"This little guy."

On Wenxian Peak, the old man in gray robe couldn't help but smile and looked at Ling Xiao Sanren: "Senior brother, a very interesting thing happened in Dayu some time ago."

"The little guy from the Demon Sect and that guy from Ping Tian had a decisive battle on Dayu's palace, but he was taken care of by Dayu. Now he is guarding the gate at the gate of the palace."


There was also a hint of surprise on Ling Xiao Sanren's face: "Although Pingtian is still late in holding the sword, he already has the appearance of a third-level swordsman. To be able to be so obedient to him, there are experts in Dayu's royal family!"

"Which boy is this from the Demon Sect?"

"Demon Lord Xiaoyue."

"It's him!"

Ling Xiao Sanren stroked his beard and said calmly: "The Demon Sect obviously wants to take advantage of this catastrophe to return to Wangxian Mountain. After so many years, they are still evil!"

"The people who want to see the immortal come forward to deal with this matter in the Jianghu. Now we don't have much time left."

"Senior brother, since the Human Emperor was able to repel the aliens back then, why didn't he go on an expedition to the Eastern Continent?"

"It's not that easy!"

Ling Xiao Sanren's face also showed a bit of sadness, and his turbid eyes were filled with memories: "In that battle back then, when the eighteen saints of our human race held the East China Sea forever, only three of the five major alien races were dispatched."

"Among the five major alien races, the most terrifying one is not the Yu Clan, but the Moon Clan!"

"Fortunately, the Yue Clan did not participate in the battle that year. Otherwise, my strength in the Central Plains would have been severely damaged!"

"We won't even buy the seven hundred years."


"I heard that Dayu gave birth to a swordsman named Li Taibai?"

"Yes, he is also a very interesting little guy. During this period, he has become famous in the academy and has given the three masters a lot of headaches."


"As expected of this great world, there are many talented people!"

"Your Highness, it's time for us to leave."

"No hurries."

Ning Fan glanced at Daoxuan and looked around, looking at the attics with flickering eyes.

"Where is that?"

"That is the main palace of Penglai Immortal Island, Penglai Pavilion, and it is also the residence of the island owner!"

"Where are the seats next to it?"

"It is the residence of my Penglai elders."


Ning Fan continued to wander around the island, and Dao Xuan just thought he was curious. However, after reaching the second mountain peak, the view became extremely wide.

"Where is that?"

"Martial Arts Arena!"

"Tibetan Scripture Pavilion."

"There is also the Penglai Treasure House."

Hearing the words Penglai Treasure House, Ning Fan couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He pretended to continue visiting as if nothing had happened. When he came to an attic, Ning Fan looked at Daoxuan.

"Is this Gong's room?"

"Your Highness, the toilet is over there."

Daoxuan pointed to an attic, Ning Fan nodded and said, "Wait for me for a moment."


Ning Fan strode towards the toilet, took out the stuff from the system space, and after smearing it on his face, he instantly transformed into Daoxuan, bypassed Daoxuan and the others, and walked towards the Penglai Treasure House.

"See Daoxuan's first seat!"


"I have been ordered by Master to pick up a few things."


The disciple guarding the treasure house immediately opened the door to the Penglai treasure house, and saw a thick bronze door slowly opening. Ning Fan strode into it and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I don't know how big the Penglai treasure house is inside. At a glance, it looks like an indoor city, with all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures arranged in various areas.

Ning Fan's eyes shone as he walked to a medicinal material section. With a wave of his hand, he directly loaded various precious medicinal materials into the system space, followed by the elixir section and the divine weapon section.

After burning the incense, Ning Fan walked out of the treasure house as if nothing had happened, nodded to the disciple guarding the treasure house, and returned to the toilet.

On Wenxian Peak, the corner of Ling Xiao San's mouth couldn't help but twitch, he squeezed the chess pieces in his hand a little tighter, and murmured: "This kid really doesn't suffer at all."

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"That kid sneaked into our treasure house and looted it!"

"How can this be?"

"Haha, being able to sneak into my Penglai treasure house and steal things is considered a skill."

"Senior brother, that is our accumulation of more than a thousand years!"

"They're just some dead things. They're meant for people to use. Let them go!"


"Your Highness, why have you been gone so long?"

"Well, my stomach feels uncomfortable."

Ning Fan said a few perfunctory words, and then wanted to leave Penglai Island in a hurry. If he was discovered by the old guy on the mountain, he would probably be beaten severely.

Daoxuan looked at Ning Fan's expression which was a little strange, so he stopped asking any more questions and took Dao Yun and Ning Fan to leave the island together.


"Let's go, get ready for the return trip."

"Who are these two?"

"Daoxuan and Daoyun are disciples of Penglai. They will join us in the world this time!"


The ship set sail again. Ning Fan had nothing to do and chatted with Dao Xuan.

"Old Xuan, I heard that Penglai is preparing to canonize a saint?"


Daoxuan is a cold person, while Daoyun is a little more lively, but has no feelings for Ning Fan, and seems to be still struggling with why he has Penglai's sword control skills.

"Why haven't I seen your Penglai Saint today?"

"Your Highness, I, Penglai, have not canonized a saint for hundreds of years. However, this canonization was ordered by the Master himself."

"Perhaps it won't be long before Her Royal Highness the Saint enters the world."

"How old is your saint?"

"Your Highness, the Penglai Saint may not be from Penglai."

Daoxuan glanced at Ning Fan thoughtfully, recalling the master's instructions in his mind.

He also didn't understand what was so magical about Dayu that he could win Penglai's favor.


"Old Xuan, you Penglai claim to be one of the three great immortal lands, so you must have many unique martial arts skills, right?"

"That's natural!"

Dao Yun on the side couldn't help but interject: "I, Penglai, have inherited it for more than a thousand years and have a profound foundation. Not to mention the martial arts secrets, there are also many magical powers and immortal methods."

"Junior sister!"

Daoxuan glared at him, but Ning Fan's eyes lit up: "What about?"

"Your Highness, our Penglai Immortal Island does have some unique skills, but we can only learn them by practicing the mental methods of my Penglai lineage."

"Can you show it to me?"

Daoxuan pondered for a moment, thinking of his master's instructions to obey Ning Fan's orders, and then he nodded slightly, put his fingers together, and pointed at the sea not far away: "This is one of my Penglai secrets, Asking the Immortal Finger" !”

"Your Highness, please watch."

I saw a stream of white energy suddenly shot out from Daoxuan's fingertips and submerged directly into the sea. Dianwei on the side also widened his eyes and muttered: "This is nothing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge roar exploded on the sea surface, causing thousands of waves to rise hundreds of feet high in an instant.

Dian Wei was stunned on the spot, but Ning Fan stood there quietly with a trance in his eyes.

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