
General's Mansion, in a courtyard.

Lu Bu sat quietly in the room, holding a book of war in his hand. Since the fall of Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, his temperament has changed drastically, becoming deeper and deeper. He has even learned to meditate, and his brain seems to have quietly begun to develop for the second time.

"General, can you use your servants to come and sleep with me?"

A soft voice came from outside the door. Lu Bu slowly opened his eyes and whispered: "Come in!"


Not long after, two figures came to Lu Bu's bedroom and slowly took off their clothes.

"General, you showed off your great power outside the city the day before yesterday, and now it has spread all over the world."

"My subordinates are all discussing the general's bravery in the palace."

"I guess it won't be long before the general can be granted a title of marquis, right?"

The two beauties squeezed Lu Bu's shoulders and spoke softly.

Lu Bu smiled and shook his head: "That's natural. With the bravery of this general, let alone a mere marquis, even a king is not a bad idea."

"I have a red rabbit horse and a square halberd in my hand. All the heroes in the world are rats."

"At that time, all of you slaves and servants will be able to follow me and achieve great success!"


A laughter like silver bells instantly filled the entire bedroom. Lu Bu glanced out of the corner of his eye and laughed, "Okay, two beauties, let's go to bed?"


Outside Changluo City.

Emperor Yan spent another long and difficult night. The weather was getting colder and there was not much time left for Emperor Yan.

But it just so happened that bad news came from Libei again.

"His Majesty!"

"I received intelligence last night that Marquis Dingguo abandoned tens of thousands of fine armor and headed up the river in order to break up Lu Qian and Fukang. He has now withdrawn from Libei!"


Emperor Yan was immediately furious and said in a deep voice: "Is the Guru going to rebel?"

"Who gave him permission to withdraw his troops?"

"We, Da Yan, spent several months and lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers before we reached the banks of the Li River. With a single military order, he wiped out the achievements that we, Da Yan, had made with the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers?"

"This is simply unreasonable!"

Emperor Yan couldn't help but criticize the case. Now that the setback in Changluo battlefield had almost worn out his patience, he didn't expect that Gu Ru would directly give up on the Libei battlefield.

That is the core of Da Yan’s strategy!

"Someone is coming!"


"If the guru comes to question him, I would like to ask him personally what his intentions are!"

"His Majesty!"

A figure hurriedly stepped out of the queue and slightly raised his hand: "Your Majesty, please calm down. The ancient commander has always acted cautiously throughout his life. There must be a reason for withdrawing the troops. Why don't you write a letter first and ask for the details?"

"After all, Nan Yan's army...has not been defeated now!"

Sufang gave Emperor Yan a meaningful look. After all, the ancient scholar still had an army of 200,000 under his command!


Emperor Yan also exhaled a deep breath, and his expression returned to calm: "Where is Guru now?"

"On the way to Changluo."

"Send an order to the ancient scholar to come to Changluo for an audience. The Nanyan army will not move!"


"Is there any news from Changluo?"

"Your Majesty, we have already made contact. Lu Bu doesn't seem to have much resistance to me, Da Yan. General Xing's letter will be delivered to Lu Bu today."


Emperor Yan nodded with satisfaction, a shadow flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Now Ning Fan, the crown prince of Dayu, is in Changluo, telling Lu Bu that if he can kill Ning Fan, I will make him a Marquis of Ten Thousand Houses! "

"His Majesty!"

Xing Daorong, who had not spoken until now, stepped forward, cupped his fists and said, "You don't understand Lu Bu. Although he is not loyal to Dayu, he is not a betrayer."

"If I push too hard, I'm afraid..."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Yan glanced at Xing Daorong appreciatively: "General Xing's words are not unreasonable."

"That's all!"

"As long as Lu Bu is willing to submit to me, Da Yan, even if he doesn't go to war!"

"Without Lu Bu, Dayu would be just a bunch of chickens and dogs!"



Li Jing and Tang He marched north to cross the river together. Gu Ru marched westward and took away all the ships along the coast. After several battles, the Guanshan Army lost tens of thousands of troops.

The main force of the Li army is also regrouping and preparing to regain the large areas of lost territory in northern Li. However, cities such as Tianfeng, Nagano, and Ruyang have now fallen into the hands of Dayu, and Bai Qi seems to have no intention of returning them.

"Shuai Bai!"


Bai Qi and Li Jingda joined forces, Zhang Han also led the prisoner army to Ruyang, and the three armies joined together.

"Everyone, Gu Ru leads the main force of the Nan Yan Army to the west and will inevitably rush to Changluo. Now, our army and the Nine Guards of the Capital of the Yan Army are fighting in Changluo. I am determined to rush to Changluo's aid!"


Li Jing also nodded and said softly: "Now the Lord only has the White Robe Army and the Modao Army. The Xuanjia Army may not be able to last for long. We rush to the reinforcements of Changluo and can defeat the Nine Guards of Yanjing Division and take advantage of the situation to advance westward. "


Bai Qi stood up, looked around, and said loudly: "Reorganize your troops and horses immediately, and rush to Changluo together!"



It is an important town on the northwest border of Dali and is also the border with Dayan.

Years of war have made the local people miserable. Most of them have already moved within the country or moved to other places, leaving behind only the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Since Wancheng is surrounded by mountains to the north, it is not suitable for large armies to pass through, and there is a key point to the south, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Therefore, Da Yan sent troops from Dongyan City many times when he went south.

Due to the complex terrain and the dangerous pass of Dali in the south, this city is inconspicuous and has been changing hands among local tyrants for many years. When Gu Ru's army arrived, they easily took control of it.

"General Gu, our military camps and food can no longer support many days."


Gu Ru nodded, looked at the generals below calmly, and said softly: "If there is no food, go collect food and grass. If there is no military camp, recruit local tailors and craftsmen to speed up the production."

"Yes, then when will we go north?"

"Go north?"

Gu Ru shook his head and said softly: "Not going north."

Hearing Gu Ru's words, all the generals under his command were startled, and a strange movement flashed in their eyes, and they looked at each other.

Although Wancheng is not a wealthy city, and its population is sparse and the land is barren, it is also the best choice for separatism. Is Gu Shuai preparing to...

"We will go south, fight a desperate battle, and capture the Lingyou area of ​​Dali!"


As soon as Gu Ru finished speaking, all the generals below were shocked. Continue to go south?

That is facing the dangerous pass of Dali!

Although the Nanyan Army now has 200,000 people, the food and grass can't support it for a few days. After a long march, the soldiers are exhausted, and many soldiers have begun to acclimate!

But Gu Shuai is still preparing to go south?

"General, His Majesty has sent an envoy, please welcome him quickly!"


Gu Ru's face changed slightly, and he quickly tidied his clothes, stood up and strode out of the hall, kneeling down to salute.


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