Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 985 Zhao Changying, when will you invite Changying again?

Under the city of Dongyan.

The Yan army is pressing in, with soldiers standing in rows, dark clouds pressing down on the city, and the murderous aura of iron horses and golden swords is overwhelming.

Zhao Changying is at the front line in person, with a solemn expression on his face. The Dayan Dragon Cavalry is completely restrained by the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry, and the three roads leading to Dongyan City from Changluo are all blocked. I am afraid that this time they can only rely on themselves.

"Attack the city!"

From the time the Yan army was at the gates of the city to the time they launched the siege, there was almost no pause, racing against time, at all costs.

The battering ram was pushed forward, and the giant crossbow on the tower aimed at the Yan army pushing the battering ram. After firing again and again, large groups of Yan army fell, but there were still people behind them.

The dull sound of war drums resounded throughout the world, mixed with the shouts of soldiers, facing the glimmer of sunset, rows of cloud ladders were set up on the battlements, huge rocks rolled, kerosene was poured, and the smoke was filled, and the world was full of murderous aura!


Another round of Yan army rushed to the tower. The gate of Dongyan City was already shaky. In just half an hour, the tower was already full of corpses.

Zhao Changying held a Mo Dao, which he had asked for from Dian Wei. He used it very easily. Unknowingly, his body was stained with blood, but it was all from the enemy.

"Old Zhao, take a break!"

"It's okay!"

Zhao Changying chopped down a Yan army soldier who rushed up to the ground with another knife. Blood splattered on his face, and his breathing became unusually heavy.

"I'm old now. If it was ten years ago, I would have dared to kill my way out of the city with a knife."

Liu Fengping also laughed out loud and said loudly: "The man is old but the knife is not old. Our knife is still sharp!"


The two old brothers laughed out loud. The Yan army gathered around them more and more. Dayu's soldiers also surrounded them, forming a defensive circle.

"Report, Marshal, the crossbows have run out of arrows."

"Well, light them!"

Zhao Changying ordered them to be burned directly. The crossbows were Dayu's strategic weapons. Now Dongyan City was in danger. If these crossbows fell into the hands of the Yan Army, they would probably be able to replicate them in no time.

"Report, Marshal, the city gate is about to collapse."

"Damn it, send me another 5,000 soldiers to block the city gate, and the archers will line up behind the city gate."

"The city gate must not be lost!"


"Han Qin, where are you, you bastard?"

"Report, Marshal, General Han... just died in battle!"

Zhao Changying was stunned for a moment, a little dazed for a while. Han Qin was a veteran by his side, a right-hand man, who had fought with him for more than ten years and made great military achievements.

"This bastard, he just left without telling me!"

"Damn it, this bastard is not loyal!"

"Okay, where's Xu Erliang?"

"Replying to the commander, General Xu is also..."

Zhao Changying was silent, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a crystal, but he forced a smile on his face: "Good!"

"As expected of the soldiers led by me, Zhao Changying, none of them are cowards!"

"How come these two bastards left before me?"

"Old Zhao!"

Looking at Zhao Changying's expression, Liu Fengping was also extremely sad. Three of his generals died in battle, and the youngest one had just been promoted to a frontier general, with a promising future.

He even thought a few days ago that he would find a way to send that kid to the front line to gain experience in front of His Highness's tent, and maybe he could guard a place in the future.


"General, the city gate has been breached!"

Hearing that the city gate had been breached, Zhao Changying threw away the Mo Dao in his hand, picked up a spear, and asked in a deep voice: "Is the second line of defense ready?"

"Report to the commander, the second line of defense is ready!"


"Withdraw from the city wall, pour kerosene, and start burning the city!"


Zhao Changying led the soldiers to fight and retreat. After arriving at the tower, teams of armored soldiers were ready for battle, with determination on their faces.

Liu Fengping stood in the crowd and waved his hand: "Shoot!"

A team of Yanjun who had just rushed into the city gate was directly taken away by a wave of arrows, but the next moment, another team of Yanjun rushed in with shields raised.

On the tower, there was a figure standing against the flames, crossing the sea of ​​fire.

"Heavy infantry, take charge and guard the main roads."

"Archers, shoot!"

Under the command of Zhao Changying and the others, the offensive of the Yan army was blocked again, and the sky had completely darkened, but the fire on the city tower was burning more and more vigorously.

The air was filled with a disgusting smell of burnt corpses, but gradually, Dayan's offensive seemed to stop.



The sound of horse hooves rang out, and figures emerged from the city gate again, but this time they were cavalry.

The tail of the warhorse under the knight's crotch was set on fire, and the head was covered with a black scarf. The warhorses seemed to be crazy, raising their hooves crazily.

"Archers, shoot!"

As the knights rushed into the city and rushed directly to the front of the battle, the fire on the city tower gradually subsided, and figures rushed down from the city tower.

Zhao Changying looked calm as he looked at Liu Fengping: "Are you ready?"


"Okay, let's fight to the death, success or failure depends on God!"

"Soldiers, kill!"

Zhao Changying and Liu Fengping led the army to charge, determined to block the Yan army at the city gate.

Close combat began. Most of the Yan army attacking the city were elite, while the defenders of Dongyan City were mostly border troops, and their combat power was weaker.

After a day of hard fighting, their physical strength was gradually unable to support them.

Zhao Changying held a spear, breathing heavily, and pierced a Yanjun's chest with a spear, but a knife flashed beside him and he was also stabbed in the waist.

"Old Zhao!"

Zhao Changying's eyes gradually became dazed, the figure in his pupils seemed to start shaking, and even the spear in his hand began to tremble slightly.



Figures rushed towards him frantically. Zhao Changying wanted to wave at them, but his hands seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and he couldn't lift them no matter what.

The Yanjun in front of him had a hideous face, holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, and stabbed him hard in the chest.

Zhao Changying spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his vision gradually became unclear. One after another, like ethereal voices echoed in his ears, and the strength in his body seemed to be drained away in an instant.

Liu Fengping's face twisted, and he sent the Yanjun flying with a spear. Zhao Changying's eyes showed a trace of relief, and his lips slightly opened: "Old Liu..."

He only said two words, and then he fell straight to the ground, but he still held the spear tightly in his hand.

"Zhao Changying!"


Liu Fengping roared one after another, but the figure on the ground died with a smile, and he would never wake up again.

In a trance, Liu Fengping seemed to see Zhao Changying cursing at him: "Old Liu, old brother, I'll go first and go down to explore the way for you."

"Qi Qin and the other guys are in

"Dongyan City is handed over to you, go back alive for me!"

"Old Liu, did you hear me!"


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