"Old man, what's going on?"

"Where is this place, and there is this high platform..."

Ning Fan's eyebrows were full of confusion, and the Chosen Son beside him looked at him with a smile: "Your Highness, don't you have a guess in your heart?"

"Really..." Ning Fan's pupils shrank suddenly: "Is it related to Daxia seven hundred years ago?"

"Daxia seven hundred years ago?"

The old man smiled, and his eyes became much more complicated: "People say that seven hundred years ago, the first emperor unified the world and established Daxia. It was prosperous in the Spring and Autumn Period, and all nations came to pay tribute..."

"But some people say that seven hundred years ago, Daxia collapsed and the world changed. Your Highness, do you know when Daxia was founded and when it collapsed?"


Ning Fan was also shocked. He once took a peek at "Daxia Chronicle" (Chapter 693) in the library of Dayu Palace and learned that Daxia Dynasty was not established seven hundred years ago, but lasted for seven hundred years.

But the specific time was torn off by that damn old slave, and he also wiped his ass.

How many years have passed since Daxia? No one knows... No, Mo Rufeng, that bastard, should know...

Looking at the layers of mysteries in front of him, Ning Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a figure in a dragon robe on the high platform of the East China Sea.

"Old Taoist Tian Xuanzi, pay homage to His Majesty the Human Emperor!"

As he said that, the old Taoist's phantom bowed respectfully and saluted the dragon-robed figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the seven tripods.

"Stand up!"

Ning Fan felt like his head was about to explode. Seven hundred years ago... the Human Emperor?

The Human Emperor is not dead?

Lived for seven hundred years?

"System, system!"

"Give me an explanation!"

Ning Fan knew that at this moment, only the system could give him a reassurance, but the system did not respond at all.

Thinking of his Great Xia bloodline and the agitation of his blood before, Ning Fan took a deep breath, stepped forward slowly, and knelt respectfully: "Descendant Ning Fan, pay homage to the ancestors!"

The dragon robe figure suddenly raised a vast power, and in an instant, it seemed as if the sky and the earth changed color, and the entire East China Sea was covered, and the sitting figure slowly stood up.

The old Taoist priest's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a bit of bleakness, and said in a lost voice: "Your Majesty, even you..."

The emperor slowly turned around, with a calm smile on his face, and nodded slightly: "After all, the lamp is exhausted..."

As he said, he came to Ning Fan step by step, looked at him carefully, and his eyes were filled with some relief: "I didn't expect that my bloodline is still dying in the world, not bad..."

"Ancestor, you..."

Ning Fan seemed to have many questions to ask, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know which one to ask.

Is it to ask about the secrets of Great Xia in the past?

Or ask the foreign races outside the domain?

Or, ask why the Human Emperor can last for seven hundred years?

"No need to ask."

"My luck has run out, and I don't have much time left. You listen carefully!"

"Three years!"

"I will give you three years to unify the Central Plains!"

"After three years, the catastrophe will come, and the five major races will make a comeback and will determine the fate of our human race!"

As soon as the Human Emperor finished speaking, Ning Fan's heart trembled, and he thought of the three major foreign races he had seen in the secret collection of Daxia.

"Ancestor, is it the catastrophe brought by the three alien races?"


The Human Emperor shook his head and said calmly: "Not the three alien races, but the five alien races!"

"Five alien races?"

"Feather Clan!"

"Multi-armed Human Clan!"

"Night Clan!"

"Beast Tamer Clan!"

"And the Moon Clan!"

Ning Fan frowned slightly, looked at the Human Emperor and asked: "Are they human?"

"Heaven and Earth Aliens!"

"Are they very powerful?"

"Each race has extremely powerful talents, but they are ultimately controlled by this world and are not invincible!"

"So that's it!"

Ning Fan took a deep breath and looked at the Human Emperor: "Ancestor, are there immortals in the world?"

The Human Emperor subconsciously glanced at Tian Xuanzi and said seriously: "There are no immortals in the world. If there are, they are just a group of pseudo-immortals in human skin!"

Tian Xuanzi on the side just laughed dryly. For thousands of years, the three immortal realms have been aloof from the world, claiming to be immortals and looking down on the world.

But they seem to have forgotten that it was once just a martial arts training ground for the Great Xia Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, can this barrier only last for three years?"


The Human Emperor smiled sadly, his eyes seemed to cross the endless East China Sea and looked into the void: "I have been watching over the human world for seven hundred years..."

"Back then, I used the luck of my Great Xia Dynasty to fight for another seven hundred years for the human world!"

"In the future, I will leave it to you."


Hearing the calm tone of the Human Emperor, Ning Fan's eyes were horrified, and there was a little more enlightenment in his heart.

Guarding the human world for seven hundred years at the cost of the luck of one dynasty!

It's like this!

In other words, the Human Emperor can continue for seven hundred years at the cost of the destruction of the Great Xia Dynasty!

"Boy, your luck is like a rainbow, and I can't see through it!"

"Don't let this world down!"

"I'm going!"

After saying that, the Human Emperor soared into the air, like a god, and his figure swept away and appeared outside the sky.

The vast power rushed to the edge of the East China Sea like a rainbow.

After a moment, I could only feel the huge waves rising up. At the edge of the East China Sea in the distance, blood was surging into the sky, the torrent was like a pillar, and screams were heard from time to time.

A tall silhouette of a multi-armed man suddenly appeared on the edge of the East China Sea, but disappeared as a golden hand clapped it.

The shrill roar spread throughout the world.

"Human Emperor, I will tear you alive even if you are a ghost!"

"What am I afraid of?"

After another moment, the shadow of the big human-shaped bird covering the sky seemed to be flying for nine days, but then it fell with a golden palm print and another shrill cry.

"The descendants of the Yu clan will overthrow the human clan in this life!"

"Otherwise, I will die with my eyes open!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge human phantom disappeared again.

Immediately afterwards, alien shadows rose up one after another, and dissipated after a moment, and a majestic figure gradually appeared in the sky of the East China Sea.

The figure seemed to be human, but it was not made of flesh and blood, but transformed by luck!

Countless human beings in the Central Plains countries exclaimed about the miracle, and looked at the figure wearing the nine-clawed dragon robe and the emperor's nine-dragon crown, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Remnants of the Great Xia, pay homage to His Majesty the Human Emperor. May the Emperor be blessed with great blessings throughout the heavens. He may rule the territory for ten thousand years, and the Great Xia will last for ten thousand years!"

In Tianji Mountain and Mingxin Lake, all the monks from Tianji Pavilion came out to worship the phantom above the East China Sea.

They came from Daxia Si Tianjian and claimed to be descendants of Daxia. When they saw the phantom of the Human Emperor, they knelt down and kowtowed.

"Emperor Da Yan, meet the Emperor of Daxia!"

In the Bauhinia City, Emperor Yan, who had just returned from the class, was extremely moved when he looked at that majestic figure and bowed in salute.

He was just the emperor of Da Yan, and that one was the emperor of the human race!

"Greetings to His Majesty the Human Emperor!"

In the world, countless human races bowed their heads, and a vast gift of destiny rushed into the sky, heading straight towards the Human Emperor of the East China Sea.

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