Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 856 Kunlun Buddha, above the East China Sea!

"I, Li Bai, would like to meet Master Zhi!"

"Li Bai is a banished immortal who is both a master of poetry and sword?"


Li Bai nodded slightly. For a moment, Master Zhi's eyes became complicated. He bowed slightly and said, "I have always heard of your great name. I didn't expect that you would come to the academy in person today. I am sorry!"

"Master, you are too polite. I came here to ask for one thing!"


"Ask about the sword!"

When these words came out, both Master Zhi and Gu Midian's faces changed slightly. Even Mo Rufeng, who had been hiding in the corner watching the fun, had his eyelids jump.

Sir, this is an academy. You can't mess around!

"My academy has always been famous for its literature. If you want to ask about the sword, I am afraid you have found the wrong place."

"Literature is also the way."

Li Bai behaved freely. Facing one of the three great masters of the academy, he still looked at him with a drunken look and joked with the world.

"Well, in three days, my academy will discuss the Dao with Li Jianxian."


Li Bai smiled heartily: "We can discuss the Dao of literature, the Dao of swordsmanship, and the Dao of heaven!"

The old man bowed slightly, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.


Da Li.

Snow Moon City.

Ning Fan quietly accompanied the empress, gently holding the baby in his arms, with a face full of tenderness.

From this moment on, he had a sense of true belonging to this world.

"Xiao Taiping, you are the continuation of Dad in this world."

"Grow up quickly..."

Mu Qingcheng's eyes moved slightly, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Ning Fan's tender scene, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

"You're awake."

"How do you feel?"

Mu Qingcheng shook her head slightly: "Everything is fine, let me see Xiao Taiping!"


"This guy, fat head and big ears, don't grow up to be a fat man like Shen Wansan in the future!"

"Fat head and big ears?"

Hearing Ning Fan call her child like this, the empress couldn't help but frown and glare: "You are the fat head and big ears!"


Ning Fan smiled, suddenly turned sideways, and then said calmly: "Ning Yan has something to see me, you take a rest first."



Ning Fan strode out of the palace and saw an old man with a slender figure, wearing a Taoist robe and a lotus crown on his head sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard, looking at him with a smile.

"Old Taoist Tai Xuanzi, meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


Hearing the other party reveal his identity, Ning Fan frowned slightly. This is the deep palace of Dali. He can appear here quietly and without alarming anyone. Such means have to surprise him.

"Master, are you here for me?"

"Yes and no!"

Tai Xuanzi smiled, nodded first, then shook his head.


The two sat down in the pavilion, and two figures suddenly rushed to the front of the courtyard. They were Ning Yan and Yu Huatian, looking at the old Taoist in front of them with a vigilant look, as if ready to take action.

On the pavilion, an old woman also had a faint breath and slowly descended outside the pavilion.

"Don't be nervous!"

Ning Fan waved his hand, but Yu Huatian and Ning Yan were not moved at all, silently protecting Ning Fan on one side.

The old woman was also stunned when she saw Tai Xuanzi, and she quickly stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Greetings to Kunlun, Tai Xuan Zhenren!"

"Old friend, long time no see."

"Haha, the last time we met was more than 80 years ago, right?"

"I hope you don't mind my visit today."

The old woman shook her head slightly, glanced at Ning Fan, and said softly: "I don't think you are here for Dali, I'll take my leave now."

Tai Xuanzi nodded slightly, first looked at Yu Huatian, nodded slightly, then looked at Ning Yan, frowning.

Ning Fan, however, looked at Tai Xuanzi and joked, "A great Kunlun Master is actually good at other people's harems. If this gets out, I wonder how people in the world will view Kunlun!"


The old Taoist priest was also interrupted by Ning Fan's words. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Please forgive me, Your Highness."

"I saw that the fortune in Dali was like a rainbow. It was obvious that a celestial being had descended to the world. I couldn't help but go down the mountain."


This old Taoist priest was the old Taoist priest with long eyebrows in the Kunlun Hall. He was also the head of the five masters of Kunlun Fairyland. He was called the World Master and Taixuan.

Ning Fan knew that this person was from Kunlun, and his expression became more solemn.

"Your Highness, I came down the mountain this time to observe the fortune of Dali and to meet Your Highness."


Ning Fan looked at Tai Xuanzi with a playful look, but the latter said solemnly: "The great changes in the world are great, but for the human world, it is also a catastrophe."

"Your Highness's fate, I can't see through it."

"Master, just say it directly, no need to be mysterious."


The old Taoist was full of black lines. He was the dignified Kunlun World Master, but he was called mysterious?

"Forget it..."

"Your Highness, I have something to ask you."

"Tell me?"

"Lend me the seal of the emperor."

Hearing the three words "the seal of the emperor", Ning Fan's heart trembled. He was carrying the seal of the emperor, and outsiders could never know it, but this old Taoist said it in one word.


"The old Taoist... exchange it for something!"

"What do you want the Human Emperor Seal for?"

"Your Highness, take out the Human Emperor Seal and you will know."


Ning Fan took out the Human Emperor Seal from the system space, and saw the old Taoist stretched out his right hand and suddenly grabbed Ning Fan's arm in his hand, and then he gathered his left hands and stroked with his fingertips.

Yu Huatian was about to attack, but he seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move at all.

Ning Yan was able to attack, but she couldn't get close.

Tai Xuanzi saw Ning Fan's blood dripping on the Human Emperor Seal, and then he slowly said: "Don't panic, the old Taoist has no ill intentions."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to pinch a seal, and in an instant, the Human Emperor Seal suddenly burst out a white light, rushing straight to Ning Fan's eyebrows.

"Your Highness, close your eyes."

Ning Fan knew that even if the old Taoist had any bad intentions at this time, he could not resist, so he closed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, his consciousness seemed to come to the boundless East China Sea, and the figure of the old Taoist also appeared in it.

"Where is this?"

"Your Highness, this is the East China Sea."

"Can the two of us reach the East China Sea in an instant?"


The old Taoist shook his head slightly and sighed: "It's just relying on the luck of the world and using the Human Emperor Seal as a medium to open the Sky Eye."

"That is..."

Ning Fan's eyes were suddenly attracted by a huge light curtain. He could vaguely see a huge platform floating above the East China Sea, and endless power from the platform was constantly gathering towards the light curtain.

Seven small tripods were suspended around the platform. The old Taoist grabbed Ning Fan's arm and his eyes were a little deep: "Your Highness, let's go over and take a look."


Ning Fan had a vague guess in his heart, and the two of them came to the platform in an instant.

The next moment, Ning Fan only felt his meridians begin to tremble, and the blood in his body began to boil, as if it was about to break through his body.

"Your Highness, don't panic!"


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