West Gate Pass.

As the most dangerous pass on the northwest border of Dali, there has been no war for decades.

When the Yan army marched south, they mostly advanced from the direction of East Yan City and could directly attack the imperial city of Dali.

If they entered from West Gate Pass, firstly, the terrain was difficult to defend, secondly, West Gate Pass was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and thirdly, it was far away from the capital of Dali. Even if they attacked West Gate, the land was sparsely populated and it would be difficult to supply materials.

Most importantly, the battle line was too long, which was enough to give Dali time to react!

And this time, Guru decided to take a risky move and capture West Gate Pass.

In the big tent.

Under the gaze of all the generals, Gu Ru held up the seal of the commander, raised it above his head, and said solemnly: "Everyone, this time I disobeyed the order and decided to lead the army south. If I succeed, I will atone for my crime, but if I fail, I will be infamous forever!"

"This is the last chance for our Nanyan Army. If this battle can be successful, it will change our army's decline and even take the initiative again."

"Gu Ru, please help me!"

After saying that, he bowed deeply to the generals in front of him, and all the generals below were moved.

"Marshal, you can't do that!"

"You are loyal to the court, and we all know it!"

"Now, we understand the situation of our Nanyan Army. It is not easy to go south, and it is even more difficult to go north!"

"You have promoted us all. Now, I will do my best to follow you to continue the war!"


The ancient scholar nodded heavily, his cloudy eyes gradually became clear, and he said in a deep voice: "Pass my order, attack Ximen Pass at midnight tonight!"

"All generals listen to my order!"


"Chen Qian, Li Yi, you two will be the vanguard, and lead the army to attack Ximen Pass at midnight tonight."


"Guangren , you lead 30,000 infantrymen, escort all the food and grass, and follow the army in! "


"Go down and prepare!"


After everyone left, Guru slowly turned his head and looked to one side and said: "Butong, how are the preparations going?"

"Teacher, everything is ready!"

"Whether it can be accomplished tonight depends on you."

"Please rest assured, teacher, you asked your disciples to pay attention to Ximenguan three years ago. I didn't expect that the unintentional move back then would actually come in handy today."

"Butong, do you really think it was an unintentional move?"


Butong was stunned for a moment, looking at Guru in confusion, a little surprised.

"Teacher, is this your plan?"

"Bu Tong, remember, when leading troops to fight, whether you are yourself or the enemy, there will never be any unintentional actions, and every move is planned!"

"Just like this time, I have made the worst plan when I saw my Dayan suffered repeated setbacks on the banks of the Li River!"

"That is today..."

The ancient scholar smiled self-deprecatingly and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that I would eventually come to this step, but it is also the time of my downfall."

"Teacher, how confident are you about this battle?"

"Seventy percent!"

The ancient scholar was silent for a long time, and said softly: "If I expected If it is true, the Guanshan Army should have crossed the river by now. "

"Bai Qi's Qin elite soldiers will also lead the army northward. In the court of Dali, there is only one good general in the army, Xi Xiongtu!"

"But this is a barren land in the northwest after all. Even if we can take down Ximenguan, we still have a long way to go to attack the Dali Imperial City, and it is even negligible!"

Bu Tong was silent for a long time, and then he raised his eyes slightly and said in a firm tone: "Teacher, the Nanyan Army will not lose!"

Gu Ru was stunned for a moment, and nodded heavily, and smiled: "You are right, the Nanyan Army will not lose!"



It was another quiet and peaceful cold night. In front of Lu Bu stood a tall middle-aged man, looking at him with a smile.

"Meet General Lu!"

"Who are you?"


Gu Hui smiled, even facing one of the only legendary generals in the world, he was not nervous at all.


Lv Bu's face suddenly turned cold, and he shouted in a deep voice: "You are so bold that you dare to trespass into the general's mansion!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will chop off your head?"


Gu Hui still smiled: "General, I came here this time because I was entrusted by the Emperor of Dayan to find a future for you."

"As far as I know, the general fought for Dayu in the south and the north, and made many military achievements, but he has not even a title so far."

"It can be seen that Dayu's court is gloomy and the emperor is incompetent!"

"If the general is willing to join Dayan, His Majesty will give you Sending a generous gift is unprecedented! "

Lv Bu's expression eased a lot, he slowly stood up, walked to Gu Hui, and his eyes were extremely cold: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"If I was afraid of death, I would not appear in front of the general!"

"General, you can also take my head to offer to Prince Yu, and see what kind of reward Dayu can give to the general."

"Of course, you can also take a look at the generous gift I brought to the general!"

Lv Bu narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a long time, then slowly raised his feet, looked out the window, and turned back to Gu Hui.

"General, please take a look!"

Gu Hui slowly pulled out a golden scroll from his sleeve. In an instant, Lu Bu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he took the golden imperial edict and opened it to read.


"Really! !"

Lv Bu's voice trembled a little, and his eyes stared at the contents of the imperial edict.

"Of course it is true!"

"The seal of my Dayan jade seal was written by His Majesty himself, how could it be false!"


Lv Bu was silent for a long time, slowly raised his head, and let out a long sigh: "I didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor of Yan would value Lu Bu so much!"

"General, are you willing to join my Dayan?"


Lv Bu let out a sigh of relief again, accepted the imperial edict of Dayan with a serious face, looked at Gu Hui and said: "Please wait for a moment, Your Excellency."

"Lv Bu is going to see Prince Yu, goodbye!"

"Farewell... goodbye?"

"That's right!"

Lv Bu nodded solemnly: "Please come with me!"

"General Lu, you..."


General's Mansion.

Lv Bu strode into it with Gu Hui, and the armored soldiers standing on both sides hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Lu... General Lu!"

Gu Hui's legs were a little weak, standing in front of the general's mansion, nervously pulling the corner of Lu Bu's clothes, and he had already cursed in his heart!

Didn't you say you wanted to join Dayan?

Turning around and taking me into General Dayu's mansion?

"Don't be nervous!"

Lü Bu pulled Gu Hui in and walked in directly, but Gu Hui couldn't hold on any longer and suddenly blocked in front of Lu Bu: "Lü Bu, if you want to offer me to Dayu, you can take my head, why do you have to do this..."

"Mr. Gu, what do you mean?"

While the two were talking, they saw several figures walking out of the hall. Gu Hui's face instantly became extremely defeated, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Bu, meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


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