
Ever since His Highness King Yong established his academy in Linghu, for a time, the literary style within the 800-mile radius of Linghu became prosperous and majestic. Countless princes and celebrities from various countries rushed in to sit and discuss Taoism.

As more and more people came here to study, the name of Jixia Academy spread throughout the world, and the three great masters in the academy became world celebrities.

"My lord, I didn't expect that Jixia would change so much in just two years. It's really earth-shaking!"


Ning Fan looked at the bright street, the smooth bluestone road, the tall lintels and the two unicorns in front of the academy, and felt a little more relieved.

Because of the Jixia Academy, the island in the middle of the lake has now been turned into a holy place on earth. The surrounding area of ​​Linghu Lake is mainly commercial, with various workshops and restaurants scattered around. Among the islands in the middle of the lake, Jixia is the core. Many cultural holy places were built around Jixia Academy.

Such as Shushan, Xuehai, Forum on Taoism, Wendao Square and so on!


Changsun Wuji stared at the academy in front of him in a daze. The bookboy in front of the door seemed to have noticed the group of people and stepped forward in front of them.

"Everyone, are you here also for the purpose of discussing Taoism in the academy?"

"The time is coming, so please join in."

When Ning Fan heard this, his face showed a bit of surprise: "Today is the day of opening the palace and discussing Taoism?"


"Very good, please lead us in."

"Please show your identity."

Ning Fan smiled playfully and took out a token from his arms. The boy's expression immediately changed, but he heard Changsun Wuji on the side say: "Young man, don't make any noise. Your Highness is paying a private visit incognito, so don't disturb others."


The book boy respectfully invited the group to come in. Today we are the academicians of the academy. All the celebrities and great scholars from all over the world gathered on the platform.

"Your Highness, Daochang, a famous Confucian scholar from Western Shu, is here today. He brings with him more than a hundred disciples."

“There are also students from all over the Central Plains gathered here, and the occasion is unprecedented.”

"So interesting?"

Ning Fan also became interested. When he walked to the Taoist forum, he saw hundreds of people sitting in two rows, with the three masters from Jixia sitting at the top.

"Today is the day for discussing Taoism in our Jixia Academy. As the saying goes, there is no end to learning. I will open up a clear doctrine, expose bad government, let a hundred schools of thought contend, and have great Confucian scholars discuss the law."

"Everyone can speak freely."

"I have heard of Master Xun's name in Jixia, so I came here today to ask for advice!"


Xunzi slightly cupped his hands, wearing a plain robe with long eyebrows and white temples, sitting at the head of the discussion platform, but his face was very serious.

"Today, I have three questions."

"First question, I heard that Jixia's academic discussions do not distinguish between high and low, do not set national boundaries, and have no connection with the imperial court. Do you know whether Jixia is a subordinate of the imperial court of Dayu?"

The person who spoke was none other than a student from Xishu who came with Wen Daochang. As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Xunzi.

"Today's discussion is just for academic purposes. According to the rules of my academy, I don't have to answer this question."

"However, since your Excellency asked a question, I will give an unconventional answer."

"Everyone in the world is inseparable from the two words of monarch and minister. I live under the emperor Yu, and I should be respected by my superiors. The school in Jixia should also be under the jurisdiction of the imperial court."

"Since the establishment of Jixia Academy, we have never interfered in the political affairs of other countries and discussed matters instead of governing them."

"All disciples of the Academy are not allowed to enter the world while studying in the Palace."

"After he was born, he would not interfere if he preached in the world or entered temples in various countries."

"I answered this, did you understand?"

The student nodded slightly, bowed his hands slightly and said, "Thank you, Master, for your teaching."

"My second question is, I heard that during the recent political reform in the Yu Dynasty, there was a man named Shang Yang. This man vigorously promoted new laws and radically reformed the legal system in the Yu Dynasty. May I ask, Master, the countries in the Central Plains have been governed by benevolent government and bound by etiquette and law since ancient times? People, is it really feasible for the great Yu to value the Dharma and despise Confucianism?"

"This is a big fallacy!"

Before Xunzi could speak, Shen Buhai on the side spoke: "In today's world, looking at the five countries in the Central Plains, which country can escape the rule of law?"

"The five kingdoms all inherited from Bactria. They received the etiquette and laws of the ancient sages and sages, restrained the world with etiquette and morality, and measured good and evil with laws."

"Today's Dayu's reforms and innovations are for the purpose of pioneering. The ancient methods are not suitable for today's people, but many people today respect the past and despise the present."

"The trend of the world is moving forward in a mighty way. In today's world, only by continuous innovation and forging ahead can all our people be enlightened and the people live in peace."

The student glanced in the direction of his teacher, and when he saw that he was silent, he asked the third question: "I have benefited a lot from having Mr. Shen answer the second question just now."

"However, as Master just said, the world respects the past and despises the present, students cannot agree with it!"

"The biggest difference between the Central Plains and the barbarians is that our Central Plains has sages who established rituals and sages preached the doctrine, and the learning of the sages is naturally adapted to all people in the world."

"Now that Master has changed his words, could it be that he thinks he is stronger than the ancient sages and sages?"


Shen Buhui shook his head slightly and chuckled: "You are sophistry!"

"The changes of today's people are not changes out of thin air, but they are based on the foundation of the sages and sages of the past, taking the strengths of the sages and making up for the shortcomings of today's people."

"Whether it is reform or reform, it is not a rejection of the etiquette and laws of the sages, but standing on the shoulders of the ancient sages and sages and forging ahead. This is the way!"

As soon as these words came out, the student was speechless for a moment, and there were cheers from all around.

"Okay, then the third question from the student, now is a great struggle, the nations are at war, the people are displaced, may I ask the master, what should we do in today's world?"


Zou Yan, who had never spoken, chuckled and said lightly: "The so-called general trend of the world is that after a long period of division, there will be unification, and after a long period of unification, there will be division."

"Today's disputes in the world are also the direction of the great world. Since ancient times, the world has been divided first, and Xia swept all directions and unified."

"Unification is inevitable in the great world, and the world will be unified, naturally there will be wars."

"To gain long-term peace with a temporary pain is also the trend of history, which cannot be stopped by human power!"

Zou Yan's words fell, and Wen Daochang, who had never spoken, asked: "May I ask your Excellency, in the current great struggle, which of the five countries in the Central Plains has the potential to win the throne 's momentum?"

"Is it because of the advantage of weapons?"

"Is it because of the vast territory and the large population?"

Xunzi shook his head slightly and said softly: "For those who conquer the world, territory, population, and soldiers are weapons, but they are not the basis."


"For example, Dayan has a vast territory, a large population, and the advantage of weapons. Isn't it the destiny of heaven?"


Xunzi said slowly: "If you seize it by force and don't follow the destiny of heaven, you won't last long!"

"Please teach me, Master!"

"The most important thing in the world is the people!"

"The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the king is the least important!"

"As for weapons and power, they are just means!"

"Only those who win the hearts of the people can win the world. Those who are the common rulers of the world and can make the people happy will be respected and supported by the people of the world, and they will last long!"


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