After seeing off the envoys from Xishu, Ning Fan also came to his small attic.

Since being enthroned in the East Palace, Ning Fan has been wandering around, rarely staying in the capital permanently, and even when he is in the capital, he does not live in the East Palace. Instead, he lives most comfortably in Prince Yong's Mansion.

The small attic has also been preserved.

Cai Yan, Yao Ji and the others lived here all year round, and Wan Qingyue also stayed here for two days from time to time.

After Diao Chan and Xiao Qiao came into the world, Ning Fan also placed them in the small attic.

"Master is here!"

"Miss, do you want to change clothes?"

Seeing Ning Fan's figure, Xiao Cui hurriedly ran to the attic. Upon hearing this, Cai Yan first got up and walked to the window, and then walked quickly downstairs.


"Your brother is back, come with me to greet him."


After more than a year, Huang Wan'er, who was picked up by Ning Fan, also opened her body. The dirty little girl back then has now become slim and graceful. Under Cai Yan's training, she has a somewhat ladylike temperament.

Yao Ji who heard the news in the pavilion on the side also looked happy. Since Ning Fan returned, none of them took the initiative to bother him, but now that he took the initiative to come to his 'harem', they naturally wanted to show off.


Walking down from the attic, Cai Yan saw the haunting figure, spread his legs and rushed towards him.

Yao Ji's guy was even more indecent, and he flew down from the second floor.

The two of them jumped on each other, one on the left and the other on the right. Only Huang Waner looked timidly from behind, with a glimmer of light in her eyes.

"Yan'er, goblin, do you miss the young master?"

"I think about it, of course I think about it, my soul is almost flying out of my mind."

Yao Ji expressed her longing for me without any scruples, her eyes were almost twitching, but Cai Yan blushed pretty, rubbed her head in Ning Fan's arms, and said softly: "I've thought about it so much. "

"Hahaha, let's go!"

"Go in and talk."

Ning Fan held their hands and strode towards the attic. Huang Waner also stepped forward and greeted softly: "Brother!"

"Wan'er, you've grown taller again."

"If you wait another year and a half, you can find your in-laws!"

"Brother... Wan'er is still young."

"Xiao Cui, go to the kitchen and ask them to slaughter some cattle and sheep. Let's cook the mutton today!"


After more than half a year of separation, Ning Fan felt a bit more joyful about meeting again after a long separation. Unknowingly, he had become deeply bound to this world.

"Evil is coming!"

"Go to the palace and pick up Ning Yao."


Not long after, everyone set up an Eight Immortals table in the garden of the courtyard, placed a copper pot made by Ning Fan himself, and placed a few pieces of charcoal on it.

The mutton was a kid sent by Wuyou from Nanman. It had to be said that the difference in taste between the free-range sheep on the grassland and the sheep raised by farmers was quite big.

This made the goblin very happy. He didn't expect that he could taste the taste of the grassland in the capital.

"Second brother!"

"Oh oh oh, I miss you so much. You didn't even tell me when you came back."

When Ning Yao saw Ning Fan's figure, she hurriedly ran forward. She had been in the palace library during this period, studying the ancient and modern art of war day and night, and spent three meals a day in the library.

It can also be regarded as being blind to what is happening outside the window.

"Second brother, my feelings have faded."

Seeing the little girl's aggrieved look, Ning Fan pulled her forward, sat next to him, rubbed his head and said, "I heard that Miss Ning has been working very hard lately?"

"That is!"

Ning Yao proudly raised her chin, her beautiful eyes sparkling with brilliance: "Master said, if you want to become a famous general, you must not only be proficient in the art of war."

"It is indispensable for the policy of diplomatic relations, the transportation of grain and grass, and even the general trend of the world."


Ning Fan nodded in admiration. It had to be said that it was her chance that Ning Yao could become Bai Qi's disciple by accident.

Perhaps, given time, Dayu will really be able to produce an incredible female general!

"Boy, it's time to put the plan to build the Great Wall on the agenda."

A lazy voice came from his mind, and Ning Fan was stunned for a moment. If Brother Zheng continued to pretend to be dead in his sea of ​​consciousness, he might forget about this person.

However, when it came to building the Great Wall, Ning Fan also showed some hesitation on his face.

Now it will take at most three years for the alien race to make a comeback.

At this time, spending huge manpower and material resources to build the Great Wall, will it not be worth the gain?

"Brother Zheng, I believe you also know that in three years, the alien races on the East China Sea will make a comeback. Now the focus of Gu is unification!"


"So, the Great Wall should be built within three years!"

"Huh?" Ning Fan looked a little confused: "Why?"

"Boy, have you forgotten that when the great times come, luck will bless all countries. If we can build a Great Wall in the northern territory of Dayu!"

"Dayu's national destiny will definitely improve."

"At that time, not only can we resist the foreign tribes in the north, but we can also support Dayu's national destiny!"

"Can't you understand this simple truth?"

After hearing the First Emperor's instructions, Ning Fan was stunned for a moment and quickly asked the system: "Brother Tongzi, can building the Great Wall really enhance the national destiny?"


"Building the Great Wall as the defense line of the northern border can strengthen the border defense of Dayu's territory, which will naturally enhance the national destiny."

"Besides, such a great undertaking, after its completion, will unite people's hearts and enhance the pride of the people of Dayu."

"You will naturally gain luck!"


Ning Fan's face showed a touch of excitement. Since the system was upgraded, summoning heroes requires luck value.

In a sense, the dog system has become useless because the difficulty of summoning has increased.

But the system said that it is to maintain a balance in rules. The dog system also gave a 200,000-word explanation, which made him scold.

I traveled through an imaginary dynasty, and you let me cheat but restricted me from cheating?

Rubbish system!

"Not only can the construction of the Great Wall enhance national luck, but also reproduce the glorious chapters of China's 5,000-year civilization. Things such as the Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Bronze Sparrow Tower, the Yellow Crane Tower, and the Afang Palace can all gain luck!"


Ning Fan took a breath: "System, are you asking me to be a tyrant?"

"No matter what, start with the Great Wall first!"

"Within three years, a northern Great Wall must be built, and after unification, the Great Wall of the previous life will be reproduced!"

Ning Fan made up his mind, and Zheng Ge also quietly closed himself off.

After a meal of mutton hotpot, Ning Fan and the girls also drank some wine. The next step is to complete the system task!

[Inherit the will of Wei Wu]: One-fifth of the completion!

No matter what, we must at least push the progress to three-fifths tonight.

Gongjin, little overlord, I'm sorry, I'm really not greedy for her body, it's all for Cao Cao and the five sons and good generals!

And those 10,000 tiger and leopard cavalry, I'm really jealous!

For my great cause of unification, I'm sorry for you. In this life, I will definitely find a good wife for you two!

And Chan'er, wait for me!

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