Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 860: Bind to the national destiny and prepare to return!

"You underestimate the world's heroes?"

"Of course not!"

Ning Fan smiled and shook his head, looking at the old Taoist in front of him: "Taoist Master, the world is in chaos now. Since you said that I am destined to belong to destiny, are you willing to help me?"


When Tian Xuanzi heard Ning Fan's name, his eyelids jumped. After hearing Ning Fan's words, he already had the idea of ​​​​escape.

"Taoist Priest, you come from a fairyland. Now that war is everywhere and the people are suffering, I believe you will not watch the Central Plains fall into long-term turmoil."

"Besides, there are only three years left before the five major alien races make a comeback."

"That's all!"

Tian Xuanzi also let out a long sigh of relief, and said somewhat helplessly: "Your Highness, you have obtained the inheritance of the eighteen great masters, so naturally you are not lacking any secrets of techniques."

"There are some pills here, I'll give them to you!"


Ning Fan had a look of expectation on his face. When he saw the old Taoist priest handing over a jade bottle, he asked curiously, "What's the benefit of this elixir?"

"There are thirty Kunlun elixirs in this bottle. Each one can increase your skill for twenty years!"

"That's it?"

Ning Fan glanced at the jade bottle in his hand with some disgust. It was not as effective as the Xiaoxuan Pill given by the system.

This old Taoist priest is too stingy.

"That's it……"

Looking at Ning Fan's disgusted face, Tian Xuanzi was speechless. Thirty Kunlun elixirs were still not in the eyes of His Highness the Crown Prince?

"That's all, I know you are poor, so just make do with it!"


"Old man, now the three major fairylands have also entered the world. I have one thing to say, please pass it on to me."

"Your Highness, please speak!"

"You also know the current situation. It is imperative to unify the Central Plains."

"Gu Hope, it is best for the three great immortals to be their otherworldly immortals honestly. If you interfere in the affairs of the world, don't blame Gu for his murderous intentions."


The old Taoist priest also showed a bit of helplessness. Although Kunlun was the first of the three fairyland, it was not superior to the other two.

Now that the great times are coming and new divisions of interests are involved, how can they remain indifferent?

"Old Taoist, I understand."

"Well, it's getting late. It's time for the Taoist Master to go back."


Tian Xuanzi stood up, bowed solemnly, and flew up.

Ning Fan sat alone in the pavilion and was silent for a long time, with a rare dignified look on his face.

Unify the world within three years?

Fight against foreign races overseas three years later?

Fortunately he survived.

"Tongzi, Tongzi, are you there?"

Ning Fan called a few words in his mind, but the dog system didn't respond at all.

Has the system disappeared?


"I call you one last time. If you don't respond, I will start to mess up."

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, a soft voice came from his mind: "Master, I'm here..."

"You piece of shit, why are you so late in responding?"


The system actually had a bit more human laughter, and the tone was also a bit human: "Master, due to this change of fate, under the wise leadership of the master, the system has thoroughly implemented the concept of continuous self-improvement..."

"speak English!"

"Steal the luck of the Central Plains and strengthen and upgrade the system!"


Ning Fan frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "If you extract the fortune of the Central Plains, won't it affect the fortune of the world?"

"Don't worry, Master, I only 'borrowed' a little bit, it's enough for your needs!"

"When will it be upgraded?"

"The upgrade has been completed."

"Tell me?"

"Master, after this system upgrade, the summoning authority for Chinese civilization will be enabled!"

"From now on, summoning heroes is not restricted by dynasty. Except for emperors of all dynasties, everyone can summon!"


Ning Fan's face also showed a bit of excitement, and he said with a smile: "So, it's not far from the birth of Kong Sheng and Ya Sheng?"

"Master, after upgrading, you need to use Luck Summoning to summon heroes!"


After a detailed introduction, Ning Fan gradually understood that with the change of his identity and the upgrade of the system, the system has been bound to Dayu's national destiny.

Summoning also requires Dayu's luck, and Dayu will also start the luck plunder mode!

As long as you weaken the enemy country, you can plunder the opponent's luck!

After returning to the palace, Ning Fan couldn't calm down for a long time. He originally planned to take some time to spend time with his children, but now that the world has changed, he has to go back.

"What happened?"

Seeing Ning Fan's absent-minded expression, Mu Qingcheng asked gently.

Ning Fan glanced at Mu Qingcheng in surprise, her loose black hair naturally falling down, and her beautiful eyes looking at him with concern.

"You should have heard just now that the Human Emperor of Great Xia has fallen, and the fortune of the Central Plains has recovered!"

"What's the reason and what's the secret?"

Ning Fan recounted the events of the last human emperor to Mu Qingcheng, and Mu Qingcheng couldn't calm down for a long time: "Why the change today?"

"Is it because my son was born?"


Ning Fan looked at the sleeping child with a bit of pride: "My son has the blood of four dynasties. He is the son of destiny today and the future ruler of the unified dynasty!"


Mu Qingcheng couldn't help laughing, and then was stunned for a moment: "Bloodline of the Four Dynasties?"


"Former Zhou is a descendant of the royal family of Daxia. My mother has the blood of Dazhou, I have the blood of Dayu, and our son has the blood of Dali. Isn't it the blood of four dynasties?"


For a moment, Mu Qingcheng was speechless, but Ning Fan smiled slightly: "Are you going back to Dayu with me?"

"Are you leaving?"

"Only three years left."

Both of them fell into silence. Mu Qingcheng slowly grabbed Ning Fan's hand and said seriously: "This world is not your world, and you don't need to bear anything for the people of the world."

"Just do your best, if..."

"If the future is not what you and I want, I will accompany you to wander around the world, regardless of the disputes in the Central Plains and the ownership of the world."

"If you are really tired, I will go back to the countryside with you. The world is so big that there is always a place for you and me."

Ning Fan looked at Mu Qingcheng blankly. He never thought that he could say such words. Then he shook his head and smiled freely: "Okay, then we will have a warm bed with our wives and children, and give him ten or eight children!"

Mu Qingcheng burst into laughter, holding the child in her arms, full of tenderness.

"When will you leave?"

"Three days later!"

Mu Qingcheng nodded slightly, with a bit of loss in her eyes that was difficult to conceal: "I... I can't go back with you. The war in the West is undecided, and the court..."

"Silly, you can't even get out of bed now."

"Just have a good rest, and I will come to see you after the New Year!"



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