The full moon hangs high, unchanged through the ages, but the moonlight in the winter night seems to be more deserted, but it is very warm under the quilt.

Yao Ji's charming eyes were as silk as silk, and she looked at her young master infatuatedly. After half a year of looking at him, she finally turned into a puddle of autumn water, with lush grass and crystal rain, and then the winter thunder rolled and thunder shook the sky.

After a hearty session, Ning Fan also stood up and prepared to pack his clothes.

"Sir, won't you spend the night here?"

"There are still some official matters that need to be dealt with..."

"Okay, don't exhaust yourself. You have to spend time with me tomorrow."

Ning Fan patted his butt and turned around to leave.

Half an hour later, Cai Yan came out of Cai Yan's room and walked directly towards the front hall.

That's his sleeping quarters.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."

"No gifts!"

Ning Fan waved his hand and looked at the two charming sisters with a gentle look on his face.

"Are you still used to living in the house?"

"Of course!" Xiao Qiao said with a quirky look, his eyes twinkling: "I didn't expect there to be so many delicious food in the palace. My sister and I have only been here a few months, and we have already gained several pounds."

"That's good!"

Ning Fan smiled, took off his coat and threw it to Da Qiao aside. He said to Xiao Qiao, "Girl, go and ask the servants to boil some water. I want to take a bath."


Not long after, the wooden bucket was filled with hot water, and the two girls with red faces wiped the water stains on Ning Fan's body.

Da Qiao looked at Ning Fan as if he had some understanding, and said softly: "Master, do you want us to sleep with you tonight?"

"are you willing?"

"It is an honor for us sisters to serve His Highness."

With that said, Da Qiao slowly walked to the bed and turned around.

One night the fish and dragon danced, and two lotuses bloomed side by side. After this night, the flowers bloomed.

"Congratulations, master, [Inherit Wei Wu's legacy] mission completion: three out of five!"

"Distributing periodic rewards, congratulations to the master, for winning the Five Sons of Generals - Le Jin, Yu Jin!"

The sound of the system fell, Ning Fan exhaled a breath of relief, and a small head emerged from the quilt.

"I have obtained three of the five good generals!"

"There is a sense of pleasure like passing a game."

"There are still two people left. Diao Chan can eat it tonight, but he is the last one..."

Early morning.

This was the second court meeting after His Highness the Crown Prince's return. All the civil and military personnel in the court waited outside the Zhengde Hall early until His Highness the Crown Prince appeared.

"The hour has come, and all the officials have entered the palace."

After completing a set of procedures, today's morning meeting began to get down to business.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report."


Contrary to everyone's expectations, the first person to report today was actually Zhao Rui, the Minister of Rites. This person did not belong to any faction. He usually acted as a quail and silently watched the battles between the court and the court.

But today, he actually took the initiative to make trouble.

"Your Majesty, our Ministry of Rites received an urgent letter of credence from Donghuai last night."

"The Donghuai imperial court is willing to withdraw from the dynasty and merge with the country to join me, Dayu!"


Zhao Rui's words were like a thunder exploding in the hall. The civil and military personnel in the court were also full of horror, and they couldn't help but look at His Royal Highness.

Yesterday, His Royal Highness and the Prince's family sang a double act in the palace!

But today, Donghuai’s credentials were delivered.

If you say that this matter has nothing to do with His Highness the Crown Prince, even the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty will not believe it even if they are struck by lightning.

Emperor Yu also recovered from the shock and looked at Wei Ying aside: "Send it up."

After a full stick of incense, Emperor Yu sighed slowly: "The Empress of Donghuai issued an edict of abdication and made the Emperor of Donghuai my queen!"

"Today, the Donghuai imperial court has lost power, foreign invasions have repeatedly invaded the border areas, and various internal rebels have rebelled against the king and usurped the country. The people are displaced and have no food to eat."

"For the sake of the people of the world and for the sake of righteousness, the Donghuai imperial court is willing to join me, Dayu."

"I have mixed feelings in my heart!"

Seeing Emperor Yu's sad expression, the civil and military officials in the court also gave advice one after another.

"Your Majesty, Donghuai has a Mingjun Holy Master who cares for all people. I hope that your Majesty will not let down the good intentions of Donghuai Mingjun!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, all the countries in the Central Plains are originally one family, and now the merger of Yu and Huai is for the sake of the common people!"

"I sincerely request your Majesty to issue an edict to include Donghuai into my territory, Dayu!"

"Please, Your Majesty..."

One after another, figures were kneeling on the ground, quite a bit like forcing the palace.

Emperor Yu also stood up half-heartedly and looked at the ministers with confusion: "You... I must not do such an unjust thing!"

"Even if Dayu invades Donghuai, I should be the one who fights him from the battlefield in an upright manner."

"Besides, I..."

Emperor Yu's righteous and awe-inspiring speech made all the officials feel helpless to complain. You said you could just pretend to be just fine, and you even pretended to be addicted.

Ning Fan seemed a little impatient, rolled his eyes at Emperor Yu who was sitting on the dragon throne, and said directly to Wei Ying.

"Prepare the decree!"

"From now on, all the territory, people, and sea areas of Donghuai belong to me, Dayu!"

"The empress of Donghuai, who understands great justice and cares for all the people, has been named the King of Huai. All the officials of the Donghuai royal family can join me, Dayu, as officials!"

"The officials in the counties and counties under our jurisdiction will all remain the same as before. Laws, farming, and taxes will all remain the same!"

"Abolish the title of the country of Donghuai, establish two states, and divide it into Dongzhou and Huaizhou!"

"Appreciate this!"

After Ning Fan finished speaking, the civil and military officials in the audience felt their heads buzzing, looking at Ning Fan hesitant to speak.

The censors seemed to want to rant, but they were a little worried about the heads on their shoulders. The ministers wanted to scold, but they felt that the power of the Crown Prince as regent had not been removed...

Now that Lin Qiushi was not in the court, Zheng Xuan had become his spokesperson. Seeing Ning Fan's beard trembling, he cursed in his heart: "Okay, okay, Crown Prince, you don't even want to act anymore, right?"


Everyone observed the expression of Emperor Yu on the dragon throne and found that His Majesty the Emperor also looked aggrieved. He seemed to want to say something, but he seemed to be unable to say anything.

But the ministers did not speak, Ning Fan was the first to speak: "Father, now that Donghuai has surrendered to Dayu, then Donghuai's affairs are our affairs!"

"The Japanese invaders have repeatedly invaded our borders. As the saying goes, those who invade Dayu will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"I think Dayu should send out the navy to cross the East China Sea, flatten Dongying and wipe out the Japanese invaders!"

"What do you think, father?"

Emperor Yu nodded slightly, cursing in his heart: "You rebellious son have said everything I said, what else can I say?"

"The prince is right!"

"But who should lead the troops?"

As soon as Emperor Yu finished speaking, Ning Fan was already impatient: "Father, since we are going to kill the devils, it is naturally the most appropriate for me to lead the troops!"

Feeling the overwhelming murderous intent that Ning Fan inadvertently surged, not only Emperor Yu, but all the civil and military officials in the court were horrified.



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