Da Li.

Xueyue City.

Ning Fan brought Dian Wei to the city gate, and a sigh appeared on his face.

In one's life, going to the same place, the feeling is different every time.

History is heavy, just like the mottled city wall in front of him, standing here for who knows how many years, but the people on the city wall have changed one batch after another.

Behind the arrow holes and knife marks on the city wall, there may be a shocking story or the end of a person's ordinary life.

Ning Fan has grown up, especially since he became the regent, his state of mind has been changing all the time.

"My lord, are you going to find Madam Xue?"

Dian Wei asked according to the routine. Xue Yueshan has been placed in Xueyue City by Ning Fan. Every time he came to Li before, he had to go to express his condolences on behalf of the late General Chen.

"What Madam Xue, go to the palace to see my son!"


Dian Wei scratched his head with embarrassment, and drove the carriage to the palace.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the court has started recruiting soldiers again."

"Zhang the Cripple, are you going to sign up too?"

"You are the cripple, your whole family is crippled, I just fell a few days ago."

"I heard that the Ministry of War is recruiting soldiers this time to form a new army?"

"Ah, when will the days end!"

Ning Fan sat in the carriage, listening to the discussions of pedestrians on the street, and a trance appeared on his face.

At the order of the authority, the grassroots soldiers went through life and death, the rulers shook hands and made peace, and the martyrs were buried in their hometowns.

In recent years, there have been constant wars, and I don’t know how many lonely graves there are in the Central Plains, and how many widows there are in the world.

"Dian Wei, stop the car!"

Ning Fan sat quietly in the sedan for a long time, slowly got off the carriage, and said softly: "I'm not going to the palace, I'm going to the Ministry of War."

"Mainly to recruit soldiers?"


"To join the army!"

Ning Fan's eyes showed a firmness. Since he traveled through time, he has been living a life of luxury, but he has never really gone deep into this era to take a look at the people at the bottom.

The most important thing is that he wants to stand from the perspective of an ordinary soldier and take a look at this so-called great struggle in the eyes of the rulers.

"Join the army!?"

Looking at Dian Wei's puzzled expression, Ning Fan said calmly: "From now on, your name is Dian Man and my name is Fan Ning."

"But... we don't have identity badges!"

"Take my token and go get one."


Dian Wei left stupidly, but Ning Fan lined up in front of the yamen. In front of him was a child of only thirteen or fourteen years old, and behind him was a burly man.

Dali is not short of soldiers. Dayan has gone south several times and has destroyed the farmland in the north. Now most of it is barren.

And with the flow of population, a large number of unemployed people have gathered in the capital area, and they can't even fill their stomachs.

In the past six months, under the auspices of Liu Bowen, the people's livelihood has been stabilized by using work instead of relief, and the trade stimulation brought by trade with Dayu has stabilized the situation. Otherwise, there would have been chaos long ago.

"Little brother, are you here to join the army too?"


The burly man standing behind Ning Fan took the initiative to talk, with a simple and honest face.

Ning Fan nodded slightly, with a kind smile on his face: "Are you from the capital?"

"Yes, I am a farmer outside the city."

"Since you have farmland, why do you join the army?"

"I have many brothers, and my mother has brothers to serve me. I am strong, so I want to see if I can join the army and build a career!"

"I have ambition!"

Ning Fan nodded, and then looked at the ragged boy in front of him: "How old are you?"


"As far as I know, the recruitment this time must be at least eighteen years old?"

"No, twelve ”


Ning Fan also showed a hint of surprise, and asked in confusion: "You are so young, why do you want to join the army?"

“Fill your stomach!”

“Where are your family members?”

“They are all dead!”

“My father and my uncle died on the battlefield. My mother starved to death some time ago. I have no home.”

Ning Fan was silent for a long time. The man behind him also took out a piece of cake from his arms and handed it over: "You haven't eaten for a long time, right?"

“Thank you!”

Dian Wei came back and brought two identity badges. Soon it was Ning Fan's turn.


“Fan Ning!”

“Place of origin?”

“Xueyue City!”

“How old are you?”

After registering, they got a badge and reported to the camp outside the city within three days.

Ning Fan looked at the two men and asked softly, "What are your names?"

"My name is Zhao Wanhu!"

"My name is Qi Mian."

"It seems that you two have no intention of going home. Let's go to the camp together?"


So the four of them walked together towards the camp outside the city.

The camp was set up fifteen miles outside the city, exactly the opposite direction from when Ning Fan came. After showing the token, he was taken to the martial arts training ground by a centurion.

"What can you do?"

"I'm strong!"

"Come on, try it!"

There were several neatly arranged stone pillars in front of him. Zhao Wanhu walked directly to the largest one, took a stance, stretched out his arms, and directly embraced the stone and lifted it above his head!

"Wow, this is a 500-jin stone!"

"What a good seedling!"

"Zhao Wanhu, you can enter the upper camp!"

"Where are you two?"

The officer saw that Dian Wei was also tall and tall, and said to him: "You should try it too!"


Dian Wei nodded lightly, walked to the stone, easily lifted the stone, and then gently put it back down.

The hundreds of households were stunned. They didn't expect that he would welcome two fierce men today.

There is a rule in the army that if you can lift a hundred kilograms, you can be a corps commander; if you can lift three hundred kilograms, you can be a captain; if you can lift five hundred kilograms, you can be a hundred households!

The camp has been open for several days, and there are only a handful of people who can lift a stone weighing 500 kilograms. Unexpectedly, two people came at once today.

"Are you all together?"


"Come on, you two should try it too!"

Ning Fan nodded slightly. Instead of lifting the five-hundred-jin boulder, he walked up to the one-hundred-jin stone and lifted it easily.

Baihu's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this young man, who looked as tender as a noble prince, could lift a hundred kilograms of stone with such ease.

"try again?"


Ning Fan shook his head. The hundred households estimated that this was Ning Fan's limit, so they no longer forced themselves and nodded lightly.

"And you?"

"I'm not very strong, but my slingshot is very accurate."


There was a hint of disappointment on Baihu's face, as if he was looking out for Dian and Wei, he said softly: "Just follow them, I will assign you to a big camp."

"You two can be centurions. The general will personally learn from you later and assign troops to you."

"No need!"

Dian Wei shook his head: "I will just follow the young master and be a pawn in front of him!"


"How can we tolerate your childishness in the army? Outside you can be masters and servants, but in the army you are all soldiers."

"Let them all follow me, and give us another person. We will be a team of our own. After becoming famous on the battlefield, we will have our own rewards!"

The hundred households looked at Ning Fan's calm look on his face, and his gestures carried the aura of someone who had been in a position of power for a long time, and nodded slightly: "Okay, I'm looking forward to you making a name for yourself!"

(Remember to bookmark it for next time reading!)

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