the southern battlefield, but was the fall of Beiyan City true?

No wonder this Yu army dared to go south and invade Qingcheng.

"You...really took down Beiyan City?"

The two were fighting and communicating, and Zhao Yun said seriously: "Just last night, my Dayu's Euphorbia soldiers broke through the Beiyan City Gate, and my Dayu's famous generals Xing Daorong and Pan Feng defeated Dayan's generals below the city! "

"Now, the remnants of Beiyan City's army may have retreated to Yinzhou."


Sun Yue's eyes showed a bit of fierceness, and he laughed angrily: "Dayu really doesn't know how to live or die. Over the years, even Hu Nu has not dared to offend me, Dayan. You guys really have the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard!"

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!"

Zhao Yun did not continue to talk nonsense. After he finished speaking, his purpose was naturally achieved.

"What a powerful spear!"

"Looking at how young you are, you are already among the top. If time passes, you will definitely become a nuisance to me, Da Yan!"

"Today, I will take your head first."

Under the cover of the domain, Sun Yue's power seemed to be increased several times. A pair of sledgehammers were like wooden sticks in his hands. They were strong and fast. The hammers swept out, and the aura spurted on the city wall, directly breaking the stone bricks.

Zhao Yun held a gun to resist, relying on his marksmanship to deal with it, and using his skill to resolve the force, but it was still extremely difficult.


A cry of killing rang out, and both of them looked towards Gao Shun, only to see a group of trapped troops rushing under the city tower and attacking towards the city gate.

"Brothers, open the city gate!"

"Clean the Yan army in the city!"


The momentum of the trapped camp was like a rainbow, and the tight military formation was like an unbreakable iron barrel. It crushed all the enemy troops vertically and horizontally. The soldiers in front used their broad swords to clear the way, like a sharp knife, cutting straight through the enemy formation.

"General, the tower has been completely lost!"

"General, the city gate can no longer be defended."

Sun Yue heard the calls, and his pressure suddenly increased.

Beiyan City.

Kui Liang sat uneasily on the main seat, and even Yong and other generals were pacing back and forth in the tent.


"Shuai Kui, Qingcheng was attacked by Yu's army!"

"How's the battle going?"

"The current situation is unknown. Yu's army has already arrived at the city. Our scouts dare not approach."


Kuiliang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Qingcheng must not be lost, otherwise, both Beiyan City and Yinzhou will be passive."

"This is the second most important thing. The most important thing is the food and grass supplies in Qingcheng."

"Lian Yong, Wu Zhicheng, you are rushing to the aid of Qingcheng at the rate of 30,000 light cavalry!"


The two of them bowed their hands and left immediately.

Xing Daorong quickly stepped forward and said: "Shuai Kui, the leader is Zhao Mingyun. His silver spear is like a magic weapon. Even Pan Feng and I are no match for him."

"When these two generals go to battle, they may not be their match!"

"No problem!"

Kuiliang shook his head and said: "In Qingcheng, we have a peak general of Dayan, and Zhao Yun has not yet reached the peak, which is not enough evidence!"

"Very good!"

Xing Daorong was already a little absent-minded when he heard Kuiliang's words. If Qingcheng really had a top-level general from Dayan, it would not be so easy for Zhao Yun and his men to take Qingcheng.

"General Kuiliang, I have a plan to defeat the Yu army."


Kuiliang's face also showed some expectation. Xing Daorong said solemnly: "General Kuiliang only needs to let me pretend to escape and send a team of people to chase me all the way. After I return to Yuying, I can lead my confidants and work with General Kuiliang to take down the 50,000 Yu army outside the city in one fell swoop."

"At that time, the two armies will join forces to rush to Qingcheng directly, cut off the retreat of the Yu army, and encircle and annihilate it together with Generals Lian Yong."

Kuiliang's eyes suddenly looked at Xing Daorong fiercely, and said coldly: "Haha, do you really think that this general is old and confused?"

"Xing Daorong, you pretend to surrender to Dayan, can you hide it from Lian Yongfukang and others? , but I can't hide it from you!"

"Let you go back to the camp?"

"You have a good plan, come here!"


"Drag Xing Daorong down and behead him!"


A team of soldiers rushed up and wanted to drag Xing Daorong down. Pan Feng was shocked and was about to take action, but saw Xing Daorong shook his head and smiled: "Forget it!"

"It's Xing who is too sentimental."

"I thought that I, Xing Daorong, had wasted half my life, and now I have met a good man who can let me realize my ambitions. I didn't expect that he is also a narrow-minded villain!"

"Well, how cold the heaven is, so that I can't fulfill my ambitions!"

"Boring, come on!"

"Cut off my head and send it to Yuying!"


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