On the vast ancient road, the wheels rolled over the rugged tracks, heading east.

This is the way home.


Ning Fan looked out the window, his eyes were a little deep, he was thinking, God gave him a chance to start over, let him come to this strange land, what is the purpose?

Imperial ambition?

Or, is it a big dream?

No, this is not a dream!

He really came, and everything about him here will be recorded and passed down by someone!

The coachman was a thin middle-aged man, with a goatee moving in the wind, and a pair of eyes above his hooked nose, shooting a little feminine.

His name is Changsun Wuji.

There were two people riding horses on both sides of the carriage, and 72 wolf riders guarded behind him.

Ning Fan looked at the mountains in the distance, the clear river, and the wilderness covered with heavy snow. This is the country!

He wants to be an emperor in this life!

To be the emperor of the world, the emperor above all people!

Ning Fan's face was unusually calm, and there was not even a ripple in his heart. This year was already his fourth year in this world.

If he hadn't appeared, what would the world be like now?

Would the weak Dayu die?

Would he?

Ning Fan didn't know. He thought of his cheap father who was playing games in the deep palace at this time. If he hadn't existed, would Dayu really die in his hands?

"Your Highness, my Dayu is ahead."


Ning Fan's thoughts returned, looking at the land in front of him that felt so familiar, Lingzhou!

"Your Highness, do you go back to Beijing directly or..."

"Go to Jixia Academy."


Dian Wei responded and led the way in front.

When Changsun Wuji heard the four words Jixia Academy, he also showed a bit of yearning.

"Your Highness, I heard that the chief priest of Jixia Academy is Xun from the Warring States Period?"


"I didn't expect that I could see the real face of Xun in this life."

"Hahaha!" Ning Fan smiled: "Not just Xun!"

There was a gleam of brilliance in Changsun Wuji's eyes, and the expectation on his face became stronger.

Ning Fan silently opened the system. After the system was upgraded, summoning heroes required the use of luck points, while peerless, peak and legendary generals required 10,000 points, 100,000 points and 1 million points respectively.

The corresponding civil officials are virtuous, famous officials, and saints!

The most important thing is that there is no dynasty restriction, which means that from ancient saints to talents in the late Qing Dynasty, they can all be summoned.

"System, why do I only have 100,000 points of luck?"

"Master, after the system upgrade, 100,000 points are the basic luck points, and the master has just conquered the three counties of Dayan and obtained 300,000 points of luck points, a total of 400,000!"

"400,000... is not enough to summon a legendary general, a bit of a pit!"


"Master, after the system upgrade, you can directly summon legendary generals!"

"That makes some sense."

Ning Fan pinched his chin, pondered for a while, and then said: "In this case, let's try it first!"

"Use 100,000 points of luck points to summon a famous minister!"

"Summoning, please wait!"

Although the system has been upgraded, the summoning process has not changed at all. It is still the mighty river of history. Ning Fan's eyes are filled with a bit of expectation.

I saw a flash of golden light, turning into a phantom, and gradually solidified.

"Dong Zhongshu, meet the lord!"

"Dong Zhongshu!"

Ning Fan's eyes were filled with surprise. He didn't expect that this person would enter the world.

The records about this person in history books must be inseparable from the eight words "reject all schools of thought and respect Confucianism alone".

It can be said that this guy laid the ideological foundation for the Chinese dynasty for two thousand years.

It greatly strengthened the centralization of power and pushed the imperial power to an unprecedented height, truly achieving ideological and political unity!

"System, where is Dong Zhongshu now?"

"Reply to the master, he is on the way to the Jixia Academy."


Ning Fan responded and observed the changes in the system page. The first one was the system mall page. There was basically no change, but the mall currency was still the merit value.

And the merit value needs to be obtained by killing generals and enemies.

The page of the technology tree requires the national fortune value. In other words, if you want to continue to light up the technology tree, you need to consume the national fortune.

"System, what does this national destiny mean?"

"Master, the national destiny value is the national destiny, which is a numerical value to measure the strength of a country."

"Comprehensively analyze the national strength by combining data from politics, economy, military, population, land, treasury and other aspects."

"The basic point of the national destiny value is 100 points. When the national destiny value is lower than 100 points, the country will go downhill, and even natural disasters and man-made disasters will occur."

"Check the national destiny values ​​of the Central Plains countries!"

"Querying, please wait!"

As a page rose, Ning Fan's eyes condensed.

[Dayan]: 985 points

[Dayu]: 582 points

[Xishu]: 392 points

[Dali]: 300 points

[Donghuai]: 43 points

After reading the national destiny values ​​of the five countries, Ning Fan frowned slightly. Dayu and Dayan are so different?

A full 400 points, as for Donghuai, it is only 43 points?

"Master, perhaps Dayu is not inferior to Dayan in military affairs, and even has more talented generals and wise ministers than Dayan, but Dayan's land area, population, treasury, etc. are still far superior to Dayu!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Donghuai, paused for a long time, and murmured: "Donghuai's national fortune value is less than 100 points, which means that it is not far from the destruction of the country?"

"Master, Donghuai is now in name only."

"When the master completely annexes Donghuai, Dayu's national fortune will definitely rise a lot."

"That makes sense."

"System, after the system upgrade, there is no way to directly exchange population?"

"Yes, master."


The system remained silent, and Ning Fan stopped asking questions, but thought about Donghuai.

"System, Nanman, Mobei and Hu Nu Dongying may check?"

"Reply to the master, yes!"

[Hu Nu]: 1040 points

[Nanman]: 291 points

[Mobei]: 201 points

[Dongying]: 192 points

[Western Regions]: 1580 points (comprehensive)

Ning Fan's eyelids jumped when he saw Hu Nu's national fortune value.

Hu Nu's national fortune value is higher than Dayan?

Even nearly twice that of Dayu?

However, it makes sense if you think about it carefully. Although Hu Nu is a nomadic country, in terms of military strength, even Dayan has to avoid its edge.

Controlling a million troops is not an empty talk.

"It seems that after solving Dayan, a battle with Hu Nu is inevitable!"

"Japan is the first to bear the brunt."

"There is a long way to go!"

Ning Fan sighed softly, looking at the Linghu in front of him, his face was dazed.

"My lord, we are at Linghu."

"Well, prepare the boat and go directly to Jixia Academy!"


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