Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 838: I am sorry that I cannot obey your order

"My dearest guru, welcome the angel!"

"According to His Majesty's instructions, Nanyan's army is on standby, and Gu Ru will lead a hundred cavalry to Changluo to help attack the city!"

Upon hearing the envoy's words, a flash of deep disappointment flashed across the guru's eyes, and his expression became entangled.

"Commander Gu, please leave immediately and come with us back to Changluo to see you!"

"Forgive me, Guru, but I cannot obey my orders!"

The guru closed his eyes deeply, with two lines of tears on his face, "This time I withdraw my troops from the southern border, it is really a helpless move."

"On the northern border of the Li River, Dayu's 300,000-strong Guanshan army was approaching. Dayu's troops were advancing step by step. Behind the main force of our army, Yu's black-armored infantry attacked the city and plundered the territory. In just over a month, they had already Take away more than ten cities from me."

"If I don't lead the army to march westward, we will be attacked from both sides and will be defeated."

"Now, our Nanyan army is about to run out of food and grass. I am preparing to lead the army south to capture the remote land of Dali."

"This is the only chance to reverse the situation in Dali!"

"Eunuch, I have compiled a letter, please send it to Your Majesty!"

The eunuch who delivered the order couldn't help but look moved when he heard the words of the ancient scholar. He sighed softly: "Chicheng, the ancient commander, I naturally understand. As a veteran of our Da Yan, you should not fail to understand what your majesty means."

"His Majesty was furious this time. The court was shocked to hear the news of the troop withdrawal, and he also repeatedly impeached..."

"Think twice before you act!"

Gu Shuai shook his head, with a somewhat sad smile on his face, and said lightly: "I have passed the age of hearing, and fame and wealth are like floating clouds to me."

"However, this battle is the beginning of my Da Yan's eternal hegemony. I, the ancient scholar, am walking on thin ice!"

"My father-in-law, please tell your majesty that the ancient Confucian scholar will serve the country all his life and will have no regrets even if he dies!"

"If no good news comes to Changluo within one month, the ancient scholar is willing to die to apologize!"

"That's fine..."

The envoy nodded with a sad look on his face, waved his hand to dismiss the servants in the tent, and walked up to the guru: "Commander Gu, Your Majesty has become suspicious. I know the loyalty of Commander Gu, but I still want to remind you that you cannot disobey your orders. Plan to leave early!”

"Even if this battle is a great victory, your heart has been lost!"

“If things can be accomplished, there will be no regrets.”

The envoy took a deep look at the guru, bowed his hands respectfully, and said softly: "Farewell!"

Inside the big tent, the guru didn't speak for a long time. It took half an hour before the rich voice came out of the tent.

"Beat the drum and gather the generals!"

Xueyue City.

royal palace.

The weather was getting colder, and it was already a bit cooler in the courtyard. A beautiful woman wearing a white cloak stood in front of the door.

Her belly was slightly bulging, and her eyes were soft. She looked at the fallen leaves withering, sighing with emotion.

"His Majesty."

As soon as Gong Yuyan stepped into the courtyard, she saw the figure standing in front of the door and hurried forward: "Why are you out?"

"It's a little stuffy in the pavilion, come out and get some fresh air."

"The weather is cold, be careful if you catch a cold."

"No problem!"

Mu Qingcheng showed a gentle smile, looked at Gong Yuyan and said, "Is there any news from the front line?".

"The Yan army has retreated!"


Mu Qingcheng frowned and murmured: "Da Yan spent countless efforts to annex Da Li this time, but now he retreats so easily?"

"Your Majesty, Dayu's Qin Ruishi went south and attacked Li Jing's Guanshan Army from both sides. The Yan Army cannot resist!"


"Where's Chao Zhong?"

Gong Yuyan looked at Mu Qingcheng's worried look and said angrily: "Your Majesty, you have been retired for half a year, why are you still so concerned about government affairs?"

"With two prime ministers sitting in charge and a group of wise ministers assisting you, you can relax!"


"This world belongs to my family, not yours, so of course you can relax!"

Gong Yuyan chuckled and said softly: "Listening to their discussions these past two days, it seems that Prime Minister Liu's reforms have encountered great resistance. Civil and military officials have different attitudes, and they all seem to be waiting and watching."


A sneer appeared on Mu Qingcheng's face: "They are all a bunch of old foxes, and they all know in their hearts that reform will naturally affect their interests. But now that Liu Bowen is slightly more powerful than Cheng Xiang, no one dares to be the first person."

"Order Du Liufeng to fully cooperate with Prime Minister Liu's reforms."


When Gong Yuyan was talking about business, he was also very serious and bowed respectfully.

"Yu Yan, is there any news about Chang Luo?"

"Chang Luo?"

Gong Yuyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled playfully: "Why, is Your Majesty concerned about the war in Changluo, or is he concerned about someone in Changluo?"

"Stop talking nonsense and tell the truth."

"Hehe, I really know this!" Gong Yuyan smiled playfully: "The news just came from the Phoenix Stage yesterday that the legendary general Wuhou of Dayan Shen and Dayu had a shocking battle under Changluo City, and the winner was hard to decide! "

"Da Yan has been frustrated in his attack on the city many times and is stationed outside the city."

"Legendary Battle!"

Mu Qingcheng was moved when he heard this, and murmured: "Does Yu already have legendary generals?"

"Your Majesty, I also have good news!"


"The actor went into seclusion five days ago and is about to reach his peak."

"Yes, it is indeed good news!"

Mu Qingcheng also smiled. Among the countries in the Central Plains, each country has its own heritage, but the heritage of Donghuai and Dali is somewhat insignificant compared to other countries.

Nowadays, Donghuai has become a vassal of Dayu, and if Dayu had not helped Dayu, Dayi would have been crushed by Dayan's cavalry.

"Yuyan, where did the Yan army retreat to now?"

"It is currently unknown, but the Yan army did not go north!"


Mu Qingcheng frowned slightly: "Did not go north?"

"Yes, according to Li Jing's information, the Yan army should have advanced westward along the river!"


Mu Qingcheng's face changed slightly: "Such important information, why didn't you say it just now?"


"What...what happened?"

"Didn't the Yan army flee?" Gong Yuyan was frightened by Mu Qingcheng's overreaction: "Guanshan Army and Dayu's Qin Ruishi, a defeated army, is not to be feared?"

Mu Qingcheng shook his head: "If it is an ordinary Yan army, it is naturally not to be feared!"

"But this is the Southern Yan Army, their commander is still Dayan Gu Confucianism!"

"You don't know much about Gu Ru's character, but I have heard that he is extremely cautious in his actions and military operations."

"He is now advancing westward in an instant, and he is likely to have entered Wancheng."

Gong Yuyan also nodded: "Li Shuai's speculation is also true, but Gu Ru will definitely go north from Wancheng, and then the decisive battle will still be in Changluo!"

"Not necessarily!"

Mu Qingcheng was silent for a long time, with a sharp look in his eyes, looking at Gong Yuyan and said: "Send a message to Du Liufeng, let him go in person, go to Ximenguan to supervise the battle, transfer the main force of our army to the west, and strictly prevent the Nanyan Army from going south!"

"Go south?"

"Your Majesty, the Yan Army has never had a practice of going south from the northwest of our dynasty!"

"Besides, Gu Ru's defeated army..."

"Are you too cautious?"

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