Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 954: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Returns

"Your Highness, how is it?"

Dao Yun showed a hint of pride on her face, and it was obvious that her origin in Penglai gave her a great sense of superiority.

Dao Xuan looked at Ning Fan as if he had realized something, and reminded him softly: "Your Highness, there is no need to delve into it. This finger method is a top-grade martial art even in Penglai. There are only a few dozen people in the entire Penglai Fairy Island who can learn this method."

"Besides, you still need my Penglai Heart Method to assist you!"


Ning Fan came back to his senses and nodded, looking at Dao Xuan with expectation: "You are worthy of being a disciple of Penglai, Lao Xuan, can you show me a few more tricks?"

"Of course!"

After an incense stick, the calm sea Many fish corpses have appeared on the surface, and Dao Yun also demonstrated several unique skills by himself. Ning Fan's eyes were shining. He looked at the two and said expectantly: "Are there any more?"


"Oh." Ning Fan nodded and looked at Dao Xuan seriously: "Old Xuan, do you think I have learned well?"

"This is the Immortal Finger!"

Ning Fan also pointed his finger, and a white gas suddenly shot out, but it did not shoot into the sea surface but went straight through the void. After a wave, a gust of wind came from the sea surface.

"Is this really the Immortal Finger?"

"How is it possible?"

"Your Highness, how could you..."

Dao Xuan also looked at Ning Fan in surprise, and Dao Yun on the side said nonsense: "Is the prince also from Penglai?"

Dao Xuan shook his head and looked straight at Ning Fan.

"Haha, I have some talent in martial arts. As long as you perform it in front of me, I can learn it."


Dao Yun looked unconvinced, but Dao Xuan looked at him deeply, and seemed to not believe it either.

"Your Highness, are you serious?"

"How about a bet?"

Ning Fan's eyes flashed with cunning, and he looked at the two and said, "If I can reproduce the Penglai martial arts you just performed, you will agree to three things."

"These three things do not violate your wishes, nor will they affect the interests of Penglai. How about it?"

Looking at Ning Fan's smile, Daoxuan always felt that there was a trap here, but Daoyun said, "What if you can't do it?"

"If you can't do it, I will allow you two to enter my Dayu Library, and I can even promise you three things!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Daoyun agreed without thinking, and Daoxuan wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Ning Fan.

"Okay, since you agreed, I will start."

"Old Xuan, look, this is the Heaven Shaking Palm!"

"This is the Flying Immortal Fist!"

"This is"

Ning Fan reproduced the unique skills that the two had just performed one by one, and Daoxuan's face gradually changed from shock to horror.

I didn't expect Ning Fan to be able to replicate their unique skills. You know, Penglai martial arts are all top-notch, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Back then, he practiced the Heaven Shaking Palm for half a year before he could get started.

But now, Ning Fan's every move has basically reached the state of great success, comparable to their decades of hard work!

"Your Highness, did you really just learn it?"

"How could this be false?"

After Ning Fan finished his demonstration, he looked at the two of them with a smile, and Dao Yun on the side had not yet recovered from the shock.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. Since we lost, we will naturally agree to three things for Your Highness!"

"Wait a minute!"

Dao Yun on the side suddenly looked at Ning Fan: "May I ask Your Highness, how do you prove that you have learned it now?"


Ning Fan showed a playful look on his face, with a hint of mockery: "Then how do you prove that I didn't learn it now?"

"That's easy. I will show you another set of swordsmanship. If Your Highness can perform it within half a day, I will naturally believe it."


Seeing Dao Yun being so aggressive, Dao Xuan wanted to He started to scold, but Ning Fan nodded with a smile: "Okay!"

"Hmph, watch carefully!"

Dao Yun drew the long sword from his waist, and the temperature around him dropped suddenly. A flash of sword light whistled towards the distance, and the surging sword energy swept around the ship. Dao Xuan was also shocked: "Is this the ninth style of the Hanyue Sword, the original ice seal?"

"The complete version of this sword technique has long been lost, only the ninth style is still there."

"But I didn't expect that my junior sister actually practiced it."

In an instant, the sword light covered more than ten feet, and an ice peak suddenly rose on the sea in front of the ship.

Ning Fan's face was also shocked, and he exclaimed: "What a powerful sword technique!"

"Let me try it too!"

Ning Fan's figure directly soared into the air, waved his hand to draw the broadsword from Meng Tian's waist, and slashed with a sword, and the sword energy spread over a hundred feet.

A moment later, an iceberg with a radius of more than a hundred feet spread across the ship, blocking the way of the ship.


Whether it was Daoxuan or Daoyun, or Dianwei and Mengtian behind them, they all showed a look of shock.

"It is worthy of being the Penglai Immortal Method, which is so powerful."

"It's a pity that there is only one style!"

Ning Fan had a trace of regret on his face, and looked at Daoyun and said: "Are you convinced this time?"


Daoyun still had a cold face, and Ning Fan didn't mind. It doesn't matter if he has a bad face. When we get to our territory, I will let you see what a frog in the well is.


Yuwang City.

It was another morning court, and Emperor Yu sat at the top, looking a little tired, probably because he didn't rest well yesterday.

"Your Majesty, the grain and grass transported from Huainan by water have been transferred from the Huaihe River to the Lijiang River."

"Well, transport it to Xuanjian Pass immediately!"

"As ordered!"

"Your Majesty, Minister Lin has sent a message that Hu Nu has agreed to our conditions and is willing to exchange 5,000 good horses, 500 Ferghana horses, 30,000 cattle and sheep, and 500,000 taels of silver for two cities."

"Hmph, it's really a bargain for them, approved!"


As figures stood out one after another, it seemed that they were all good news.

Emperor Yu looked at Jiang Li and asked softly, "Is there any news about the prince?"

"Your Majesty!"

Jiang Li bowed and stepped out, saying softly, "Last night, a letter came from the Western Territory, and my Great Yu has won the first battle and captured Chiwan Island."


Emperor Yu clapped his hands and cheered, with a bit of relief on his face: "Although Yingzhou is small, its national strength is not weak. Send a decree to the prince and let him do his best. Conquering cities and territories is not a matter of overnight!"

"Now that the end of the year is approaching, he should also return to the army."

"Your Majesty!"

A young eunuch He hurried in and bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince has returned to the capital!"


Emperor Yu was stunned for a moment, and the civil and military officials below were also surprised: "Isn't the Crown Prince in Yingzhou?"

"What's going on?"

"Where is the Crown Prince now?"

"He is heading towards the palace now."



Emperor Yu was patient and frowned slightly. The Crown Prince had only been away for two months and probably arrived in Yingzhou a month ago, but why did he come back now?

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