Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 986 Yu's army arrives and fights outside the city

Zhao Changying fell down. This old general who had fought on the battlefield for decades, who should have retired to the second line, welcomed the final destination of his career at this moment.

Figures formed a steel defense line, quietly guarding Zhao Changying's body behind them.

Liu Fengping looked at his old brother who fell straight to the ground. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't squeeze out a single tear.

"Old Zhao, goodbye!"

"From here, head east and you'll reach our home."

"Remember to look at the great mountains and rivers we have conquered along the way. Look to the west and see the fertile land that the Crown Prince and his men have laid for Dayu!"

"Let's go to the Heroic Soul Square. There are many of our old brothers there!"

"Leave this Dongyan City to me!"

Liu Fengping carried Zhao Changying and looked at the soldiers behind him: "Soldiers, see Old Zhao off!"

"I, your humble general, send off the Duke of Zhenguo!"

"Today is the day of a fight to the death. This battle is a battle of martyrdom for the country!"

"Are you afraid?"


The 20,000 remnants of the army shouted in unison. Liu Fengping handed Zhao Changying's body to a lieutenant beside him: "Old Zhao is now in your hands. From now on, your mission is to send Old Zhao back to the court intact. !"


"I will spare no effort to send the body of the Duke of Zhenguo back to the court!"

The general burst into tears: "But General Liu, is the Duke willing to return to the court?"

"The brothers are all here!"

Liu Fengping was stunned for a moment, and also showed a sad smile: "You are right, Lao Zhao probably doesn't want to leave either!"

"There are green mountains everywhere in the world?"

"Soldiers, kill!"

"We die, but these Yan cubs will sooner or later be buried under the iron hoof of my Dayu."

"My Dayu is no longer the same as before. If we die, the court will provide pensions, our children will go to school, and our mother will be taken care of by someone at home!"


Liu Fengping held a long knife and led his army to charge forward. The 20,000 Yu army behind him were also very motivated and rushed towards the Yan army with their weapons.

"Are these Yu troops crazy?"

"They are only 20,000 remnants, and they dare to charge at us?"

The generals of the Yan army looked at the Yu army in front of them with astonishment. According to their intelligence, the 50,000 troops of Dongyan City were not the main force.

But they forgot that once, Dayu's border troops also blocked them outside Xuanjian Pass and could not advance an inch.

"Kill, we must break Dongyan City tonight!"


The sky had completely darkened, and the two armies fought hand-to-hand, with no one to distinguish the superiority, only life and death.



Outside Dongyan City, a group of cavalry came on horseback. Zhao Yun looked at the dark Yan army pouring into Dongyan City, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Soldiers, charge!"


With the dull sound of the horn, 50,000 Han cavalry began to charge at the Yan army pouring into Dongyan City.

"Enemy attack!"

"Report, General, a group of Dayu cavalrymen rushed out of the city!"


The general of the Yan army was horrified and asked hurriedly: "How many soldiers and horses did they come with?"

"Unknown number!"

"Assholes, divide the troops to resist the enemy!"


"General, our rear army was penetrated by the Dayu army, and the soldiers have begun to disintegrate!"

"How is it possible? The three main roads from Changluo to Dongyan City have been blocked by our troops. Where did they come from?"


"General, the Dayu army rushed in."


Liu Fengping was leading his troops to charge, but he watched the Yan army begin to retreat, and even the soldiers at the city gate continued to withdraw from Dongyan City. His expression was also stunned for a moment.

"What happened?"

"Report, General Liu, a group of cavalrymen came outside the city, they are our reinforcements!"

"Order to recapture the tower and go out of the city to pursue!"


There was not much joy on Liu Fengping's face. He commanded his soldiers to advance forward in an orderly manner.

With the entry of the Han cavalry, the situation reversed instantly. The Yan army gradually collapsed under the attack from both sides.

"Where is the Duke of Zhao?"

"I am Zhao Zilong of the Han army!"

Holding a silver spear high, a lieutenant beside Liu Fengping shouted: "General Liu is here!"

Zhao Yun looked forward, squeezed his legs against the horse's belly, and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me to kill!"

A silver spear was held horizontally, and the terrifying spear light instantly spanned dozens of feet, directly sweeping away more than a hundred Yan soldiers who were coming to kill.

One man and one horse penetrated the enemy camp, and the cavalry behind him began to strangle them from all sides.

With the entry of the Han cavalry, the battle situation was no longer a confrontation between the two armies, but a unilateral massacre of the Yan soldiers by the Han cavalry!

"General Liu!"

Zhao Yun saw Liu Fengping's bloody figure and quickly turned over and dismounted.

"The Yan army has been defeated!"

"I didn't expect you to hold on until now."

Liu Fengping forced a smile and bowed slightly: "General Zhao came hundreds of miles to help, I am very grateful."

"General Liu, you are too polite."

"Where is General Zhao?"

After this, not only Liu Fengping, but also the soldiers around him were silent.

Zhao Yun also had an ominous premonition, and the crowd made way for a passage, only to see an old man in armor, covered in blood, lying peacefully on the ground.

"General Zhao!"

Zhao Yun looked moved. Although this man was not a Chinese military general, he had a very good personal relationship with his lord and was loyal. He was also highly respected among the Chinese military generals.

"Send the order, no one from Yan's army will be left alive inside or outside the city!"


Its daybreak.

Ning Fan also received the battle report from Dongyan City and sat alone in the courtyard in silence for a long time.

Bai Qi stepped forward and cupped his hands slightly: "Lord, the Yan army is calling for formation outside the city, with one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to fight against one hundred thousand of our army!"

"Go ahead!"


War drums beat outside the city, the Changluo city gate opened wide, and a group of black-armored infantry came out of the city to confront Yan Jun from a distance.

Not long after, the shouts of killing shook the heaven and the earth and spread throughout Changluo City.

Ning Fan was still sitting in the small courtyard, with a pot of wine and a plate of side dishes placed on the table.

"Mr. Zhao, here's a toast to you!"

"It's a pity that you left too early and never saw the prosperous world that Gu was about to conquer!"

"You have never seen me, Dayu, rule the world!"

Ning Fan poured the wine on the east side, drank a full glass of wine himself, and laughed, "It doesn't matter if you pour it!"

"Go away, you will surely return to Yu!"

"I promise you that in three months at most, Dayu's cavalry will knock on the gate of Bauhinia City."

After saying that, Ning Fan stood up and walked towards the tower.

In front of the Yanjun formation, Zi Wuji stood on the high platform built, watching the soldiers and horses of the two armies fighting, with a very serious look on his face.

Gu Ru personally led the army and formed an array with 100,000 infantry. Yu's army launched an offensive directly after leaving the city. The person who led the army was Yu's commander-in-chief, Bai Qi!


"Left camp, right camp, attack from outside!"

"Iron Eagle warriors, charge forward and fire with Zhuge's crossbows!"

“In the middle camp, let’s fire all the bows and crossbows!”

"Rear camp, catapults are thrown quickly!"

One hundred thousand Qin warriors, led by the Iron Eagle warriors, were overwhelmingly powerful. No matter the shield array or the human wall, they could not stop the attack of the Great Qin warriors!

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