
Zhao Yun and Guan Yu led 100,000 Han cavalrymen to keep going. Now Dongyan City is in danger and the situation is unclear, and this city is of great strategic significance.

It can even completely determine the trend of Dayu in the battlefield of the western border, so the two dare not be careless.


"Order the whole army to speed up!"



"Report to the two generals, Dayan cavalry was found ahead."

Guan Yu's expression was stern, and he asked in a deep voice: "How many soldiers are there?"

"Reply to General Guan, at least 50,000 cavalry!"


Zhao Yun's face also showed a trace of surprise. You know, Dayan now has 800,000 soldiers in the western border, including most of the cavalry, but he didn't expect that he could still split 50,000 cavalry.

"Zilong, you and I will split into two groups. I will hold them back, and you continue to lead the army to help!"


After the two looked at each other and nodded, the 100,000 Han cavalrymen were directly divided into two armies.

"Report, General, a large number of chevaux de frise pits and chevaux de frise spears have been found ahead!"

"Kill them!"

Guan Yu did not hesitate at all and directly ordered his soldiers to charge. Although Changyuan was a wasteland, there was only one ancient road. If they changed the route rashly, they would most likely encounter unknown dangers.

Besides, how could 50,000 Yanjun resist the Han cavalry?


When the two armies met, both sides charged directly at each other without hesitation.

"Charge the whole army!"

Guan Yu took the lead, galloping across the wilderness, his face flushed, and with a swing of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand, he swept down dozens of Yanqi who rushed forward.

"Don't be so arrogant, thief, I Jiang Qi is here to meet you!"

There was also a peerless general in the Yanjun formation, but Guan Yu's eyes flashed with disdain, his eyebrows slightly raised, accompanied by a horse neigh, the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand fell, and the head rolled down.

One after another, the armored cavalry charged forward with long spears. Although the cavalry of the Yan army was also well-armored, they seemed to be completely crushed in terms of riding and archery!

"The wind rises and the clouds fly, and the power is spread across the country and returns to the hometown!"

"How can I find brave warriors to guard the four directions!"

"The bones of the Han people are strong, and the souls of the Han people are fierce."

"The horses trample the world and never return, who dares to attack?"

"Han! Han! Han!"

At this moment, the long-calm Changyuan once again played the sad song of life. Fifty thousand Yan cavalry and fifty thousand Han cavalry confronted each other. Just a charge, more than half of them were already lost.

"General, Jiang Qi died in battle, and a Yu army bypassed us!"

"Forget it, Dayu's cavalry is more terrible than we imagined."

"Soldiers, defend our land and fight to the death."

"Follow me to kill!"

Seeing the defeat, the general Yan, who commanded the troops, was also determined to die. He raised his long spear and led his soldiers to launch a final charge towards the Han cavalry!


Outside the camp of the Yan army.

A fierce battle gradually came to an end, and the sky was gloomy, as if announcing the fall of a dynasty.

The two armies of Dayu defeated the Yan army in front of them with overwhelming force, and even broke into the camp.

On the high platform, Bai Qi looked at the gradually darkening sky, and a trace of concentration appeared in his eyes: "Order, withdraw the troops!"


"Sound the horn to withdraw the troops!"

After fighting for most of the day, although the Yu army won a big victory, the soldiers were already exhausted physically and mentally. Continuing to fight was nothing more than risking their lives.

And today's battle severely dampened the morale of the Yan army, and even killed a legendary general of the Yan army. It can be said that the overall situation has been decided.

"The first battle is a victory, and we will fight again tomorrow!"

Watching the Yu army retreat like a tide, Zi Wuji stood on the wall of the camp with a far-reaching look in his eyes.

Luo Tian was also more solemn than ever before, and said in a deep voice: "Dayu's army is so powerful that it overwhelms all countries, but now, our Dayan is not strong enough to confront it head-on!"

"The turning point of this battle may depend on Dongyan."

Lin Yan also nodded in agreement, and said in a deep voice: "Fortunately, Marshal Zi had foresight and sent out the Dayan Dragon Riders directly."

"Our army only needs to capture Dongyan City to cut off Dayu's food supply. At that time, we will attack Changluo from both sides and annihilate the main force of the Yu army in one fell swoop!"

The ancient scholar shook his head slightly, seemingly not too optimistic, and looked at Zi Wuji and said: "Marshal Zi, the current Yu army has a million soldiers and armors, thousands of good generals, and the Qihuo Army, the Black Armor Army, the White Robe Army, etc. are even more famous!"

"We must prepare for the worst in advance!"

"The worst plan?"

Zi Wuji remained silent. Changluo is the gateway to the east of Dayan, and now it is in the hands of Dayu, which means that if they retreat again, Dayu can divide the troops into several routes.

Now, the camp is firmly stationed here, barely able to resist the westward expansion of Yu's army.

But if Dongyan City is defeated, Dayu will retake Shanyang and Muye, and Dayan's northeastern region may be in danger.

"General, send more troops to Shanyang and Muye!"

"These two places cannot be lost, otherwise, we will be completely passive."

Hearing Qi Yan's words, Zi Wuji shook his head slightly: "Today's battle, our army lost tens of thousands. If we divide our troops again, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist Dayu's army."

"Gentlemen, do you know the reason for today's defeat?"


Gu Ru frowned slightly and analyzed: "General Yang's death in battle and the decline of our army's morale are probably the most important reasons."

"However, Dayu's soldiers are obviously more elite than ours."

"Not really!"

Zi Wuji shook his head slightly, looked at Qi Rong and his group, and said softly: "Just follow me."


Under the puzzled eyes of the generals, the group came to the front of the camp. Zi Wuji looked around and picked up two weapons from the ground.

"This is the standard broadsword of our Yan army."

"And this one is the sword equipped by the Yu army."

"Watch it carefully."

Zi Wuji reminded, and the swords in his hands suddenly collided with each other. With just one blow, the broadsword broke directly, and the other Yu sword just curled slightly.

"Did you see it clearly?"

"How is this possible? How could Dayu have such a sophisticated forging technique?"

"Is it just this sword?"

Zi Wuji shook his head and smiled, and said softly: "The giant crossbow across the sky and the exquisite crossbow are all powerful weapons that can win by surprise."

"In this battle, our army was defeated not because of people, but because of weapons!"

"In recent years, Dayu's strength is not only in national strength and military strength, but also in the refinement of weapons."

"My Dayan and Dayu have really changed their offense and defense!"

"Collect Gather the weapons and spears of the Yu army captured from the battlefield and send a batch to the court, so that the Ministry of Works can imitate them in the shortest possible time. "

"Equip a battalion of soldiers with the collected weapons."


"Let the soldiers build fortresses and dig ditches outside the camp overnight to prepare for tomorrow's battle."

"Now, everything depends on the Dayan Dragon Riders."

Zi Wuji sighed deeply. The combat power of the Yu army was indeed beyond his expectations, especially the general Yu holding the Yu King's Spear. Looking at the generals in the Dayan army, I am afraid no one can defeat him!


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